So now Glass is going to use a search firm?

Does that mean the first choice or two that he went after declined?
No not at all. A lot of times they are used for negotiations/contract stuff, despite the name. Mizzou announced they were using one, and then hired Martin 2 days later.
Dakich said Glass would hire a search committee, because he doesn't want to take the blame when he screws up.
Dakich said Glass would hire a search committee, because he doesn't want to take the blame when he screws up.
Dakich is a troll. There's no guarantee of making a great hire, but this is standard procedure. He said he was going to talk to a bunch of people, and wouldn't rule out using the search firm. If Dan truly believes that any AD makes these decisions all alone, then he's really, really dumb.

But I suspect he's just trolling. I can't wait until he says how stupid Glass is for hiring Donovan over Alford.
Dakich referred Curt Miller to IU for the women's coach. How'd that work out?
Worked out pretty well. The senior class came to play for him and are now the winningest class in school history. The junior class was recruited by him, but never played for him.
Not saying that but maybe. What I am saying is the search firm is not going to find the coach for IU.

Part of what search firms do is vet the background. IU may have found their guy, but part of what the firms do is check on background for any skeletons in the closet. Anything embarrassing that could hurt the school.