Random: We've got a pretty sweet clubhouse...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 10, 2002

Now, back to beating Louisville.
That's a nice crib for these guys. Not sure what it looked like before BKF was built, but I'm guessing there are quite a few former players that are thinking "daaaaayyyyyaaaammm!!!"
I think Sembowery's "clubhouse" was the port-OPotty in left field.
I believe the "clubhouse" was at AH...

and they had to walk to the stadium from there, which was embarrassing to the point of absurdity.
We had a locker room in Assembly Hall...

We would then walk/run to Mellencamp for indoor practices and drive to Sembower for practice/games.

When Skip arrived, he tried to make the locker room much nicer at least. He improved the lockers, added some couches and a big screen tv, including an xbox to play Call of Duty. Guys definitely started hanging around more often.
This post was edited on 3/25 10:29 AM by HoosierBaseball34