Studying Can Wait

My daughter saw the tweet after work. She graduated from IU in ‘21. She immediately went out and bought a ticket for tomorrow and drove down from Lafayette this evening and will ride with us to the game. While a student she went to all the games and was one that stayed to the end.
My daughter saw the tweet after work. She graduated from IU in ‘21. She immediately went out and bought a ticket for tomorrow and drove down from Lafayette this evening and will ride with us to the game. While a student she went to all the games and was one that stayed to the end.
Anybody that gets the hell out of Lafayette on the weekend for any reason, football or otherwise, has my vote!
Will be interesting to see tomorrow if Ross-Ade will be predominantly Nebraska red?
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I'll be there, family has had tickets since 73 and we don't miss very many games. If we can't go we give them the to friends . So get off your ass go to the game, and support your Hoosiers!!!!!
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Message from CCC to the students

Here's a text version:

I like his approach...
Haven't missed a game in years. Been to all games this year including UCLA and I'm not going to miss this one. I'll be the guy on the IU side around the 50 yard line screaming for the team and telling anybody who'll listen to me that IU has the worst football fans in the B1G. Now I will get off of my soapbox.

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