
Oh come on..... so desperate to protect them you drag them through several other countries to land at our doorstep.... that isn’t an argument ..... they could stop in Mexico for safety
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Oh come on..... so desperate to protect them you drag them through several other countries to land at our doorstep.... that isn’t an argument ..... they could stop in Mexico for safety

Mexico may be safer than where they were, but would you call Mexico safe by any definition?

Law abiders:

And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered." (Luke 2:1-6)
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Law abiders:

And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered." (Luke 2:1-6)

Did he use his driver's license to register too?
When it comes to dragging my kid on foot.... ya I probably would. I’m only commenting on the argument...
Walking makes it harder. I think though a general comparison was Britain sending their kids to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US. Sending a kid from London to Auckland had to be difficult.

One point we do not discuss, why are all these Central American countries (including Mexico) failed states?
Walking makes it harder. I think though a general comparison was Britain sending their kids to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US. Sending a kid from London to Auckland had to be difficult.

One point we do not discuss, why are all these Central American countries (including Mexico) failed states?

I read about a loooong time ago going back to the banana republics. I couldn’t tell you or begin to guess. Here is my thing Marvin. We have plenty of room and infrastructure for more immigrants. I don’t have a problem with people wanting to improve their lot in life. I don’t believe that these “Groups” of people form up and begin marching on their own. I believe they become ponds in the political battles in our country. I am skeptical and believe there are left leaning groups working in these countries and organizing them to come to our borders. That makes things different and quite frankly disgusting from the exploitation standpoint.

I saw a few things on the subject early but I haven’t heard much about it. If it is true, I would like to see the Government make good on those who made the trek and go after the organizers for indangerment and aiding in breaking our laws. These things can’t go on.
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I say we open all our boarders and let anyone in. Just walk into a fire station, hospital or police station and request asylum. That is the lefts position. That is a unreasonable position. That is what the left expects and those of us that think a controlled border is reasonable are deranged. OK.
I say we open all our boarders and let anyone in. Just walk into a fire station, hospital or police station and request asylum. That is the lefts position. That is a unreasonable position. That is what the left expects and those of us that think a controlled border is reasonable are deranged. OK.
Literally no one thinks that. But I guess it’s bourbon time.
Literally no one thinks that. But I guess it’s bourbon time.
You are mistaken. the entire left has framed this as anti immigration. That is not what Trump wants he wants merit based immigration. The left is calling for open boarders and asylum for all. If you can't see this then you can't eat in my restaurant.
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I say we open all our boarders and let anyone in. Just walk into a fire station, hospital or police station and request asylum. That is the lefts position. That is a unreasonable position. That is what the left expects and those of us that think a controlled border is reasonable are deranged. OK.
My friend, I too am infatuated with Macallan 12.
Yes it is. I think immigration should be controlled and the left believes it should be wide open. No controls, come one come all.

You are being gaslighted. Illegal border crossings have dropped exponentially since the 1990s.

Probably because we have quadrupled the number of border patrol agents and built 700 miles of fencing.

The only place you can now illegally cross is way the hell out in the middle of harsh desert.

And yet you'd believe it's an epic crisis. Bullshit.

You are letting people control the narrative that aren't using facts. It's what the Nazis did. Do better.
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You are being gaslighted. Illegal border crossings have dropped exponentially since the 1990s.

Probably because we have quadrupled the number of border patrol agents and built 700 miles of fencing.

The only place you can now illegally cross is way the hell out in the middle of harsh desert.

And yet you'd believe it's an epic crisis. Bullshit.
Let them all in. That is your position?
You are being gaslighted. Illegal border crossings have dropped exponentially since the 1990s.

Probably because we have quadrupled the number of border patrol agents and built 700 miles of fencing.

The only place you can now illegally cross is way the hell out in the middle of harsh desert.

And yet you'd believe it's an epic crisis. Bullshit.

You are letting people control the narrative that aren't using facts. It's what the Nazis did. Do better.

What a crazy world we live in now. They are all getting all worked up over something over a 'problem' that barely exist. And as many times you can illustrate the statistics to prove otherwise, they will just either ignore you or/and cant accept the facts.

Keep on the good fight -- cut&paste your old facts and be prepared to bring it up again -- as these folks have shown if you are told something over & over again at some point they will accept it as 'facts' just like what Trump has been doing to them. Your disadvantage is that you dont have the bully pulpit of the POTUS.
Lets have freedom trains Go deep into the hart of central America and transport the people to American. Save then the trials of the journey.
What a crazy world we live in now. They are all getting all worked up over something over a 'problem' that barely exist. And as many times you can illustrate the statistics to prove otherwise, they will just either ignore you or/and cant accept the facts.

Keep on the good fight -- cut&paste your old facts and be prepared to bring it up again -- as these folks have shown if you are told something over & over again at some point they will accept it as 'facts' just like what Trump has been doing to them. Your disadvantage is that you dont have the bully pulpit of the POTUS.

Trump and the anti immigrant platform is the biggest gaslight project taken on for a couple generations by any major world power......and It was 100% the backbone of his campaign, and it's totally fraudulent.

Humans don't understand large numbers very well at all, so it is easy to dupe them.
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Trump and the anti immigrant platform is the biggest gaslight project taken on for a couple generations by any major world power......and It was 100% the backbone of his campaign, and it's totally fraudulent.

Humans don't understand large numbers very well at all, so it is easy to dupe them.
Duped. How can large numbers of people be Dreamers if they didn't have a legacy of illegal grossing. Make them hole and fix the problem. Regan tried to compromise and was betrayed by the left.
Trump and the anti immigrant platform is the biggest gaslight project taken on for a couple generations by any major world power......and It was 100% the backbone of his campaign, and it's totally fraudulent.

Humans don't understand large numbers very well at all, so it is easy to dupe them.

But if you wake them up to the reality of life, who else can they scapegoat and focus on that has caused all the ills in their lives?
They are volunteers in this gaslit project. They need it.

They needed to focus on someone else instead of the mirror -- and so the easiest would be people who dont look like themselves.

Personal responsibility... meh! Over-rated idea.
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But if you wake them up to the reality of life, who else can they scapegoat and focus on that has caused all the ills in their lives?
They are volunteers in this gaslit project. They need it.

They needed to focus on someone else instead of the mirror -- and so the easiest would be people who dont look like themselves.

Personal responsibility... meh! Over-rated idea.
That is crap.
Capt. it is not bumbassery to have a controlled immigration policy.

We do! Amazing!

To drive a number of illegals to zero is impossible in a country this big. And you get to a point of diminishing returns on the $ cost.

You want to spend another $20b to stop an illegal flow that's less than 1% of our population?
I say we open all our boarders and let anyone in. Just walk into a fire station, hospital or police station and request asylum. That is the lefts position. That is a unreasonable position. That is what the left expects and those of us that think a controlled border is reasonable are deranged. OK.
You can say it a hundred times and it still does not make it true. Why are you so easily conned? No one on this board advocates open borders and I've yet to hear a politician do so. Can you find some for us, since you seem to be so insistent? Secondly, it's not much of a problem.
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Law abiders:

And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered." (Luke 2:1-6)

And why did they have to go that far? Because the government ordered it.
We do! Amazing!

To drive a number of illegals to zero is impossible in a country this big. And you get to a point of diminishing returns on the $ cost.

You want to spend another $20b to stop an illegal flow that's less than 1% of our population?

Yes. 20 million = 6%

40 million = 12%

80 million = 24%

See how the math works?
I read about a loooong time ago going back to the banana republics. I couldn’t tell you or begin to guess. Here is my thing Marvin. We have plenty of room and infrastructure for more immigrants. I don’t have a problem with people wanting to improve their lot in life. I don’t believe that these “Groups” of people form up and begin marching on their own. I believe they become ponds in the political battles in our country. I am skeptical and believe there are left leaning groups working in these countries and organizing them to come to our borders. That makes things different and quite frankly disgusting from the exploitation standpoint.

I saw a few things on the subject early but I haven’t heard much about it. If it is true, I would like to see the Government make good on those who made the trek and go after the organizers for indangerment and aiding in breaking our laws. These things can’t go on.

I have asked this question many times in various posts and can’t get an answer. You say we have plenty of room for more immigrants. How many more would you say we can accommodate?