Republican overconfidence

Do you understand how people posting that directly to women, or saying it to them, might freak them out?
No I don’t understand that freak out at all. Most of the women I hang with would respond with something like the Bronx cheer.
Wow.. Just like it was said from the school yard bully that was giving wedgies, until someone came and gave the bully (the DNC) a shampoo in the toilet with his own panties wrapped around his ears.
I suspect that you all need to learn to reap what you have sewn for the last decade.
WE are incharge now. I hope you like the taste of toilet water. We don't want you to be dehydrated, we care after all.
WE are in charge of nothing. Dem/Rep big dogs don't give a shit about you and me.
Opposite sides of the same coin.
Trump isn’t putting GOP big dogs in charge of anything.
I didn't say that that he was. What I meant was that anyone with a bit of power, in either party, doesn't care about anything but maintaining, increasing, or retaining power.
I didn't say that that he was. What I meant was that anyone with a bit of power, in either party, doesn't care about anything but maintaining, increasing, or retaining power.
Trump has a clear populist message. I think his picks mostly reflect that message, especially the ones who have no history of accumulating and using government power.
This is one my the biggest critiques I have of DJT. I won't sit here and debate which party is better on crime. They are both awful. With the push of Kim Kardashian and other pro-criminal instigators Trump signed an atrocious get out of jail free bill. I thought he was terribly weak on crime and in fact he pardoned convicted murderers. I think the police in this country are extremely weak and ineffective and criminals are treated with kid gloves. Maybe there is some room to maneuver on marijuana type stuff, but for other offenses no bueno.
To do so would suggest they have any equity in the messaging to begin with.

And I don’t think they do. Nick Fuentes is a kook and I just don’t buy into the notion that politicians should feel obliged to denounce things that random people say.

I would think differently if he did have any equity in it - if it was said by somebody on their campaign or something like that.
It's not just Nick Fuentes and it's not just online--it's started to spill into the real world.

I liked your post, even though I agree with the premise.
The 'Republican ' Party has no standards or redeeming social values to distinguish it from the discredited wreckage of the Democrat party. Today, the democrats have lost the Presidency, House, Senate and the Supreme Court has the most originalist component in decades.
If the Trump populist coalition chose to do so, and founded a third party, both of the 'main' parties would dry up and blow away.
If they broke away as a third party the Democrats would immediately be the power party. Like day one.
It's not just Nick Fuentes and it's not just online--it's started to spill into the real world.

I love when they throw the statistics of that stuff in. Fuentes post was viewed 90 million times. How many of those views do you think were from outraged women directed to the post by other outraged women? And if you are a Russian or Chinese bot farm looking to cause the most chaos in the US, what better way to do that than pushing a gender war between men and women. Women saying 4b (and there is some pretty heinous stuff said in the comments of that, check out women's aligned sites on Reddit right now...) and men spouting back with rapey language. We have some schools saying kids were doing it and those are the "real world" examples. I could just as easily say that the histrionic reaction from movements like 4B already claimed a body after the election (the woman who killed her father).

Finally, a term increasing 4600 percent in one week could be one person saying it and 46 people talking about it. 90% of that discussion could be saying, "Can you believe this idiot" and they would all still be counted as a rise on the phrase being used and they would also be a drop in the vast bucket of the online world.

Articles like the CNN one want this to be a thing so they continue to amplify it. Taking and turning the parties into men vs. women is the ****ing stupidest idea on the planet.
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I love when they throw the statistics of that stuff in. Fuentes post was viewed 90 million times. How many of those views do you think were from outraged women directed to the post by other outraged women? And if you are a Russian or Chinese bot farm looking to cause the most chaos in the US, what better way to do that than pushing a gender war between men and women. Women saying 4b (and there is some pretty heinous stuff said in the comments of that, check out women's aligned sites on Reddit right now...) and men spouting back with rapey language. We have some schools saying kids were doing it and those are the "real world" examples. I could just as easily say that the histrionic reaction from movements like 4B already claimed a body after the election (the woman who killed her father).

Finally, a term increasing 4600 percent in one week could be one person saying it and 46 people talking about it. 90% of that discussion could be saying, "Can you believe this idiot" and they would all still be counted as a rise on the phrase being used and they would also be a drop in the vast bucket of the online world.

Articles like the CNN one want this to be a thing so they continue to amplify it. Taking and turning the parties into men vs. women is the ****ing stupidest idea on the planet.
I, too, found that weird--as in a 4600% increase on a base 1 is how relevant? But I do find it potentially useful to track that stuff. I had no idea there were organizations out there that did that. I didn't post the article for that, though; I posted it for evidence of a report that this is happening in the real world, not just online. And it wasn't just school kids saying that--it was teachers and school administrator, wasn't it?

Re 4B, I have mocked it and think it is ridiculous histrionics, like you say. But there is ZERO moral equivalence between women saying they aren't going to have sex with men anymore and "rapey language." None.

I guess at this point, I'm not sure why we can't have broad agreement that things like this are wrong. Kinda like the Palestinian protestors targeting Jews and blocking them from class or blocking roads. Did it happen so much that it was really an issue of national importance? No, it was rare and limited pretty much to big cities or the odd college campus. But if it happens once, that's too much, and that atmosphere was enabled by those on the left and is troublesome on its own. And you had real leaders, like John Fetterman, standing up and speaking out against it--even though he didn't have any "equity" or responsibility for the conduct. That's what leaders do. They speak out and they stand up even to people who are in their tribe.

Anyway, maybe I shouldn't have linked this conduct--which my neighbor is really, really concerned about (he has two daughters)--and the concept of Republican overreach and overconfidence. But I find them of a piece--the crowing and football spiking seems to be a bit excessive right now among Trump supporters, and I think that kind of thing enables stuff like this. And if there is no blowback for it from the leaders on the right? Well, that clearly enables it.
I, too, found that weird--as in a 4600% increase on a base 1 is how relevant? But I do find it potentially useful to track that stuff. I had no idea there were organizations out there that did that. I didn't post the article for that, though; I posted it for evidence of a report that this is happening in the real world, not just online. And it wasn't just school kids saying that--it was teachers and school administrator, wasn't it?
It was teachers and administrative saying they heard the kids say it. You deal with that from a disciplinary standpoint but is that a movement? Seriously, they all (boys and girls) rap along to worse stuff than that. I am all fine with being more Puritanical with the content that gets churned out to teenagers but it is kind of weird that this becomes a problem when it is deemed to come from the right. "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks. Lick on the n--s and suck the d--k. Get the **** out after your done and hops in my coupe to make a quick run...." Over 30 years old, one of the most successful rap albums in history. Content like that pumped into them through spotify now on the regular. "Boys are saying your body, my choice" scream the pearl clutching white liberal women...."No more sex for them." Then turn on spotify and dance the day away listening to some of the most sexually degrading content our society produces. "This is fine...." Have a rapper say, "You're body, my choice" to a nice beat and it would be a hit.

And that isn't to say that any of that is OK, but your neighbor should be way more concerned about what the average 16 year old boy is hearing Drake rap in a song than he is Nick Fuentes saying crap on Twitter. Those musicians have way more influence than Nick and these same 4B young women have made him rich delivering the exact same kind of content.
Re 4B, I have mocked it and think it is ridiculous histrionics, like you say. But there is ZERO moral equivalence between women saying they aren't going to have sex with men anymore and "rapey language." None.
Not one that but if we are going to highlight the crazy their are women in that movement saying that women should be violent towards men because of their perception of how "men" are to "women". (Individuality is never a thing in these movements, women are this and men are that). If a "movement" is to be judged on its extremes, then 4B is nuts too. How much 4B type of content do you think this woman was ingesting leading up to and just after the election?

I guess at this point, I'm not sure why we can't have broad agreement that things like this are wrong. Kinda like the Palestinian protestors targeting Jews and blocking them from class or blocking roads. Did it happen so much that it was really an issue of national importance? No, it was rare and limited pretty much to big cities or the odd college campus. But if it happens once, that's too much, and that atmosphere was enabled by those on the left and is troublesome on its own. And you had real leaders, like John Fetterman, standing up and speaking out against it--even though he didn't have any "equity" or responsibility for the conduct. That's what leaders do. They speak out and they stand up even to people who are in their tribe.
It is wrong. I have 4 boys and they don't get to talk or act that way and I monitor what they are intaking. I would tell Fuentes he is an idiot to his face. The thing is, I don't identify him as "mine" or my "side". There isn't a Republican on the planet that is going to say, "You know my side needs to stop talking this way...Nick Fuentes needs to stop." That dude isn't our side. People exist outside the left/right divide.
Anyway, maybe I shouldn't have linked this conduct--which my neighbor is really, really concerned about (he has two daughters)--and the concept of Republican overreach and overconfidence. But I find them of a piece--the crowing and football spiking seems to be a bit excessive right now among Trump supporters, and I think that kind of thing enables stuff like this. And if there is no blowback for it from the leaders on the right? Well, that clearly enables it.
Football spiking by the winning party always happens. Go look at what happened around the country in 2020. Garbage, deplorable, extremist....just a few terms used by the last few people to run at the top of the Democratic ticket to describe voters on the other side. Kamala Harris ran an ad telling black men if they didn't vote for her they wouldn't get laid. The fringe few men trolling like this should stop but damned if it isn't always something started on the left that when adopted by the "right" becomes something that we have to denounce. Breaking people up into sex, race, nationality, etc. and then using that to advance political power is THE way the Democrats run elections. That gets turned around and now we have to denounce it. How about all the Democrats who have run on saying men are evil to the point where a woman literally hacked her own father to pieces over an election do some introspection as well. Young liberal women have made their politics misandry because of abortion and they are celebrated. I don't know, I am kind of at a spot where I think a pox on all of them. I am an old white dude not in the dating pool, they can figure it out on Tik Tok.
If Trump announced at noon that he was starting a new party, the GOP would effectively cease to exist by noon.
Cool, that does nothing to negate my point. He wouldn't take all of the former GOP with him. There are people that held their noses and voted for Trump because there was no other alternative to the Democrats. He wouldn't take all of the voters with him, he would split the center/center right to right vote into two pieces. The beneficiary of that schism would be the unified center to left of center Democrat Party.

The Democrats would have government at the Federal level locked down for at least several election cycles. Talking a decade of them doing what they want with no effective counterbalance. Every purple state would effectively be blue.
He wouldn't take all of the former GOP with him.
That's the point you are missing. There is no non-Trump GOP. Trump is the GOP. If Trump yells jump the Republican coalition responds how high. The Alohas are long gone. You can count on one hand the number of elected Republicans federally who run away from Trump on the campaign trail. The moment trump would declare he's leaving the party nearly every elected Republican would follow en masse. What is the #1 determinant if they won their primary? Did DJT endorse them.
That's the point you are missing. There is no non-Trump GOP. Trump is the GOP. If Trump yells jump the Republican coalition responds how high. The Alohas are long gone. You can count on one hand the number of elected Republicans federally who run away from Trump on the campaign trail. The moment trump would declare he's leaving the party nearly every elected Republican would follow en masse. What is the #1 determinant if they won their primary? Did DJT endorse them.
If Trump started a party, he would still have the same 74 million people follow.
It was teachers and administrative saying they heard the kids say it. You deal with that from a disciplinary standpoint but is that a movement? Seriously, they all (boys and girls) rap along to worse stuff than that. I am all fine with being more Puritanical with the content that gets churned out to teenagers but it is kind of weird that this becomes a problem when it is deemed to come from the right. "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks. Lick on the n--s and suck the d--k. Get the **** out after your done and hops in my coupe to make a quick run...." Over 30 years old, one of the most successful rap albums in history. Content like that pumped into them through spotify now on the regular. "Boys are saying your body, my choice" scream the pearl clutching white liberal women...."No more sex for them." Then turn on spotify and dance the day away listening to some of the most sexually degrading content our society produces. "This is fine...." Have a rapper say, "You're body, my choice" to a nice beat and it would be a hit.

And that isn't to say that any of that is OK, but your neighbor should be way more concerned about what the average 16 year old boy is hearing Drake rap in a song than he is Nick Fuentes saying crap on Twitter. Those musicians have way more influence than Nick and these same 4B young women have made him rich delivering the exact same kind of content.

Not one that but if we are going to highlight the crazy their are women in that movement saying that women should be violent towards men because of their perception of how "men" are to "women". (Individuality is never a thing in these movements, women are this and men are that). If a "movement" is to be judged on its extremes, then 4B is nuts too. How much 4B type of content do you think this woman was ingesting leading up to and just after the election?

It is wrong. I have 4 boys and they don't get to talk or act that way and I monitor what they are intaking. I would tell Fuentes he is an idiot to his face. The thing is, I don't identify him as "mine" or my "side". There isn't a Republican on the planet that is going to say, "You know my side needs to stop talking this way...Nick Fuentes needs to stop." That dude isn't our side. People exist outside the left/right divide.

Football spiking by the winning party always happens. Go look at what happened around the country in 2020. Garbage, deplorable, extremist....just a few terms used by the last few people to run at the top of the Democratic ticket to describe voters on the other side. Kamala Harris ran an ad telling black men if they didn't vote for her they wouldn't get laid. The fringe few men trolling like this should stop but damned if it isn't always something started on the left that when adopted by the "right" becomes something that we have to denounce. Breaking people up into sex, race, nationality, etc. and then using that to advance political power is THE way the Democrats run elections. That gets turned around and now we have to denounce it. How about all the Democrats who have run on saying men are evil to the point where a woman literally hacked her own father to pieces over an election do some introspection as well. Young liberal women have made their politics misandry because of abortion and they are celebrated. I don't know, I am kind of at a spot where I think a pox on all of them. I am an old white dude not in the dating pool, they can figure it out on Tik Tok.
I agree with all your other examples. Again, it's really simple though: two wrongs don't make a right. "Everybody else is doing it" doesn't work for me or you.

And wouldn't it be refreshing for our politicians to break the cycle we're in?