Starting QB for 3-0 UNLV refuses to play anymore this season…..

I tend to believe the kid. Because this is his last and probably only chance to ever make money playing football.

If they induced him with a $100k to come and reneged, I don’t blame him. If he’s lying about all of that then it’ll come out and no one will touch him because they’ll be afraid he’ll hold them up for money that wasn’t agreed to.
What was Dakich referring to with JHS having a similar situation? I didn't read it, was told so I have no context
I hadn't heard this. Who are we paying that isn't playing here now and why in the world would anyone offer a deal longer than 1 season?
There was a D-line (Blidi?) that left right before spring ball that had received a substantial sum to play this fall that took the money and ran. It was widely reported on the pay board by some people who know these things.

How that would happen I’m sure is related to the payment can’t be to actually play football, it’s ostensibly to use his name or make an appearance or etc. so if he did that he legally would have met his obligation.
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There was a D-line (Blidi?) that left right before spring ball that had received a substantial sum to play this fall that took the money and ran. It was widely reported on the pay board by some people who know these things.

How that would happen I’m sure is related to the payment can’t be to actually play football, it’s ostensibly to use his name or make an appearance or etc. so if he did that he legally would have met his obligation.
Have to wonder if he’s having second thoughts. Auburn is a dumpster fire and IU has something special going on.
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