Silence and indecision are not options

They have to think long and hard about firing Glass as well. This has a debacle to say the least. Not the guy you want leading the search for the next coach of your flagship program.
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They have to think long and hard about firing Glass as well. This has a debacle to say the least. Not the guy you want leading the search for the next coach of your flagship program.

Glass gets an F - for how he has handled this so far. I honestly don't think he ever thought he would ever have to make this decision and he is like a deer in the headlights. I also think he is blinded by his loyalty to Crean which is also very dangerous. If he cannot put personal feelings aside he has no business being the AD and needs to go.
They have to think long and hard about firing Glass as well. This has a debacle to say the least. Not the guy you want leading the search for the next coach of your flagship program.

Glass has done a good job with improvements to athletic facilities and the football program. But he does not get basketball. He may cheer at the games. But he doesn't get it. Last night Crean said that the program was fine but there were problems with the team. Huh?
Glass has done a good job with improvements to athletic facilities and the football program. But he does not get basketball. He may cheer at the games. But he doesn't get it. Last night Crean said that the program was fine but there were problems with the team. Huh?

Has he? Weren't the campus wide facility improvements (including football) planned and put into motion by Greenspan? People often point to fundraising. My belief (and it is a belief) is that fundraising at IU is largely in line with the popularity of the basketball program. So it's not surprising to me that fundraising efforts were successful during the Zeller years.

The extension made no sense at the time. It was a horrible decision that unnecessarily handcuffed the school.

Maybe he's slow playing this for a reason, and we'll find out that he's doing things as he had planned. But I can't point to anything in his professional career that gives me hope that he knows what he's doing. Look at how he left the Capital Improvement Board.

My criticism has been squarely on Glass for a while now. I don't blame Crean for staying or believing he can do the job. Delusional or not. I blame the guy responsible for the athletic department overseeing Crean.
Glass has done a good job with improvements to athletic facilities and the football program. But he does not get basketball. He may cheer at the games. But he doesn't get it. Last night Crean said that the program was fine but there were problems with the team. Huh?[/QUOTE

He gets way to much credit for the facilities thing. Yes great but as of right now he is not doing a good job at all with basketball and that is ultimately what he will be judged on.
Has he? Weren't the campus wide facility improvements (including football) planned and put into motion by Greenspan? People often point to fundraising. My belief (and it is a belief) is that fundraising at IU is largely in line with the popularity of the basketball program. So it's not surprising to me that fundraising efforts were successful during the Zeller years.

The extension made no sense at the time. It was a horrible decision that unnecessarily handcuffed the school.

Maybe he's slow playing this for a reason, and we'll find out that he's doing things as he had planned. But I can't point to anything in his professional career that gives me hope that he knows what he's doing. Look at how he left the Capital Improvement Board.

My criticism has been squarely on Glass for a while now. I don't blame Crean for staying or believing he can do the job. Delusional or not. I blame the guy responsible for the athletic department overseeing Crean.

The Big 10 Network contract has driven a lot of the athletic department's good fortune. Glass has gotten a free pass so far with regard for getting the Hoosiers stuck in the eastern division of the football conference. When Glass gave CTC the extension he did it before a game. He put himself in front of the fans. Something was not right about that.
Glass gets an F - for how he has handled this so far. I honestly don't think he ever thought he would ever have to make this decision and he is like a deer in the headlights. I also think he is blinded by his loyalty to Crean which is also very dangerous. If he cannot put personal feelings aside he has no business being the AD and needs to go.
You seem to presuming a lot of things . . .
When a "recruit" endorses a link with the following content, I point my finger and laugh:

"Fred Glass made the decision to spend $45 million to renovate Assembly Hall rather than build a new basketball arena."

Do you really think Glass unilaterally made the decision not to "build a new basketball arena"? Just so I'm clear, whose land did you think he would put a new arena on since it was his decision alone not to do so (according to your link)?

Just curious.
Coach Crean continuing is not an option at this point in time. To have Coach Crean continue at IU would require a contract extension, and that is not going to happen after the total meltdown during B1G play, and a 4-10 Flame Out to finish the season.
Has he? Weren't the campus wide facility improvements (including football) planned and put into motion by Greenspan? People often point to fundraising. My belief (and it is a belief) is that fundraising at IU is largely in line with the popularity of the basketball program. So it's not surprising to me that fundraising efforts were successful during the Zeller years.

The extension made no sense at the time. It was a horrible decision that unnecessarily handcuffed the school.

Maybe he's slow playing this for a reason, and we'll find out that he's doing things as he had planned. But I can't point to anything in his professional career that gives me hope that he knows what he's doing. Look at how he left the Capital Improvement Board.

My criticism has been squarely on Glass for a while now. I don't blame Crean for staying or believing he can do the job. Delusional or not. I blame the guy responsible for the athletic department overseeing Crean.
The NEZ, Cook Hall, and the baseball/softball complex were initiated by Greenspan. He left them underfunded and was going to cut stuff, but Glass got more money for those. They were going to scale the academic center way back too, because of lack of funds, but Glass fixed that as well.

He's invested in football upgrades every year, either football staff salaries or minor facility improvements. He's also got the SEZ project rolling, the new volleyball/wrestling arena about to break ground, the AH renovation (I know some people preferred a new arena though), and they're moving forward with golf course and soccer renovations.

TV money certainly is a huge addition, and Greenspan did do good things, but you're not giving Glass credit he deserves too. Donations have set new records pretty much every year he's been here. This current $170 mil facilities campaign is by far the largest IU has ever done, and that's being funded entirely through donations. He's also got us the biggest 3 or 4 gifts in the history of the AD.

We'll see what happens with Crean. That's a big one, to say the least. And how did that extension handcuff the school? Talk to Goat about this. People have been whining about the buyout when there's really no reason to. I believe Crean will be gone soon. He fired Lynch even though everyone thought he wouldn't fire a nice guy and he said "contracts need to mean something." Again, we'll know soon.
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When a "recruit" endorses a link with the following content, I point my finger and laugh:

"Fred Glass made the decision to spend $45 million to renovate Assembly Hall rather than build a new basketball arena."

Do you really think Glass unilaterally made the decision not to "build a new basketball arena"? Just so I'm clear, whose land did you think he would put a new arena on since it was his decision alone not to do so (according to your link)?

Just curious.
Haha I know, and he just turned down a check for $250 mil too.
Coach Crean continuing is not an option at this point in time. To have Coach Crean continue at IU would require a contract extension, and that is not going to happen after the total meltdown during B1G play, and a 4-10 Flame Out to finish the season.
This man may beg to differ!!!

There may be legal and financial reasons why this sequestered process is what it is...However, to the media, the fans and the boosters...the glass is half empty. That means the optics are all negative....that Glass is incompetent and too cozy with Crean....that IU won't and can't pony up to get the coach off of the top shelf....that Crean may in fact be back next year.....that the away game in the NIT was all of the bumbling and misguided management that it appeared to be.

At this stage of the situation.....Glass had better have this situation planned out so that in retrospect...the course of events makes sense and would not have been done better any other way.

All I that if either Crean returns or Lon Kruger is named the head coach...we will know its the former....and IU basketball will be approaching rigor mortis.
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They have to think long and hard about firing Glass as well. This has a debacle to say the least. Not the guy you want leading the search for the next coach of your flagship program.
This is why IU has not won a championship for 30 years. I know it has been beaten to death, but look no further than the administration. IU has been its own worst enemy, and Fred Glass, unfortunately, is part of this sorry tradition.

I am also more upset with Glass than Crean at this point. Crean can't hack it and has sold IU fans snake oil for a lot of money, but it is not up to Crean whether or not he has a job here. The AD is the man in charge and has the power and duty to pull the plug when it becomes necessary. Fred's administration of IU basketball is best described as negligent, and the two things that stick out most to me is he can't walk the fine line between being a boss and a friend and lack of basketball/athletic knowledge. Fred's duties to IU come first, and I think Fred has been putting Crean before IU. I also don't think Glass is able to look at a coach in any sport and say whether the coach is good or bad.

The last glaring issue is playing on the road in the NIT. Our program is so bad right now that we can't even play a friggin' home game! Who has ever surrendered home court advantage? Glass is literally hiding from our own arena because he has put forth such a crap basketball product. As others have stated, it is impossible to improve the Crean marriage at this point, and there is much, much more than $4 million dollars worth of damage that has been done to the program. Crean has to go and is gone: should Fred be gone as well? I would say so.
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I'm getting anxious. Mizzou, N.C. State, Washington, Illinois, have all pulled the trigger.

I hope there's a good reason for the delay, and that this is just a delay....
The NEZ, Cook Hall, and the baseball/softball complex were initiated by Greenspan. He left them underfunded and was going to cut stuff, but Glass got more money for those. They were going to scale the academic center way back too, because of lack of funds, but Glass fixed that as well.

He's invested in football upgrades every year, either football staff salaries or minor facility improvements. He's also got the SEZ project rolling, the new volleyball/wrestling arena about to break ground, the AH renovation (I know some people preferred a new arena though), and they're moving forward with golf course and soccer renovations.

TV money certainly is a huge addition, and Greenspan did do good things, but you're not giving Glass credit he deserves too. Donations have set new records pretty much every year he's been here. This current $170 mil facilities campaign is by far the largest IU has ever done, and that's being funded entirely through donations. He's also got us the biggest 3 or 4 gifts in the history of the AD.

We'll see what happens with Crean. That's a big one, to say the least. And how did that extension handcuff the school? Talk to Goat about this. People have been whining about the buyout when there's really no reason to. I believe Crean will be gone soon. He fired Lynch even though everyone thought he wouldn't fire a nice guy and he said "contracts need to mean something." Again, we'll know soon.

The extension kept Crean employed for 3 more years then he should have been. You don't see that as a major mistake by Glass?
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Fred's loyalty clearly lies with Tom Crean and not Indiana University. He needs to be terminated immediately.

I have the feeling that you'll have a lot of people on that same page in a day or so. Not sure why Fred wants to sink with this ship.

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