Yes, a good thought, on the national stage, all eyes upon us having not made the tournament once again. Our punishment? Another new coach! Over at Kelley the kids are taught even bad publicity is better than no publicity at all. Something like Wavy Gravy's bit of heaven in a disaster area parable was said by their grey-bearded professor in ponytail, flannel shirt unbuttoned, white tee-shirt at the top, crepe-soled desert boots afoot. They were all alike, at least in undergrad when way back then.
This is a side note coming up, so take it for what that note might be worth:
In the early 70's I took a Chemistry course and the night before the Final, an evening of unseasonable warmth spurred a spontaneous "Celebration of Spring" gathering in Dunn Meadow. The hollowed ground was packed with a tribe of like-minded people enveloped in a cloud of sweet-scented herbaceous gas, all with live rock music. A small group of us ran into our Organic Chemistry TA, a little Japanese guy of spectacles, albeit a nice guy whose eyes were always smiling as if lighting up his face, but just difficult to understand. He told us he synthesized LSD in his lab at home and invited us to his house for "experimental" purposes. I am thankful to this day neither I, nor any of my cohorts, took him up on his late night offer, as tempting as it would have been with no test the next day, having might not lived to this day, having done. He knew better than to temp us like that. He knew the test was 9 AM the next morning, the true Chemistry test that mattered, albeit not nearly as insightful nor as meaningful later in life, Om status attained.
This TA probably wasn't much older than us. Anyway, my point is I'm surprised such an encounter took place. Almost 55 years later and I'm still telling the story to people not listening.