Rand Paul - The Most Dangerous Man in DC?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
Not sure what the Daily Signal is, and yes, this is a soft-ball, staged interview, but the answers are still revealing.

When common sense invades DC, warning bells go off and the fools head for undisclosed locations.

And Paul spews common sense:

PS - If you criticize Paul without listening, God will know.
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Not sure what the Daily Signal is, and yes, this is a soft-ball, staged interview, but the answers are still revealing.

When common sense invades DC, warning bells go off and the fools head for undisclosed locations.

And Paul spews common sense:

PS - If you criticize Paul without listening, God will know.
I agree with him on civil disobedience. Do you know what his stance was when BLM was blocking traffic? I honestly do not know. If truckers want to block traffic, they should be allowed to just as I felt BLM should have been allowed to. There needs to be some limit, I don't know what that is, but civil disobedience should be allowed. At some point, for both the truckers and BLM, setting a time and requiring the roadway to be open or arrests will happen is perfectly legitimate. Part of civil disobedience is accepting the consequence.

I will be curious if the same people that said "run them over" with BLM will say that with the truckers.
Not sure what the Daily Signal is, and yes, this is a soft-ball, staged interview, but the answers are still revealing.

When common sense invades DC, warning bells go off and the fools head for undisclosed locations.

And Paul spews common sense:

PS - If you criticize Paul without listening, God will know.
Anyone that questions COVID is the most dangerous man to the libs on this board. You are not allowed to quesiton anything about it period or you are a terrorist on this left wing board.
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I agree with him on civil disobedience. Do you know what his stance was when BLM was blocking traffic? I honestly do not know. If truckers want to block traffic, they should be allowed to just as I felt BLM should have been allowed to. There needs to be some limit, I don't know what that is, but civil disobedience should be allowed. At some point, for both the truckers and BLM, setting a time and requiring the roadway to be open or arrests will happen is perfectly legitimate. Part of civil disobedience is accepting the consequence.

I will be curious if the same people that said "run them over" with BLM will say that with the truckers.
Thoreau didn't fight going to jail. In fact, he was upset when someone paid his taxes to get him out. Part of civil disobedience involves subjecting yourself to those same civil authorities.
I agree with him on civil disobedience. Do you know what his stance was when BLM was blocking traffic? I honestly do not know. If truckers want to block traffic, they should be allowed to just as I felt BLM should have been allowed to. There needs to be some limit, I don't know what that is, but civil disobedience should be allowed. At some point, for both the truckers and BLM, setting a time and requiring the roadway to be open or arrests will happen is perfectly legitimate. Part of civil disobedience is accepting the consequence.

I will be curious if the same people that said "run them over" with BLM will say that with the truckers.
He was against the violence. He was against No-Knock warrants. He introduced “The Justice For Breonna Taylor” bill against no-knock warrants.

He and his wife were still surrounded by BLM mobs.

Facts dont matter to our Loony Left Know-It-Alls.
I agree with him on civil disobedience. Do you know what his stance was when BLM was blocking traffic? I honestly do not know. If truckers want to block traffic, they should be allowed to just as I felt BLM should have been allowed to. There needs to be some limit, I don't know what that is, but civil disobedience should be allowed. At some point, for both the truckers and BLM, setting a time and requiring the roadway to be open or arrests will happen is perfectly legitimate. Part of civil disobedience is accepting the consequence.

I will be curious if the same people that said "run them over" with BLM will say that with the truckers.
No executive in any political rank should say that blocking traffic is allowed, be it BLM or truckers. That was the mistake the deep blue mayors made with the rioting. The question becomes what degree of force is legit to enforce the law. As an example, no unarmed, smallish female demonstrator should be shot and killed for a trespass. But if these truckers block traffic and resist arrest they have to expect that some degree of force will be used to effect arrest. Then vote the politicians out that put the cops in that situation.
No executive in any political rank should say that blocking traffic is allowed, be it BLM or truckers. That was the mistake the deep blue mayors made with the rioting. The question becomes what degree of force is legit to enforce the law. As an example, no unarmed, smallish female demonstrator should be shot and killed for a trespass

I respect that consistency. Personally, I'll accept some disobedience for blocking traffic but if we apply your standard across the board I have no problem. So long as it is across the board. Since we let marchers block, we pretty much have to let truckers block imo.
I respect that consistency. Personally, I'll accept some disobedience for blocking traffic but if we apply your standard across the board I have no problem. So long as it is across the board. Since we let marchers block, we pretty much have to let truckers block imo.
There are really no words for how evil and disrespectful I think blocking traffic is Marv - irrespective of side; BLM protestors or right wing vax protestors. Your issue; your time; is more important than mine and the things I need to do for my job, my family, etc. It's absolutely abhorrent behavior imo. What's more it's a failure of a basic tenet of local government to permit it. Lord knows the constitution permits regulation of this stuff
There are really no words for how evil and disrespectful I think blocking traffic is Marv - irrespective of side; BLM protestors or right wing vax protestors. Your issue; your time; is more important than mine and the things I need to do for my job, my family, etc. It's absolutely abhorrent behavior imo. What's more it's a failure of a basic tenet of local government to permit it. Lord knows the constitution permits regulation of this stuff

I get that, and I've complained about protests that have blocked my path. Heck, a few years ago the Indianapolis Marathon really screwed me and that's sanctioned by the city. But at the same point, I ran the Mini for several years and I know that had to block people. So how do we allow a marathon to block roads but not protests?

The problem is if we shove protesters into an unused park in a corner of town they really aren't given an adequate chance to peacefully assemble for the purpose of petitioning the government. So how do we balance their right to be heard with my right to get to my movie on time? The right to peacefully assemble doesn't say, "as long as it's convenient for Marvin", though it probably should and I urge you to write your congressman (or block traffic) for that to be added. Even if we shunt protestors off to that mostly unused park, there is always a chance you had scheduled a family reunion there that day.

The marketplace of ideas should take care of part of it. If people can't get to the Super Bowl because of this protest, do you think they are going to be sympathetic to the protester cause? I think a lot on the left realize the combination of "defund" with the riots that broke out killed the Ds in 2020. These protests should realize that they run a serious risk of damaging their own cause.

In my world, a short protest should be allowed followed by clearing the streets. How short, I don't know. 5PM on a Friday, probably not very long. 9AM on a Saturday, probably longer.

But if as a society we agree no one can block for a protest, I can live with that. The question becomes, why then do we allow marathons to block traffic?
I respect that consistency. Personally, I'll accept some disobedience for blocking traffic but if we apply your standard across the board I have no problem. So long as it is across the board. Since we let marchers block, we pretty much have to let truckers block imo.
Just my opinion, of course, but I think our American protests always seem to bring out a violent and destructive few that ruin the messaging of the peaceful many. From what I've seen from the Canadians, we could stand to learn from them.

The truckers have shoveled snow and worked together in trash collection. They haven't tried to break into and occupy the surrounding gov't buildings. They have tables of free food, water and coffee scattered everywhere as opposed to pallets of bricks.

So far, at least, I see little comparison between the trucker protest and our protests which are marked by the violence and destruction.
I get that, and I've complained about protests that have blocked my path. Heck, a few years ago the Indianapolis Marathon really screwed me and that's sanctioned by the city. But at the same point, I ran the Mini for several years and I know that had to block people. So how do we allow a marathon to block roads but not protests?

The problem is if we shove protesters into an unused park in a corner of town they really aren't given an adequate chance to peacefully assemble for the purpose of petitioning the government. So how do we balance their right to be heard with my right to get to my movie on time? The right to peacefully assemble doesn't say, "as long as it's convenient for Marvin", though it probably should and I urge you to write your congressman (or block traffic) for that to be added. Even if we shunt protestors off to that mostly unused park, there is always a chance you had scheduled a family reunion there that day.

The marketplace of ideas should take care of part of it. If people can't get to the Super Bowl because of this protest, do you think they are going to be sympathetic to the protester cause? I think a lot on the left realize the combination of "defund" with the riots that broke out killed the Ds in 2020. These protests should realize that they run a serious risk of damaging their own cause.

In my world, a short protest should be allowed followed by clearing the streets. How short, I don't know. 5PM on a Friday, probably not very long. 9AM on a Saturday, probably longer.

But if as a society we agree no one can block for a protest, I can live with that. The question becomes, why then do we allow marathons to block traffic?
Because the marathon comes with notice and a certain beginning and end. I agree largely with what you write otherwise
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Just my opinion, of course, but I think our American protests always seem to bring out a violent and destructive few that ruin the messaging of the peaceful many. From what I've seen from the Canadians, we could stand to learn from them.

The truckers have shoveled snow and worked together in trash collection. They haven't tried to break into and occupy the surrounding gov't buildings. They have tables of free food, water and coffee scattered everywhere as opposed to pallets of bricks.

So far, at least, I see little comparison between the trucker protest and our protests which are marked by the violence and destruction.
And they've also f*ucked up Hoopsdoc's work. Not cool. Not okay
There are really no words for how evil and disrespectful I think blocking traffic is Marv - irrespective of side; BLM protestors or right wing vax protestors. It's absolutely abhorrent behavior imo. What's more it's a failure of a basic tenet of local government to permit it. Lord knows the constitution permits regulation of this stuff
Even MLK would TRY to get a permit to march. The local Bull Connor would say “no” and theyd march anyway - peacefully on their part

I think blocking traffic is a dumb way to seek support. Pisses people off. Plus, it usually leads to/allows/is accompanied by violence and looting.

The best protest again True-dough is vote the prick out and it looks like he has shown his ass enough to get the boot.

Not sure enough Americans are still subject to mandates - or fired up enough about them - to make much of a US protest anyway.
Because the marathon comes with notice and a certain beginning and end. I agree largely with what you write otherwise
So maybe we require permits for protests on the streets? I wonder if we should have a built in protest area next to every city hall/state legislature/congressional building.
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So maybe we require permits for protests on the streets? I wonder if we should have a built in protest area next to every city hall/state legislature/congressional building.
I trust they are already required; simply not enforced. And yes I'd be fine with both. My guess is that both of those things defeat the purpose of a "protest" - lack of civility, in your face, etc.
I trust they are already required; simply not enforced. And yes I'd be fine with both. My guess is that both of those things defeat the purpose of a "protest" - lack of civility, in your face, etc.

The Chicago School largely created the idea that the market works because we can trust people to act rationally in their self-interest. Yet we all agree that blocking traffic is often not going to work in the rational self-interest of protestors. Even though I might allow them more leeway, I know that if they block traffic people are going to take out their frustrations on the cause.

So that raises a question, if protestors can't be counted on to act rationally in their self-interest does that make the Chicago School wrong on economic theory?
And they've also f*ucked up Hoopsdoc's work. Not cool. Not okay
I wish protests could find a way to do their thing without infringing on the lives of the populace as well. I think there is the danger of losing support that you may have had before the protest began.

That said, I think that may just be the nature of a large protest. They feel they've voiced their opinion by conventional methods, but have been shut down in one way or another, So, they choose a method that ensures that their voice is heard. At that point the best you can hope for is non-violence.
wonder what rand would say if I parked a big rig in front of his driveway blocking him in because I think Hes a dickhead
this is a public safety issue, what if you had to get to a hospital? I would give them about 2 hours' notice then start shooting
The Chicago School largely created the idea that the market works because we can trust people to act rationally in their self-interest. Yet we all agree that blocking traffic is often not going to work in the rational self-interest of protestors. Even though I might allow them more leeway, I know that if they block traffic people are going to take out their frustrations on the cause.

So that raises a question, if protestors can't be counted on to act rationally in their self-interest does that make the Chicago School wrong on economic theory?
LMAO Marv. Listen, a semi-trained monkey could do my job and not experience much of a drop-off from my daily output. That's why I like posting on this board during my work - I can get in fights and try to shoot off quips; not get whacked with hard questions!

To try to answer your question about the Chicago School; I don't know. As an aside I really like the Chicago School stuff - it was fun to think about in different contexts - and obviously important to Tort law, which is the only law that ever interested me. But to answer your question as it relates to protestors - again I don't know. I think in today's day and age, with what we witnessed with the insanity of BLM, Defund the Police, and Trump adherents in the face of his wrongdoings, behavioral economics dudes that challenge that humans are rational self-interest amplifiers are enjoying heady times. I think they would say, and have recent support for same, that biases and "rush to judgment" reactions prevent people from being the ideal decision-makers that the Chicago School presupposes them to be; and that that is what we're seeing with these annoying AF protests from both sides
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wonder what rand would say if I parked a big rig in front of his driveway blocking him in because I think Hes a dickhead
He would confirm you are a dumbass incapable of rational civil thought or behavior, like his neighbor, who is in prison for blind-side tackling Rand, breaking a rib and puncturing a lung, then trying to claim he was mad about leaves instead of politics.

You tokers should like a guy who named his college bong and believes in civil liberties
wonder what rand would say if I parked a big rig in front of his driveway blocking him in because I think Hes a dickhead
Don't worry about what Rand would say. Worry about the Warren County Sheriff and the Bowling Green PD would say as they arrested you and towed your big rig to an impound lot. It would probably be some thing close to "Sir, you are under arrest"
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There are really no words for how evil and disrespectful I think blocking traffic is Marv - irrespective of side; BLM protestors or right wing vax protestors. Your issue; your time; is more important than mine and the things I need to do for my job, my family, etc. It's absolutely abhorrent behavior imo. What's more it's a failure of a basic tenet of local government to permit it. Lord knows the constitution permits regulation of this stuff

lmao .......................
I agree with him on civil disobedience. Do you know what his stance was when BLM was blocking traffic? I honestly do not know. If truckers want to block traffic, they should be allowed to just as I felt BLM should have been allowed to. There needs to be some limit, I don't know what that is, but civil disobedience should be allowed. At some point, for both the truckers and BLM, setting a time and requiring the roadway to be open or arrests will happen is perfectly legitimate. Part of civil disobedience is accepting the consequence.

I will be curious if the same people that said "run them over" with BLM will say that with the truckers.
There's a difference between blocking traffic and dragging drivers out of their cars and lighting the vehicles on fire.

Let's not pretend all BLM rioters were doing was blocking traffic.
The Chicago School largely created the idea that the market works because we can trust people to act rationally in their self-interest. Yet we all agree that blocking traffic is often not going to work in the rational self-interest of protestors. Even though I might allow them more leeway, I know that if they block traffic people are going to take out their frustrations on the cause.

So that raises a question, if protestors can't be counted on to act rationally in their self-interest does that make the Chicago School wrong on economic theory?
Did it work in Chile?
There are really no words for how evil and disrespectful I think blocking traffic is Marv - irrespective of side; BLM protestors or right wing vax protestors. Your issue; your time; is more important than mine and the things I need to do for my job, my family, etc. It's absolutely abhorrent behavior imo. What's more it's a failure of a basic tenet of local government to permit it. Lord knows the constitution permits regulation of this stuff
I am against blocking traffic, but come on - if traffic is blocked find another route.

I understand being upset by it, but you seem to reserve a special place in Hell for those who do it.
Even MLK would TRY to get a permit to march. The local Bull Connor would say “no” and theyd march anyway - peacefully on their part

I think blocking traffic is a dumb way to seek support. Pisses people off. Plus, it usually leads to/allows/is accompanied by violence and looting.

The best protest again True-dough is vote the prick out and it looks like he has shown his ass enough to get the boot.

Not sure enough Americans are still subject to mandates - or fired up enough about them - to make much of a US protest anyway.
I heard this morning that 75 % of American adults are now fully vaccinated. The excuses to be stupid are gradually diminishing.
Just my opinion, of course, but I think our American protests always seem to bring out a violent and destructive few that ruin the messaging of the peaceful many. From what I've seen from the Canadians, we could stand to learn from them.

The truckers have shoveled snow and worked together in trash collection. They haven't tried to break into and occupy the surrounding gov't buildings. They have tables of free food, water and coffee scattered everywhere as opposed to pallets of bricks.

So far, at least, I see little comparison between the trucker protest and our protests which are marked by the violence and destruction.
Where do they think they are? At a MAGA rally?
I am against blocking traffic, but come on - if traffic is blocked find another route.

I understand being upset by it, but you seem to reserve a special place in Hell for those who do it.
Yeah I don't know why I think it's so rude but I do. Their time is more important than yours
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Yeah I don't know why I think it's so rude but I do. Their time is more important than yours
Well, I think it's rude, but I don't get that worked up about it, unless they're destroying property.

Then I get pretty upset with it.
He would confirm you are a dumbass incapable of rational civil thought or behavior, like his neighbor, who is in prison for blind-side tackling Rand, breaking a rib and puncturing a lung, then trying to claim he was mad about leaves instead of politics.

You tokers should like a guy who named his college bong and believes in civil liberties
I stand with Rands neighbor
I heard this morning that 75 % of American adults are now fully vaccinated. The excuses to be stupid are gradually diminishing.
CDC stats today say 80.6% of people over 5 have at least 1 jab.

The number of folks over 65 - the ones REALLY at numerically-significant risk as a group (81% of all US Covid deaths) - is even higher - 95%

With those numbers, and the milder Omicron overtaking everything, the argument for government mandates is virtually non-existent. No way that would pass "strict scrutiny" analysis. Maybe not even "rational basis" analysis.
Believe it, lucy, these assholes are costing people jobs and money, for what? If I was in charge Teiunman Square would look like a block party compared to what I would do
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