Q. Coach, do you feel like Xavier is someone that puts like a lot of pressure on himself? And I guess how have you tried to help him balance that line between playing with intensity but not forcing things?
MIKE WOODSON: Well, I think all these young players put pressure on themselves. If they could just stay out of the paper and leave social media alone, they might be a lot better.
You know, I mean, again, X means well. He wants to be great. He plays -- he competes, man. He's a competitor. That's what he does. And he's had his ups and downs, man.
But for the most part, man, listen, this is the first time he and I have had an opportunity as coach/player to get together, man. I'm pleased at how he's played this year. He's come a long way from the beginning when we started to where he is today. When I see things like that, that means he's put in time and he's working.
MIKE WOODSON: Well, I think all these young players put pressure on themselves. If they could just stay out of the paper and leave social media alone, they might be a lot better.
You know, I mean, again, X means well. He wants to be great. He plays -- he competes, man. He's a competitor. That's what he does. And he's had his ups and downs, man.
But for the most part, man, listen, this is the first time he and I have had an opportunity as coach/player to get together, man. I'm pleased at how he's played this year. He's come a long way from the beginning when we started to where he is today. When I see things like that, that means he's put in time and he's working.