Some lessons well learned


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
Probably not a coincidence that this showed up in my feed today. For any Dem voters inclined to swallow the cynical nonsense the MAGA types are trying to put out about whether or not a POTUS can withdraw from a re-election campaign and not resign from office, this should be instructional. I was only 12 yrs old (and a Nixon sympathizer) at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to this. moment in history. In retrospect I think LBJ's decision to withdraw was correct, but his lack to endorse any of the 3 competing candidates was a huge mistake.

Most of the people (esp cynical MAGA types) bemoaning the fact that Biden endorsed Harris as a "betrayal of Democracy" are either trolling or have no understanding of history. The reality is that since 1900 no current WH party (Dem or GOP) has ever successfully retained the Presidency when there was an open seat (so no incumbency) and the nominee emrged from a bitter primary process. Dems in particular have focused on nominating a candidate with "electability" and the results have been disastrous like Clinton in 2016, for example.

To be fair to BO, he couldn't throw his support behind Biden, because Biden declined to run. But if anyone doubts that Biden made the correct decision by withdrawing and also endorsing KH history (and Prof Lichtman) disgarees. When you have created a set of keys based on studying US elections since 1860 and devloping a model for what each winning candidate has in common losing the incumbency key is huge. You can't compound that by losing the contest key thru a divisive primary process because the opposition party only needs 6 keys total to be predicted to win.

At present the Dems have lost 3 keys (incumbency,incumbency charisma and mandate) by virtue of Biden not running and Dems hving (barely) lost the House in 2022. Lichtman only has 4 shaky keys unresolved. so the difference between Trump needing to secure 3 vs 2 is huge.

If you watch this video note how Roger Mudd broaches the possibility of the NVA being convinced to "hold off" till after the election in the hopes of getting a better deal. And that is exactly the deal Nixon and Kissinger worked out successfully. I read a source that said LBJ was aware of Nixon's actions, considered them treasonous, but was reluctant to expose them. I just found it interesting in watching this video for the first time the way Mudd semi-predicted that's exactly what could happen.

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Dem politicians riding their faithful indentured servants. And the servants just keep flapping and flapping, waiting on the good stuff. ... Just keep flapping jimmy, we are close.... OH LOOK, Al Sharpton rally, go > that way. Totally reminds me of the russian soldiers in Ukraine. "they tricked me to be here, I just wanted Vodka".

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Jesus, the Clap Clan in full swing mode
Sucks to suddenly find out your candidate is in trouble and it will only get worse, don't it? Trump picked a very unpopular and polarizing candidate that wll weigh him down in JP Mandel. Sorry I mean JD Vance..

Trump. got no discernable bounce from his convention, and is reduced to whining about wanting a refund because his camapign shot their (media advertising) wad on campaigning that Biden was too old. Now it will be Trump who'll have to defend being a senile old man. Harris will have the spotlight for the next 2 weeks, she'll continue to dominate the airwaves and prolong that momentum by naming her VP, within 2 weeks and use that trenewed excitement to springboard into the DNC.

Then after the DNC the DC trial is on the horizon, not to mention the 11th Circuit likely reversing Cannon and maybe spanking her in the process. Trump will fight like hell to keep former Trump Admin figures from providing testimony in the DC case, but non-MAGA types will see right thru that and he'll lose more independents.

If the Docs case goes all the way to SCOTUS there either won't be enough justices siding with Trump, or many people will see pro-Trump shenanigans as another evidence of SCOTUS corruption. And Trump without Biden as the fall guy will face increasing scrutiny as the brain addled old man who would be the oldest POTUS in history if people are gullible enough to elect him...
Sucks to suddenly find out your candidate is in trouble and it will only get worse, don't it? Trump picked a very unpopular and polarizing candidate that wll weigh him down in JP Mandel. Sorry I mean JD Vance..

Trump. got no discernable bounce from his convention, and is reduced to whining about wanting a refund because his camapign shot their (media advertising) wad on campaigning that Biden was too old. Now it will be Trump who'll have to defend being a senile old man. Harris will have the spotlight for the next 2 weeks, she'll continue to dominate the airwaves and prolong that momentum by naming her VP, within 2 weeks and use that trenewed excitement to springboard into the DNC.

Then after the DNC the DC trial is on the horizon, not to mention the 11th Circuit likely reversing Cannon and maybe spanking her in the process. Trump will fight like hell to keep former Trump Admin figures from providing testimony in the DC case, but non-MAGA types will see right thru that and he'll lose more independents.

If the Docs case goes all the way to SCOTUS there either won't be enough justices siding with Trump, or many people will see pro-Trump shenanigans as another evidence of SCOTUS corruption. And Trump without Biden as the fall guy will face increasing scrutiny as the brain addled old man who would be the oldest POTUS in history if people are gullible enough to elect him...
The very last GD thing that dems want to see evidence of, is someone breaking off the chains of oppression, placed onto them by the very people obscuring every political and legal norm, to intentionally keep and assist the down trodden to be exactly what they are, only to maintain power for their Cabal.
The Dems version of generational wealth transfer is a train ticket to gulag oppression camps to be ruled by MS13 type “asylum seekers”, because…. “Oh the humanity “

What time do we muster up?
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Sucks to suddenly find out your candidate is in trouble and it will only get worse, don't it? Trump picked a very unpopular and polarizing candidate that wll weigh him down in JP Mandel. Sorry I mean JD Vance..

Trump. got no discernable bounce from his convention, and is reduced to whining about wanting a refund because his camapign shot their (media advertising) wad on campaigning that Biden was too old. Now it will be Trump who'll have to defend being a senile old man. Harris will have the spotlight for the next 2 weeks, she'll continue to dominate the airwaves and prolong that momentum by naming her VP, within 2 weeks and use that trenewed excitement to springboard into the DNC.

Then after the DNC the DC trial is on the horizon, not to mention the 11th Circuit likely reversing Cannon and maybe spanking her in the process. Trump will fight like hell to keep former Trump Admin figures from providing testimony in the DC case, but non-MAGA types will see right thru that and he'll lose more independents.

If the Docs case goes all the way to SCOTUS there either won't be enough justices siding with Trump, or many people will see pro-Trump shenanigans as another evidence of SCOTUS corruption. And Trump without Biden as the fall guy will face increasing scrutiny as the brain addled old man who would be the oldest POTUS in history if people are gullible enough to elect him...
Pretty good strategy here by the dems....Our Old couldn't beat their old---so we are now gonna admit hes to old, insert a youngin', and now go after Trumpo for being to old.


What was thing about "threat to democracy"?