Tom Ostrom can move to Rhode Island please. Farther away from Indiana and I don't have any sisters so I don't have to worry about him being close to home.
Calbert being loved by the players was mentioned a surprising amount of time both in speculation of IU bringing him on and then after he was hired. I'd really like if he stayed at least in some capacity, especially if we open up a "front office". Walsh I'm bearish on but if he was the guy recruiting Indiana (which I think so if I remember the Sisley and Mullins recruiting stories) then I'd like to keep him around at least until DeVries and co. can get their feet under them for recruiting in state.
Portal ranks the past 2 seasons were #2 and #15. Ballo, Rice, Goode, Carlyle is a great transfer portal, it's the shit coaching that was the issue. And, yes, I will defend each of those four and think if the latter 3 stick around with DeVries they'll be more productive.