SI Article on FBI probe into Recruting CBB

No big program is clean including IU. Probably other players involved, but tough to not see money flowing to Romeo. Can’t think of any other high profile recruits we have had not named Zeller or Jackson Davis.
No big program is clean including IU. Probably other players involved, but tough to not see money flowing to Romeo. Can’t think of any other high profile recruits we have had not named Zeller or Jackson Davis.
Noah Vonleh & Thomas Bryant always had some chatter associated with their recruiting.
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No big program is clean including IU. Probably other players involved, but tough to not see money flowing to Romeo. Can’t think of any other high profile recruits we have had not named Zeller or Jackson Davis.
This isn't going to go over well for the holier-than-thou crowd.
No big program is clean including IU. Probably other players involved, but tough to not see money flowing to Romeo. Can’t think of any other high profile recruits we have had not named Zeller or Jackson Davis.
IU wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I mean, if someone has the goods let’s hear it. You’ve already indicted the program based on your feelings, but I’m not gonna do that without facts. It would piss me off for sure, but less because of the cheating and more because we would have bupkis to show for it. I don’t understand the mentality of some of you on this though. It’s like you actively WANT to believe that IU is cheating.
IU wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I mean, if someone has the goods let’s hear it. You’ve already indicted the program based on your feelings, but I’m not gonna do that without facts. It would piss me off for sure, but less because of the cheating and more because we would have bupkis to show for it. I don’t understand the mentality of some of you on this though. It’s like you actively WANT to believe that IU is cheating.
The proof that they aren’t cheating, should be settled by looking at their shitty record.
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Reminds me of RMK’s Adidas shoe contract.
NIL puts all this above board.
It’s mind boggling to think shoe money could drive selection of
championship contenders for decades more
IU wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I mean, if someone has the goods let’s hear it. You’ve already indicted the program based on your feelings, but I’m not gonna do that without facts. It would piss me off for sure, but less because of the cheating and more because we would have bupkis to show for it. I don’t understand the mentality of some of you on this though. It’s like you actively WANT to believe that IU is cheating.
This particular quote caught my attention in the article.

““If anyone thinks that there is such a thing as a clean big-time program, they need to wake up and smell the donkey s---,” Code wrote in his book. “Somewhere along the line, even the so-called cleanest of programs has some dirt if you look close enough.”
I think the Hoosiers run a clean program. If they did not these outside influencers would make the team cover the logos with tape.
IU wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I mean, if someone has the goods let’s hear it. You’ve already indicted the program based on your feelings, but I’m not gonna do that without facts. It would piss me off for sure, but less because of the cheating and more because we would have bupkis to show for it. I don’t understand the mentality of some of you on this though. It’s like you actively WANT to believe that IU is cheating.
Actually, they were mentioned in the article. Sounds like Anthony Davis' mom got a delivery the same day at the Wat Shot when she was in Bloomington.
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Indiana's time with Sampson shows we haven't always ran a clean program. Nothing in that article suggests that IU has done anything else to rise to that level of rule breaking though.

The myriad of NCAA rules means that there will always be rules broken. That's why schools have compliance departments and the ones trying to be above board report infractions they uncover.

The cover up is almost always worse than whatever it is you're trying to cover up.
No way, IU follows all the rules…
Hope not ..Or we'll never be mentioned as a basketball power..
Indiana should push the limits of the rules..
I've been Indiana since the early Knight yrs..
But the world and time's have changed..
If we had 3 five stars who barely went to class ..But got us to a Final Four..
The whole state would rejoice !
And not give two shits about anything else..
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Hope not ..Or we'll never be mentioned as a basketball power..
Indiana should push the limits of the rules..
I've been Indiana since the early Knight yrs..
But the world and time's have changed..
If we had 3 five stars who barely went to class ..But got us to a Final Four..
The whole state would rejoice !
And not give two shits about anything else..
I disagree. I think Indiana fans want to see players with good work ethic play as a team. With the talent we get, the wins will take care of themselves.
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Indiana's time with Sampson shows we haven't always ran a clean program. Nothing in that article suggests that IU has done anything else to rise to that level of rule breaking though.

The myriad of NCAA rules means that there will always be rules broken. That's why schools have compliance departments and the ones trying to be above board report infractions they uncover.

The cover up is almost always worse than whatever it is you're trying to cover up.
Sure they may have compliance departments but at schools like LSU, Kentucky, Auburn, Kansas, etc you think the compliance department is actaully searching for anything?
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Hope not ..Or we'll never be mentioned as a basketball power..
Indiana should push the limits of the rules..
I've been Indiana since the early Knight yrs..
But the world and time's have changed..
If we had 3 five stars who barely went to class ..But got us to a Final Four..
The whole state would rejoice !
And not give two shits about anything else..
You hope the school does not follow rules? Times have changed so it is ok to cheat now? If winning is that important and that is what IU basketball is all about to you, I can assure you that you are in a minority on this board. I have been a fan and alum a lot longer than you and have heard this kind of "everybody does it so why not us" crap before. I'm not naive and think there is no cheating in life. Years ago, in a question of right and wrong I had to listen to a superior tell me "Everyone does it". My reply was "I don't" and a week later was out of a job. I got a better one. If you have been a fan since Knight years you are sure as hell old enough to know better but apparently just don't care about values and doing things the right way.
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IU wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I mean, if someone has the goods let’s hear it. You’ve already indicted the program based on your feelings, but I’m not gonna do that without facts. It would piss me off for sure, but less because of the cheating and more because we would have bupkis to show for it. I don’t understand the mentality of some of you on this though. It’s like you actively WANT to believe that IU is cheating.
If they let ordy back you can check with him, he has always claimed IU cheats. Until then, he is currently Kern County on GBI.
Sure they may have compliance departments but at schools like LSU, Kentucky, Auburn, Kansas, etc you think the compliance department is actaully searching for anything?
Read what I wrote. I'll emphasize the pertinent point so you can think about whether or not I was talking about any of the schools you mention.

That's why schools have compliance departments and the ones trying to be above board report infractions they uncover.

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