The President's Brain is Missing II


Hall of Famer
Sep 2, 2001
Trump thinks "Western-style liberalism" is about California, and "busing" is about transportation.

NEW YORK TIMES’S PETER BAKER: [Putin's] comments to the Financial Times right before arriving here was that Western-style liberalism is obsolete. I know you probably --

TRUMP: Well, I mean he may feel that way. He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people.

. . .

WELKER: I just wanted to follow up on the question about busing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools. Does that relate to the policy that you’re --

TRUMP: Well, that’s something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools. So this is something that’s been done. In some cases, it’s been done with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. And, you know, that’s part of it.. But this has been certainly a thing that’s been used over the -- I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. Because they really did hit him hard on that one. But it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools.
Almost 90 percent of Republicans think the imbecile is doing a great job. This is among the many reasons that decent people should not vote Republican.
Trump thinks "Western-style liberalism" is about California, and "busing" is about transportation.

NEW YORK TIMES’S PETER BAKER: [Putin's] comments to the Financial Times right before arriving here was that Western-style liberalism is obsolete. I know you probably --

TRUMP: Well, I mean he may feel that way. He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people.

. . .

WELKER: I just wanted to follow up on the question about busing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools. Does that relate to the policy that you’re --

TRUMP: Well, that’s something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools. So this is something that’s been done. In some cases, it’s been done with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. And, you know, that’s part of it.. But this has been certainly a thing that’s been used over the -- I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. Because they really did hit him hard on that one. But it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools.
Almost 90 percent of Republicans think the imbecile is doing a great job. This is among the many reasons that decent people should not vote Republican.

I doubt his IQ is above a turnip. That busing answer may be dumber than anything ever said.
Trump thinks "Western-style liberalism" is about California, and "busing" is about transportation.

NEW YORK TIMES’S PETER BAKER: [Putin's] comments to the Financial Times right before arriving here was that Western-style liberalism is obsolete. I know you probably --

TRUMP: Well, I mean he may feel that way. He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people.

. . .

WELKER: I just wanted to follow up on the question about busing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools. Does that relate to the policy that you’re --

TRUMP: Well, that’s something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools. So this is something that’s been done. In some cases, it’s been done with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. And, you know, that’s part of it.. But this has been certainly a thing that’s been used over the -- I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. Because they really did hit him hard on that one. But it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools.
Almost 90 percent of Republicans think the imbecile is doing a great job. This is among the many reasons that decent people should not vote Republican.
Good Lord.
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Any city that has a human poop patrol is alright with me. Seems like a well run place.

To the poop mobile!!!!

What exactly does anything you posted have to do with the incredible fact that people voted (for the office of POTUS) an idiot who doesn't know the meaning of terms any normal high school student in the US should know? As Marvin pointed out,the man has the IQ of a turnip and that answer on "busing" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard a public official say...
Any city that has a human poop patrol is alright with me. Seems like a well run place.

To the poop mobile!!!!

I was confused why you posted this and then doubled down. The ONLY conclusion that makes sense is that you are as confused by Putin's terminology as Trump is.

You're not faking it- you really don't understand the difference between the way people in the US refer to "liberals" and the terminology Putin was employing. I'm kinda surprised...
I feel truly sorry for whoever takes over this mess. Trump going to our enemies in hopes he can learn to control America and do away with term limits is baffling.
I was confused why you posted this and then doubled down. The ONLY conclusion that makes sense is that you are as confused by Putin's terminology as Trump is.

You're not faking it- you really don't understand the difference between the way people in the US refer to "liberals" and the terminology Putin was employing. I'm kinda surprised...
This seems likely.
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I feel truly sorry for whoever takes over this mess.
It's going to be a monumental task. It's going to take years to restore our standing internationally. Domestically, lets hope that the Dem victory in 2020 is strong enough that the Senate understands they need to get on board, even if it doesn't flip.
You're not faking it- you really don't understand the difference between the way people in the US refer to "liberals" and the terminology Putin was employing. I'm kinda surprised..

I am listening to the audio book Guns of August to see how it compares to the written book. Just before reading the above paragraph Tuchman was detailing one of the Kaiser's letters to the czar where the Kaiser said that Russia had nothing in common with those decadent liberal democracies and should come home to the Three Emperors League.

That said, I would not discount some of Trump's supporters or Trump from agreeing that democracies themselves are decadent.
That said, I would not discount some of Trump's supporters or Trump from agreeing that democracies themselves are decadent.
Decadence is Trump's stock in trade. The idiots that support him understand that and don't care as long as he gives them what they think they want.

Western liberal democracies are fragile. While I don't think ours will be broken, it appears to be becoming less liberal and less democratic. Whether that trend continues is anybody's guess. .
Trump thinks "Western-style liberalism" is about California, and "busing" is about transportation.

NEW YORK TIMES’S PETER BAKER: [Putin's] comments to the Financial Times right before arriving here was that Western-style liberalism is obsolete. I know you probably --

TRUMP: Well, I mean he may feel that way. He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people.

. . .

WELKER: I just wanted to follow up on the question about busing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools. Does that relate to the policy that you’re --

TRUMP: Well, that’s something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools. So this is something that’s been done. In some cases, it’s been done with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. And, you know, that’s part of it.. But this has been certainly a thing that’s been used over the -- I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. Because they really did hit him hard on that one. But it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools.
Almost 90 percent of Republicans think the imbecile is doing a great job. This is among the many reasons that decent people should not vote Republican.

Trump does bring levity to the office.

Plus, Trump has demystified the office of POTUS. Now we know any dumbfeck can be president. Its opens up the possibilities to everyone --- smart or dumb; black, brown or orange; religious, racist or misogynist -- or all of the above.

Its all is possible now -- with the exception of Muslim (though that's debatable considering the previous fella) and socialist.

Thats the new democracy for you! Not for the elitists only.
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I was confused why you posted this and then doubled down. The ONLY conclusion that makes sense is that you are as confused by Putin's terminology as Trump is.

You're not faking it- you really don't understand the difference between the way people in the US refer to "liberals" and the terminology Putin was employing. I'm kinda surprised...
Wrong. I know what Putin was referring too. I also doubt whether Trump did.

Either way, it was a chance to link one of my all time favorite stories.
What exactly does anything you posted have to do with the incredible fact that people voted (for the office of POTUS) an idiot who doesn't know the meaning of terms any normal high school student in the US should know? As Marvin pointed out,the man has the IQ of a turnip and that answer on "busing" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard a public official say...
What does my post have to do with voters being stupid?

What does my post have to do with voters being stupid?


This thread is NOT about voters being stupid per se. It's about Trump being embarrassingly stupid,and some people voting for him anyway. Are you truly not embarrassed to read the definition of busing he supplied when asked a pretty straightforward question?

I'm not an elitist. I have friends/family or simply know people who are not the sharpest tools in the shed,and it doesn't lower my feelings towards them. But I probably would not want to have them as a teammate in an academic competition, and I sure as Hell don't want that level of stupidity occupying the White House.

The more I see/hear Trump "speak" in public, the more convinced I am that Fred Trump must have scammed the education system long before we had a "college admissions scandal"... Ivy League education My Ass...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Trump does bring levity to the office.

Plus, Trump has demystified the office of POTUS. Now we know any dumbfeck can be president. Its opens up the possibilities to everyone --- smart or dumb; black, brown or orange; religious, racist or misogynist -- or all of the above.

Its all is possible now -- with the exception of Muslim (though that's debatable considering the previous fella) and socialist.

Thats the new democracy for you! Not for the elitists only.

And you need to be worth hundred of millions if not billions. You left out that caveat.
What does my post have to do with voters being stupid?

These lefties have to ask questions like that because none of them has yet come to grips with the election of Trump as President. They know nothing of the regular people of the country and care less. They'd step over a disabled veteran to help an illegal alien take a dump on the street of some Democratically controlled city. They'd take ALL your money and give it to people who haven't raised a finger to earn it and yet, though they ignore the deplorables, somehow they know that they also hate them - and they hate conservatives, too. The hatred eats them up. They can't deal with the election of Trump.
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Getting back to whether "busing" students to often times far away places from the neighborhoods in which they lived in order to achieve equal education was a good idea was a recent topic for a group of senior citizens to which I belong.

Included in the group were lawyers who presented the case in favor of busing before a District Judge in Indianapolis. After much discussion the group really didn't decide if Judge Dillon's decision to bus students to meet certain quotas was a good idea.

As a "liberal" who approved of the Dillon decision about busing at the time and now lives in a neighborhood where black children were "bused" I feel busing was a failure.

Let us face it, history is full of cases where so-called liberal and conservative ideas failed when implemented.
When a Democrat like AOC says something stupid the righties dog pile on the “silly girl”. When the POTUS continues saying stupid things the righties spike the football like they won something.

Having smart competent politicians should be the American goal. The hypocrisy is sickening, but the right and hypocrisy are hand and glove. Once you are immune to shame, you can accomplish a lot of awful things.

I welcome the principled conservatives back anytime now. Please come.
What does my post have to do with voters being stupid?

These lefties have to ask questions like that because none of them has yet come to grips with the election of Trump as President. They know nothing of the regular people of the country and care less. They'd step over a disabled veteran to help an illegal alien take a dump on the street of some Democratically controlled city. They'd take ALL your money and give it to people who haven't raised a finger to earn it and yet, though they ignore the deplorables, somehow they know that they also hate them - and they hate conservatives, too. The hatred eats them up. They can't deal with the election of Trump.
They’re are a lot of true conservatives who haven’t come to grips with the election of Trump, either. If you think what Trump stands for is conservatism, then you have no clue of what American conservatism is. I’m betting Reagan is rolling in his grave at the display of respect Trump shows towards the disgusting murderers, Putin, Jong-Un, and the Saudi crown prince.
They’re are a lot of true conservatives who haven’t come to grips with the election of Trump, either. If you think what Trump stands for is conservatism, then you have no clue of what American conservatism is. I’m betting Reagan is rolling in his grave at the display of respect Trump shows towards the disgusting murderers, Putin, Jong-Un, and the Saudi crown prince.
Conservatism is dead. The clueless think otherwise, but they're free to fantasize.
These lefties have to ask questions like that because none of them has yet come to grips with the election of Trump as President. They know nothing of the regular people of the country and care less. They'd step over a disabled veteran to help an illegal alien take a dump on the street of some Democratically controlled city. They'd take ALL your money and give it to people who haven't raised a finger to earn it and yet, though they ignore the deplorables, somehow they know that they also hate them - and they hate conservatives, too. The hatred eats them up. They can't deal with the election of Trump.
As much as I dislike Trump, the Dems are just as shady, at least the ones who participated in the debates. All of them want to decriminalize illegal immigration and all but 2 want to give illegals health coverage.

What do you suppose would happen if we implemented those policies?

I’m guessing it would make the current border crisis look like nothing.
As much as I dislike Trump, the Dems are just as shady, at least the ones who participated in the debates. All of them want to decriminalize illegal immigration and all but 2 want to give illegals health coverage.

What do you suppose would happen if we implemented those policies?

I’m guessing it would make the current border crisis look like nothing.
You saying "All of them want to decriminalize illegal immigration" is without a doubt the most incorrect thing I've read the entire day
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Just as shady??? Gimme a break. They may be out of line with their policy positions, but Trump has shady all to himself.
But but but the dems are bad tooooooo.

Thanks Obama. Really did a shit job bailing out the economy...wait

Comments like these are the reason i'm an independent and vote for the best candidate imo. This tribalism rah rah right vs left is asinine. No one wins as both are controlled by special interest group's
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I haven't bothered to look it up, but I'm sure the conservative/far-right talking heads have crafted a gas-lighting message that fully explains why Trump talking about LA and San Francisco and busing as a primary means of transporting students is actually a stroke of genius and exactly what he meant to say. #covfefe
Trump thinks "Western-style liberalism" is about California, and "busing" is about transportation.

NEW YORK TIMES’S PETER BAKER: [Putin's] comments to the Financial Times right before arriving here was that Western-style liberalism is obsolete. I know you probably --

TRUMP: Well, I mean he may feel that way. He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people.

. . .

WELKER: I just wanted to follow up on the question about busing. Do you see it as a viable way of integrating schools. Does that relate to the policy that you’re --

TRUMP: Well, that’s something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools. So this is something that’s been done. In some cases, it’s been done with a hammer instead of a velvet glove. And, you know, that’s part of it.. But this has been certainly a thing that’s been used over the -- I think if Vice President Biden had answered the question somewhat differently, it would have been a different result. Because they really did hit him hard on that one. But it is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools.
Almost 90 percent of Republicans think the imbecile is doing a great job. This is among the many reasons that decent people should not vote Republican.

Good God.... the man is really a slobbering idiot.

Idiocracy in action.

These lefties have to ask questions like that because none of them has yet come to grips with the election of Trump as President. They know nothing of the regular people of the country and care less. They'd step over a disabled veteran to help an illegal alien take a dump on the street of some Democratically controlled city. They'd take ALL your money and give it to people who haven't raised a finger to earn it and yet, though they ignore the deplorables, somehow they know that they also hate them - and they hate conservatives, too. The hatred eats them up. They can't deal with the election of Trump.

Amazing that you can dissect everyone here- at least enough to know that we aren't "regular people". I'm pretty regular, being as how I'm working 80+ hrs a week with heart failure,since I can't afford to retire...

However, beyond all that, both you and Hoopsdoc both seemed to miss the point of my question to Hoopsdoc in the first place. My point was that his post (and now yours here) are OFF TOPIC to the subject of the thread. Consequently, I was curious as to why he posted something about a "poop squad" in a thread specifically dealing with Trump's VOCABULARY challenges?

The SUBJECT of the thread is the fact that Trump clearly doesn't know the meaning of the term "busing", and that he confused Putin's attack on the IDEAL OF WESTERN LIBERALISM (practiced historically by both Conservatives like Churchill and more moderate/liberal politicians like FDR,Truman,Eisenhower etc...) with the narrow attacks on liberals by US Conservatives. Trump clearly doesn't know the difference,and from Hoopsdoc's posts about "liberal cities" it appeared he didn't know the difference either. Your post just takes the off topic nature of what Hoopsdoc has posted to a completely different level of absurdness...
You mean one isn’t all?
What about 7 of 10 on Thursday night that said they’d repeal the provision in the law that made entering the country without permission a crime? Two others said they’d consider it. That’s 9 of 10. The other abstained from taking a stand. I think you should listen a little closer to what your candidates are saying. They’re going to let Trump win again if they don’t stop pandering so much to the left.
What about 7 of 10 on Thursday night that said they’d repeal the provision in the law that made entering the country without permission a crime? Two others said they’d consider it. That’s 9 of 10. The other abstained from taking a stand. I think you should listen a little closer to what your candidates are saying. They’re going to let Trump win again if they don’t stop pandering so much to the left.
I still find it amazing that so many of you think it's the Democrats' job to stop Trump by "pandering" - as you put it - to the right. Trump f***ed up the conservative party, so you expect the liberal party to stop being liberal, and if they don't, then Trump is really their fault. It's absurd.
I still find it amazing that so many of you think it's the Democrats' job to stop Trump by "pandering" - as you put it - to the right. Trump f***ed up the conservative party, so you expect the liberal party to stop being liberal, and if they don't, then Trump is really their fault. It's absurd.
They shouldn’t pander to the right, they should think more about the middle rather than pandering to the left. There aren’t enough on the left to win. Do you think it’s a winning position to repeal the illegality of people entering the country without permission and not to deport them? I don’t.
They shouldn’t pander to the right, they should think more about the middle rather than pandering to the left. There aren’t enough on the left to win. Do you think it’s a winning position to repeal the illegality of people entering the country without permission and not to deport them? I don’t.
I think we've seen enough data posted here to suggest that this mythical middle doesn't really exist. There are more votes on the left than there are between the parties.

As to your question at the end, I don't think you really understood what that exchange was actually about. Although, that's probably immaterial, since we're talking electoral politics here, so perception obviously matters more than fact, anyway.
What about 7 of 10 on Thursday night that said they’d repeal the provision in the law that made entering the country without permission a crime?
That criminalization is what allows them to in turn separate families. The law & order Neanderthals shrug and say "tough shit." The bleeding hearts wail "But what about the chiiildreeen...???"

Tough choices will have to be made. Either do away with accepting refugees, or make the changes necessary to accommodate them. This middle way we find ourself in isn't working.
What about 7 of 10 on Thursday night that said they’d repeal the provision in the law that made entering the country without permission a crime? Two others said they’d consider it. That’s 9 of 10. The other abstained from taking a stand. I think you should listen a little closer to what your candidates are saying. They’re going to let Trump win again if they don’t stop pandering so much to the left.

Are those claiming to seek asylum lawbreakers? If not, the statistics on lawbreakers change dramatically.

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