Sorta hurts Floridas claim as a HS football powerhouse


Mar 5, 2007
Getting all they want from a team from Utah! I know they are a powerhouse just seems crazy that a team from Utah could play w them!
The top teams in any state can compete with any other state. The thing that makes Texas, FL, and Calf powerhouses is the depth of competition. My sons team in FL, Div-8, was a 4 win team and has 6 kids being recruited by D1 schools. The Div championship had 10 to 12 kids. The sheer numbers of players capable of playing D1 at these has schools is what they are talking about.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I know that, it was said TIC, you just wouldn't think a team from Utah could hang w the top team from Florida at any point. Great football to watch, utahs Oline was dominant.

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