So, Christopher Wray announces his resignation.

You beat me to it...

Between he and Comey (sp?) they've destroyed most of the populations trust in that agency...

Wray ran it more like the Gestopo arm of the DNC rather than a national crime fighting and counterintelligence unit...

Hopefully most of the serious weasels at the top will resign along with Wray...

Supposedly several employees have threatened to quit (if Patel is confirmed) to which many responded: Please Do... 🤣

Don't forget that he was a Trump appointee and a lifelong Republican
That means absolutely nothing to those afflicted with TDS. The FBI is probably the most conservative and Republican dominated organization in government besides the military and some MAGAs want to kill it completely.
Don't forget that he was a Trump appointee and a lifelong Republican
It's amazing how upset MAGA gets when it gets what it wants. Nothing pisses those folks off more than one of their people actually having to run something.
Lefties are pissed he went out without a fight. I get their point, but I think for all concerned it's just as well he walk away and let Trump try and install his toadie. It's been proven that no one will require Trump to show the "with cause" reasoning for Wray's removal, so let him do what he's going to do and hope they draw the line at Kash and instead make him nominate someone less reprehensible.
It's going to be really interesting to see how things unfold for the FBI in the coming couple of years.

I can understand some of the grievances made against the Bureau in recent years -- although most of Trump's are obviously personal. If he'd have returned the damned documents to NARA as he was instructed to do, perhaps the FBI wouldn't have raided his pad?

But the FBI has long been accused, fairly or unfairly, of being corrupted and politicized. What else would you expect from a federal law enforcement agency that began its existence with the same director for 4+ decades? I’m pretty sure that Kash Patel isn’t even interested in cleaning it up. He clearly wants the corruption, he just wants it aimed at his preferred targets.

Maybe that touches off a volley of whistleblowers?

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