
I totally agree with fpeaugh. Rabjohns is as vague as madam Cleo. Im a premium member over at scout but have never gotten any significant info from them.
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Expects a decision tomorrow


I'm hearing that the new coach will be someone most will like. Knows the Big Ten. .623 winning percentage. Coached two different teams into the Final Four.
No thank you. .623 winning percentage is not nearly good enough. The next hire should be someone with a .700 or higher. .623 is mediocrity.
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Did Rabs really say there was a decision tomorrow? I follow him on Twitter and didn't see any mention of it.

Also, I tried to look at Peegs premium forum and couldn't see the page. Usually, you can see the topics even though you can't read them but this time, I couldn't even do that.

I wonder if Peegs is blocking everyone but subscribers during this crazy time to cut down on people "stealing inside info" from them....even if it's just title threads.
No thank you. .623 winning percentage is not nearly good enough. The next hire should be someone with a .700 or higher. .623 is mediocrity.

I think the winning percentage is kinda meaningless because it depends on who they are playing. Crean feasts on cupcakes so he can brag about winning so many games every year.
No new Coach hire a Robot.
Let Robot recruit, make substitutions and in game changes based on data. Robot can scour the Web for Offense and Defense training drills. Robot can be programmed to Clap. Robot is clean and can't be bribed.
On the other forum some are saying boosters are meeting with Glass tonight. Someone on this forum says Rabjohns stated a 'decision' would be tomorrow .... so who knows???

I'm not a "big" booster, but I know some. To clarify, I know one big booster pretty well and I am acquainted with others through the one I know. I don't know how much they donate and I won't ask, but they all sit in the bleachers not far from where Mellencamp sits. I still tease the one I know about a selfie he took a few years ago. Subway Jared is right behind him leaning into the picture...with real creepy look on his face. It wasn't too long after that picture when Jared got into all that trouble.

Anyways, point is that these guys aren't exactly donating chicken feed to IU and I know they are all "extremely pissed" about Crean not being fired yet.

Like I said, I don't know how much they donate, but I know those bleacher seats don't come cheap.

Edit: None of them know anything about any meeting taking place tonight, or anytime soon, between big donors and the AD. That's not to say there isn't a meeting, they just don't know about it. It could be it's only the heavy heavy hitters that know about any meeting. The guys I know are big donors, but I also know there are donors that can make these guys look like welfare cases.
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No new Coach hire a Robot.
Let Robot recruit, make substitutions and in game changes based on data. Robot can scour the Web for Offense and Defense training drills. Robot can be programmed to Clap. Robot is clean and can't be bribed.

In another 10 years, that might actually happen as Artificial Intelligence is going to replace a TON of white collar jobs.
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Did Rabs really say there was a decision tomorrow? I follow him on Twitter and didn't see any mention of it.

Also, I tried to look at Peegs premium forum and couldn't see the page. Usually, you can see the topics even though you can't read them but this time, I couldn't even do that.

I wonder if Peegs is blocking everyone but subscribers during this crazy time to cut down on people "stealing inside info" from them....even if it's just title threads.
I am not a Peegs Premium subscriber but I could see the headlines of each post just a few minutes ago.
What's the loop telling you.?.?.?....any booster meetings with Glass on the horizon to knock some sense into him.?.?.?....word is Glass was going to announce Crean would be back yesterday... boosters said not so fast...
I don't know anything about a booster meeting. Honestly I haven't spoken with anyone in the know in the last couple days. No real reason to as I already know what's going on. They're just finalizing how best to go about the separation. In the end I don't care how it gets done...I just know it is getting done.

And that word about Glass announcing Crean back yesterday is completely false. He's known for quite some time what he was going to have to do. And in no scenario was that Crean returning as the coach.
I don't know anything about a booster meeting. Honestly I haven't spoken with anyone in the know in the last couple days. No real reason to as I already know what's going on. They're just finalizing how best to go about the separation. In the end I don't care how it gets done...I just know it is getting done.

And that word about Glass announcing Crean back yesterday is completely false. He's known for quite some time what he was going to have to do. And in no scenario was that Crean returning as the coach.

Fpeaugh like Hank, I really like you. I do.

In a couple of weeks I'm going to love you, forever, unconditionally or hate you unequivocally like no one I've hated before.

No To Krueger

Lon Krugers' winning percentage is .613 anyway.


Regardless.....very respectable. Stevens isn't ready.....Kruger would fill the gap nicely and make IU respectable....good 4 or 5 in the B1G, maybe even an E8 or F4 over the next few years....recruiting would be solid. This would be a nice cap to his distinguished career and serves IU's needs on the court and in the pocketbook (especially with the like of Illinois paying crazy bucks to Bennet or Marshall or Miller etc) for a few years. Then when Brad is ready, Kruger bows out with the loving thanks of IU fans everywhere. My sources say that this is the way this thing is heading.
Regardless.....very respectable. Stevens isn't ready.....Kruger would fill the gap nicely and make IU respectable....good 4 or 5 in the B1G, maybe even an E8 or F4 over the next few years....recruiting would be solid. This would be a nice cap to his distinguished career and serves IU's needs on the court and in the pocketbook (especially with the like of Illinois paying crazy bucks to Bennet or Marshall or Miller etc) for a few years. Then when Brad is ready, Kruger bows out with the loving thanks of IU fans everywhere. My sources say that this is the way this thing is heading.

For the record, Kruger would be fine with me as a 7-10 year guy to stabilize things even more than Crean has. I was just playing with the original .623/2 final fours theme for fun . . . .
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Regardless.....very respectable. Stevens isn't ready.....Kruger would fill the gap nicely and make IU respectable....good 4 or 5 in the B1G, maybe even an E8 or F4 over the next few years....recruiting would be solid. This would be a nice cap to his distinguished career and serves IU's needs on the court and in the pocketbook (especially with the like of Illinois paying crazy bucks to Bennet or Marshall or Miller etc) for a few years. Then when Brad is ready, Kruger bows out with the loving thanks of IU fans everywhere. My sources say that this is the way this thing is heading.
I don't know because we have not had to much luck with coaches form Oklahoma. I always like Krueger as a HC and think he would do a good job but I would hope we can get a better coach.
For the record, Kruger would be fine with me as a 7-10 year guy to stabilize things even more than Crean has. I was just playing with the original .623/2 final fours theme for fun . . . .

It wouldn't even be that long..... and who knows...maybe Kruger can be the AD that hires Stevens.... but that would be wishful thinking and outside the realm of this scenario that I'm hearing about.

I don't know because we have not had to much luck with coaches form Oklahoma. I always like Krueger as a HC and think he would do a good job but I would hope we can get a better coach.

No kidding but this is Lon be sure not flashy but a very well respected coach who has shown he knows how to run things over his career. Very highly regarded. Timing now just isn't right for the hire that IU wants and needs to make....but when Kruger turns 69-70? Bingo.
Time to move on from Stevens. If he doesn't want the job for whatever reasons, then IU moves on. Stevens isn't the only coach out there capable of putting Indiana in position to compete at a high level.
Regardless.....very respectable. Stevens isn't ready.....Kruger would fill the gap nicely and make IU respectable....good 4 or 5 in the B1G, maybe even an E8 or F4 over the next few years....recruiting would be solid. This would be a nice cap to his distinguished career and serves IU's needs on the court and in the pocketbook (especially with the like of Illinois paying crazy bucks to Bennet or Marshall or Miller etc) for a few years. Then when Brad is ready, Kruger bows out with the loving thanks of IU fans everywhere. My sources say that this is the way this thing is heading.
Stevens is never going to be ready for the IU job. Hiring a stop gap who will have trouble recruiting isn't the way to go. Get the guy you'd like to have for the next 20, not the next 3.
I rather have

Archie Miller, Steve Alford, Greg Marshall, Chris Mack, sure he has a ok resume but he is 64!
Well, Mizzou just hired Martin after they were begging Crean to take it.

So, it looks like Crean has zero interest in leaving unless some sucker pays him what we are.
Begging Crean to take it? They never offered him the job. They interviewed several people and selected Martin.
Fpeaugh like Hank, I really like you. I do.

In a couple of weeks I'm going to love you, forever, unconditionally or hate you unequivocally like no one I've hated before.

There's going to be a lot of love going around soon. I look forward to it.
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There's going to be a lot of love going around soon. I look forward to it.

When this is all over and what's done is done will you come clean about whether you really knew something, or if you were just going all in on a hunch?
Regardless.....very respectable. Stevens isn't ready.....Kruger would fill the gap nicely and make IU respectable....good 4 or 5 in the B1G, maybe even an E8 or F4 over the next few years....recruiting would be solid. This would be a nice cap to his distinguished career and serves IU's needs on the court and in the pocketbook (especially with the like of Illinois paying crazy bucks to Bennet or Marshall or Miller etc) for a few years. Then when Brad is ready, Kruger bows out with the loving thanks of IU fans everywhere. My sources say that this is the way this thing is heading.
"Stevens isn't ready." WTH??
I have so little faith in IU making the right decision.

This is why I'm not buying any of it.

Crean had the perfect chance to "leave gracefully" with Mizzou and blew it.

Glass made us look like complete fools turning down the NIT game at home and basically admitted it was because he didn't want Crean booed.

And yet, he's STILL here while other teams are making decisions instead of screwing around.

Crap or get off the pot.
This is why I'm not buying any of it.

Crean had the perfect chance to "leave gracefully" with Mizzou and blew it.

Glass made us look like complete fools turning down the NIT game at home and basically admitted it was because he didn't want Crean booed.

And yet, he's STILL here while other teams are making decisions instead of screwing around.

Crap or get off the pot.
Crean didn't have a chance to go to Mizzou. It wasn't his job to accept.
I would take Marshall, Holtmann, Archie Miller, Alford over Kruger.
Kruger just went all in on landing Trae Young, don't think he would have done that if he was on his way out the door. OU is gonna be solid next year.

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