TDH - Scenes from the Hoosier Fan Fest's a friendly dig at Laz, especially early in his broadcasting career. And I loved Laz, he was a bit dry but was much less a homer than many other color radio guys. For quite a while, Laz would refer to a dunk as a "stuff shot" and I laughed/cringed every time. Chuck and Laz were my favorites. I listened to my fair share of games on the radio growing up (was that on WIBC 1070 AM??) back in the 70s-early 80s..even some into the 90s. Fisch's voice is etched in my brain for eternity.

And yes, Tolbert was built like a greek god with a megawatt smile.
Yes, WIBC 1070 was it. You don't hear it referred to as a "stuff shot" as often as you used to. At least Laz didn't refer to the ball as "the rock" like Clark Kellogg did. I got a little tired of that one, much like Fisher's "no question about it" comments. For no questions, there can be found no answers.
sure will be nice when/if we start getting to post IN highlights from this century!
there are a couple favorites of mine from recent days- twice Zeller dunking the ball right off of McGary's meathead mug during that home 2013 game vs UM.

And then there's the most "where da hell did that come from" dunk in IU history. Pritch-slapped. You tell 'em, Quinn!

there are a couple favorites of mine from recent days- twice Zeller dunking the ball right off of McGary's meathead mug during that home 2013 game vs UM.

And then there's the most "where da hell did that come from" dunk in IU history. Pritch-slapped. You tell 'em, Quinn!

I think that might have been Prichard's only dunk of his college career. It was totally unexpected, coming out of nowhere. Quinn was beside himself, spewing incoherent gibberish. Fundamentalist Christians refer to this practice as "speaking in tongues". Quinn's tongue was definitely tied, tripping over his words as if in a knot. It remains to this day as one of the truly great moments in IU basketball broadcasting history.
I think that might have been Prichard's only dunk of his college career. It was totally unexpected, coming out of nowhere. Quinn was beside himself, spewing incoherent gibberish. Fundamentalist Christians refer to this practice as "speaking in tongues". Quinn's tongue was definitely tied, tripping over his words as if in a knot. It remains to this day as one of the truly great moments in IU basketball broadcasting history.
two points to watch in this video....(a) Bobby Capo in the lane (sorry I've mentioned this before) acting like an offensive lineman, blocking anyone he could find. The poor kid was the only one of 17,000 in the gym unaware of why the roof just blew off. Never saw any of it. and (b) Oladipo- standing on the FT line in complete shock right after Pritch throws it down. For a split second, Vic looked absolutely frozen and stunned at what he just witnessed.

GIve Pritch credit, he was 5 feet behind the 3 pt line when Jones pulled up for the shot.
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there are a couple favorites of mine from recent days- twice Zeller dunking the ball right off of McGary's meathead mug during that home 2013 game vs UM.

And then there's the most "where da hell did that come from" dunk in IU history. Pritch-slapped. You tell 'em, Quinn!

i was really referencing highlights of NCAA accomplishments vs individual moments. Ray T was on a national championship team... my memory's foggy, but not so much for Pritch? VO, CZ... those are the highlights I'd like to see. Even 2002 is not in the lifetime of current players. I hope this team is setting a goal of a BT championship and F4. They may not make it, but that's the goal I think they should have.
I didn't notice any Leal highlights! Was he sick?
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The school continues to try to undermine football at every turn. I'm sure there's a totally legitimate reason this needed to happen two weeks before football season. Can't even let IUFB have an opener without trying to get fans to ignore it.
2-10 and instead of a slogan about winning, Caitlyn Allen is saying "Love Each Other". wtf Does anyone else think that LEO Allen portrayed "Stork" in Animal House? Dead ringer... I can't seem to post the pic, so some one help me out on the Stork photo. tia

And you whine that IU has a bball fan fest, that has ZERO impact on the football team. LEO, lol.
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Tamar did have some important FTs. Again, he wasn’t given the opportunity to prove it when it matters last year, but miller had ample.

I’ve staked my hill on Tamar this year. Breakout player in the big ten. Bet on it, I sure did!!
Just like you said Lander would be, over and over, before last season. For some reason, I don't trust your preseason player evaluations.
2-10 and instead of a slogan about winning, Caitlyn Allen is saying "Love Each Other". wtf Does anyone else think that LEO Allen portrayed "Stork" in Animal House? Dead ringer... I can't seem to post the pic, so some one help me out on the Stork photo. tia

And you whine that IU has a bball fan fest, that has ZERO impact on the football team. LEO, lol
Go ahead and hide behind their record to excuse your fake fandom.

I'm sure you didn't watch or go to games when they were winning in 2019, either.
And you've probably got about 50 ND sweatshirts in your closet ready for the fall.
Go ahead and hide behind their record to excuse your fake fandom.

I'm sure you didn't watch or go to games when they were winning in 2019, either.
And you've probably got about 50 ND sweatshirts in your closet ready for the fall.
What part was jimmy lying about?
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Go ahead and hide behind their record to excuse your fake fandom.

I'm sure you didn't watch or go to games when they were winning in 2019, either.
And you've probably got about 50 ND sweatshirts in your closet ready for the fall.
naah, I have been to at least 75 IU football games, mostly home games. I have been to pu, NW, MSU , UM, O$U and wisconsin on the road. So yeah...
2-10 and instead of a slogan about winning, Caitlyn Allen is saying "Love Each Other". wtf Does anyone else think that LEO Allen portrayed "Stork" in Animal House? Dead ringer... I can't seem to post the pic, so some one help me out on the Stork photo. tia
Stork rhymes with dork. That said, the character who played Stork was a co-founder and early writer for National Lampoon. He co-wrote the movie, Animal House. He may look a bit serious, a bit wound up maybe, but he got brains. He got gumption. Gumption good.

Pros on the Roster

Lander and TJD will be in the NBA and play regularly. Hell, Jerome could be better than them both. All three have the tools. Why I love college bball. Are they gonna go Vic style and reach their ultimate potential? If so, ya, they all will play many years in the NBA.
Oh I said he was going to the NBA. I won't deny that. I thought he was going to be very good from all the reports I heard. Then I saw him play and my tune changed quite a bit. I actually have posted since that I will never be tricked like I was with Lander. You quoted a post before he ever had an IU uni on. Not before last year.
Oh I said he was going to the NBA. I won't deny that. I thought he was going to be very good from all the reports I heard. Then I saw him play and my tune changed quite a bit. I actually have posted since that I will never be tricked like I was with Lander. You quoted a post before he ever had an IU uni on. Not before last year.

..wing span, and a 41" vertical. You can't teach that. He also is just raw as can be, but has in a short amount of time put together a really nice shooting stroke. watch his three and 12 foot pull up. He oozes talent. Him, Bates and Lander 100% play in the NBA. We have a hell of a bench!!!
..wing span, and a 41" vertical. You can't teach that. He also is just raw as can be, but has in a short amount of time put together a really nice shooting stroke. watch his three and 12 foot pull up. He oozes talent. Him, Bates and Lander 100% play in the NBA. We have a hell of a bench!!!
I said he was going to the NBA, I just admitted that did I not? Where'd I say he was gonna be the breakout player and lead our team last year?
i was really referencing highlights of NCAA accomplishments vs individual moments. Ray T was on a national championship team... my memory's foggy, but not so much for Pritch? VO, CZ... those are the highlights I'd like to see. Even 2002 is not in the lifetime of current players. I hope this team is setting a goal of a BT championship and F4. They may not make it, but that's the goal I think they should have.
yeah, since 2002 we don't have a lot of team/seasonal highlights.
B1G should be goal #1 for this year's team. That was always RMK's goal first and foremost and I would like to think CMW still has some RMK blood in him. Win the B1G, stay in the top 15 nationally, get to March healthy, and see what happens after selection Sunday.
yeah, since 2002 we don't have a lot of team/seasonal highlights.
B1G should be goal #1 for this year's team. That was always RMK's goal first and foremost and I would like to think CMW still has some RMK blood in him. Win the B1G, stay in the top 15 nationally, get to March healthy, and see what happens after selection Sunday.
Sometimes I wish CMW had more bite to his bark. I think that's what gave Knight's teams the competitive edge to their games. At least that's what everyone thought when he was winning. When winning ways became more difficult, they said his strict disciplinarian approach made his players more uptight, more hesitant...afraid to make mistakes and get taken out of the game.

A disciplined life is more structured and goes against the grain of entropy. It requires energy input to overcome a more random state of being. A prime example is my garage. I organize it into a state of cleanliness, one of organization. Through time and little effort on my own, it morphs into a state of disarray, a mess to behold. I sit here on my computer thinking I need to get off my ass and clean it, putting shit back where it belongs, where I can more easily find it, in contrast to its now random state of order. It requires more energy to organize one's garage than it takes to disorganize it, aided by this entropy thing I speak of. It's one of the constant battles in life. Another one is garden, but I choose not to walk that weeded path today.
WTF are you blathering about? The only thing IU did was allow it to be held at AH. From what I read, IU had NOTHING to do with organizing the event.

Also, you are trying to assert that 2 or 3 thousand people attending an event that I wasn't even aware of, 2 weeks before the football opener is undermining the football team? REALLY?
...walking - chewing gum syndrome...