Do you wish/hope for moderate GOP folks in the House and Senate to stem the List of Horribles that the Elected Deplorables plan to implement?
Any regret over the last 8 years’ use of the axe on the extended GOP hands holding olive branches, ie the Pelosi/Waters/Schumer School of “All Dissent Is Treason” politics?
Any newly-remembered faith in departed and limited powers?
Asking for a friend who’s daughter joined a “Trees Are People Too” Cult.
Any regret over the last 8 years’ use of the axe on the extended GOP hands holding olive branches, ie the Pelosi/Waters/Schumer School of “All Dissent Is Treason” politics?
Any newly-remembered faith in departed and limited powers?
Asking for a friend who’s daughter joined a “Trees Are People Too” Cult.