Republican house members storm SCIF


Feb 22, 2018

This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.
I'm sure these nutters were all concerned about Hillary's e-mails too and how that was the worst thing ever and they can't even follow the rules.

If they want to have a little protest outside without disrupting the committee's work or on the capital steps to get their airtime on Fox News, that's fine.

This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.
They have no boundaries. They know there will be no real repercussions, so why not pull stunts like this? This is just the beginning.
The Republican Party has completely lost its mind. Trump has firmly established that there is no bottom.
Bloomberg reporting that Trump had advance knowledge of the SCIF storming and actually encouraged it.
Blame in my opinion goes to a large measure on having so many Congressional seats which aren't competitive and representatives don't have to fear losing an election.

Heck, they can behave outrageously, and the tribe back home will support them.
I'm sure these nutters were all concerned about Hillary's e-mails too and how that was the worst thing ever and they can't even follow the rules.

If they want to have a little protest outside without disrupting the committee's work or on the capital steps to get their airtime on Fox News, that's fine.
It's the Whackjob Caucus. Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, et al. No doubt Michelle Bachmann wishes she could have been there.

If Brick Tamland was a real person, Republicans would have voted him into the House by now, and he'd have been there, too.
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This reeks of desperation. Gaetz is especially pathetic, thinking of every stunt he can to gain Daddy’s approval. Florida needs to vote him out. He’s a clown. And of course Trump encouraged it.
And I have to say storm may not exactly be the right word for a bunch of people basically walking into a room.
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This reeks of desperation. Gaetz is especially pathetic, thinking of every stunt he can to gain Daddy’s approval. Florida needs to vote him out. He’s a clown. And of course Trump encouraged it.
Gaetz has overtaken Louis Gomert as the most comical whack job Representative in recent history.
And I have to say storm may not exactly be the right word for a bunch of people basically walking into a room.
One report I read said they basically ran over a staffer in their rush to crash the party, then stood in the room and screamed and yelled.
One report I read said they basically ran over a staffer in their rush to crash the party, then stood in the room and screamed and yelled.

I saw that, there's also reporting now that they ordered pizza and soda to be delivered to the room, so they're settling in. Especially interesting timing given the vote scheduled today for a bill around preventing foreign election interference.
My representative, Andy Biggs, is participating and has used his phone to send messages out from the room. I live in a Republican district, but Biggs won his primary by a very close vote. People are getting tired of his behavior and it may very well lead to a Democratic win in the district next election.
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What exactly do Republicans stand for now, besides Trump? Not law and order, not family values, not fiscal responsibility. What?
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And I have to say storm may not exactly be the right word for a bunch of people basically walking into a room.
One report I read said they basically ran over a staffer in their rush to crash the party, then stood in the room and screamed and yelled.
The video I saw was a bunch of guys taking a stroll, but that was just a few seconds. This is just the start of how crazy it’s going to get.
What exactly do Republicans stand for now, besides Trump? Not law and order, not family values, not fiscal responsibility. What?

Not national security, not the Constitution, not the truth...

This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.

The scenario is hilarious,but the actions of these nutjobs underscore EXACTLY why they are enforcing the rules banning members who are not on the respective,involved committees. The scary thing is that Gaetz,Jordan, Biggs and Gohmert are all on the Judiciary Committee,so you can imagine what a circus the meetings there will be. Pelosi was so upset at the way those clowns made a mockery of the Lewandoski "testimony" that she deliberately lowered the committees profile in the investigation stage...

In the meantime, here is an analysis of the "gate storming" that I found hilarious. Love the "wingnut Bingo" and Gaetz (R-Breathalyzer) references...The OP beat me to it,I was going to start a thread and label it CRAZY TRAIN.

Ozzie would be so proud...

You Can Pick Out All Your Favorite Wingnuts as They Commit a Dangerous Breach of National Security

This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.
Can't defend stupid stunts like this.

This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.

It’s the democrats fault. If they just hadn’t nominated Hillary.
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It’s the democrats fault. If they just hadn’t nominated Hillary.

BHE, funny you say that.

When switching parties back in the Nixon years, I applauded the Dems for relying more on state primaries to nominate candidates as opposed to party professionals.

Now I worry about a population of ordinary citizens voting in the Demi primaries picking a candidate who cannot beat Trump.
BHE, funny you say that.

When switching parties back in the Nixon years, I applauded the Dems for relying more on state primaries to nominate candidates as opposed to party professionals.

Now I worry about a population of ordinary citizens voting in the Demi primaries picking a candidate who cannot beat Trump.

Even funnier, we did nominate a candidate who beat Trump. Due to an archaic system put into place to appease slave-owning states, the candidate with far more votes isn’t in the White House. We needed to campaign more in PA, MI, and WI. Trump didn’t win by some record breaking landslide, he squeaked in by the skin of his teeth because people either stayed home or threw away their vote on some third party candidate.
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This seems wildly out of line. It shows a deep disrespect for the whistleblower process and for the protection of sensitive information. There are Republican members of the committees that are hearing every bit of the closed-door testimony, this is simply theater designed to delegitimize the process.

I'm especially interested in hearing from folks like Aloha who are familiar with SCIFs and what it means that these folks pushed their way inside with cell phones.
It’s quite possibly the dumbest thing they could’ve done. All the fainting couch histrionics they pulled over HRC’s emails and all the pretend security experts’ time and fake opinions are devastated by this nonsense.

absolute idiocy.
It’s quite possibly the dumbest thing they could’ve done. All the fainting couch histrionics they pulled over HRC’s emails and all the pretend security experts’ time and fake opinions are devastated by this nonsense.

absolute idiocy.

The lack of self-awareness is a pre-requisite for being a politician, particularly for the GOP variety.
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This is must watch...Not only for Judge Nap's precise rendering of the applicable rule and how it was the Pubs who changed the Rules in 2015,but also for the reaction from the 3 stooges. They clearly expected Nap to come on there and commiserate with Pub whining about "transparency", and they aren't willing to give up without a fight when they find the tables turned.Esp love his rejoinder to the chick who throws out the "but they've been trying to impeach him forever" mantra-
when he shuts her off with "change the rules!". It's like he's saying "tough shit Bitch"...
If you or me walked into the SCIF, refused to turn over our electronic devices when asked by the Sergeant at Arms, and then proceeded to tweet from those devices, we would be criminally prosecuted.
Since we aren’t Congressmen, we might be charged with Trespassing and creating a disturbance. Unless we took pictures of classified documents or recorded classified briefings and texted, tweeted or emailed them to someone, there wouldn’t be any charges related to espionage or anything like that.

These unruly boneheads are members of Congress so they wouldn’t be charged with trespassing. I’d be OK with charging them with creating a disturbance, but isn’t creating disturbances kind of what politicians do? Unfortunately, it seems to be. I understand that testimony stopped so they couldn’t have recorded that and done anything with it. We also don’t know anything classified was being discussed. Just being in a SCIF doesn’t make what’s happening in the room classified. I’ve read nothing about them sending out pictures of classified information and seriously doubt that was lying around to be compromised.

Taking a cell phone into a SCIF or any Controlled Access Area, is a violation of procedures, not a crime in and of itself. I’ve inadvertently walked in with my work cell in my pocket on a couple occasions over the years because I forgot I had it. Soon as I realized it, immediately after walking in for me, I reported it and left to secure it outside. That happens. Nothing was compromised. Repeatedly doing it showing possible gross negligence or even intent, or doing something with it that actually compromises classified information could lead to administrative or legal consequences depending on the circumstances.

What we have here is a very stupid political stunt. It’s not the first stupid political stunt by politicians and won’t be the last.

I will say Congress is notorious for carelessly or intentionally leaking classified information. If it were up to me there would be consequences for that, but there pretty much never is. Maybe someone has been issued a sternly worded verbal admonishment at some point, but I don’t know. However, I don’t see this as anything as serious as that. I suppose someone unfamiliar with these things could see it differently.
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Since we aren’t Congressmen, we might be charged with Trespassing and creating a disturbance. Unless we took pictures of classified documents or recorded classified briefings and texted, tweeted or emailed them to someone, there wouldn’t be any charges related to espionage or anything like that.

These unruly boneheads are members of Congress so they wouldn’t be charged with trespassing. I’d be OK with charging them with creating a disturbance, but isn’t creating disturbances kind of what politicians do? Unfortunately, it seems to be. I understand that testimony stopped so they couldn’t have recorded that and done anything with it. We also don’t know anything classified was being discussed. Just being in a SCIF doesn’t make what’s happening in the room classified. I’ve read nothing about them sending out pictures of classified information and seriously doubt that was lying around to be compromised.

Taking a cell phone into a SCIF or any Controlled Access Area, is a violation of procedures, not a crime in and of itself. I’ve inadvertently walked in with my work cell in my pocket on a couple occasions over the years because I forgot I had it. Soon as I realized it, immediately after walking in for me, I reported it and left to secure it outside. That happens. Nothing was compromised. Repeatedly doing it showing possible gross negligence or even intent, or doing something with it that actually compromises classified information could lead to administrative or legal consequences depending on the circumstances.

What we have here is a very stupid political stunt. It’s not the first stupid political stunt by politicians and won’t be the last.

I will say Congress is notorious for carelessly or internationally leaking classified information. If it were up to me there would be consequences for that, but there pretty much never is. Maybe someone has been issued a sternly worded verbal admonishment at some point, but I don’t know. However, I don’t see this as anything as serious as that. I suppose someone unfamiliar with these things could jade it differently.
Nice post, Aloha. I don't often agree with your substantive posts, but I do often respect how you go about your business here.

That said, at what point does the GOP's general behavior - congressmen, president, cabinet, supporters generally - become so disturbing to someone like you that it causes you to get off that train?
Nice post, Aloha. I don't often agree with your substantive posts, but I do often respect how you go about your business here.

That said, at what point does the GOP's general behavior - congressmen, president, cabinet, supporters generally - become so disturbing to someone like you that it causes you to get off that train?
I wouldn’t say I’m on any train. I’m not onboard with a lot of the Republicans are doing and I never support stupid and unruly behavior in our elected officials and I’m most definitely not a Trumper. However, I’m not a Democrat either - certainly not relating to the Warren wing. I’d say I’m traveling along in my comfortable automobile planning to vote for the least objectionable politicians regardless of party.
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I wouldn’t say I’m on any train. I’m not onboard with a lot of the Republicans are doing and I never support stupid and unruly behavior in our elected officials and I’m most definitely not a Trumper. However, I’m not a Democrat either - certainly not relating to the Warren wing. I’d say I’m traveling along in my comfortable automobile planning to vote for the least objectionable politicians regardless of party.

You might be inside your car on a flat car, but you're definitely on the GOP train . . . at least from this vantage point. ;)
You might be inside your car on a flat car, but you're definitely on the GOP train . . . at least from this vantage point. ;)
Also, I wouldn’t like riding in the same car in the Democratic train with some of our WC Democrats. ;)
Also, I wouldn’t like riding in the same car in the Democratic train with some of our WC Democrats. ;)
Understood. Given that some would like to throw you in front of the train, somehow I think you'd like riding on the train instead. :confused:

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