Progressive v. conservative views of the Constitution, government, and why it's hard to get things done in the US political system

Now you're (again) just making shit up.
The Fed exists at the convenience of the citizens who make up State governments. It was understood that this convenience was necessary to defeat the idea of a confederation of regional states with common economic, security and social interests, to include religion.
The power lies in the hands of the people.
The Fed exists at the convenience of the citizens who make up State governments. It was understood that this convenience was necessary to defeat the idea of a confederation of regional states with common economic, security and social interests, to include religion.
The power lies in the hands of the people.

Mass, how do you feel about the Citizens United decision which many think put corporations on equal footing with people in terms of power ?

Actually given corporations already had economic power before United (think government lobbyists) did United only add to the corporate power at the expense of people power?
Mass, how do you feel about the Citizens United decision which many think put corporations on equal footing with people in terms of power ?

Actually given corporations already had economic power before United (think government lobbyists) did United only add to the corporate power at the expense of people power?
In terms of 'the people' and power, I recently saw an interview of a Scottish media figure, talking about how the Second World War was the end of the American Republic, as effectively world governance has been controlled by bankers and Wall Street and London. Eisenhower very clearly warned citizens of the mortal danger of the perpetual war mongers....yet here we are.

Window dressing is what I consider these legislative/judicial jousts to be; that insipid Hunter Biden.

The extant DOJ does not enforce the law at this point.
None of it matters.
In terms of 'the people' and power, I recently saw an interview of a Scottish media figure, talking about how the Second World War was the end of the American Republic, as effectively world governance has been controlled by bankers and Wall Street and London. Eisenhower very clearly warned citizens of the mortal danger of the perpetual war mongers....yet here we are.

Window dressing is what I consider these legislative/judicial jousts to be; that insipid Hunter Biden.

The extant DOJ does not enforce the law at this point.
None of it matters.

Mass, you gave me plenty to think about.

Will offer a thought about international war mongers.

It has long been my naive dream that big international businesses will be instrumental in finally bringing world peace.

How is that for being what most might say is a crazed capitalist. To this I'll add, a closet pacifist to boot ?

P.S. Never been to a London bank or owned stock in one :).
Mass, you gave me plenty to think about.

Will offer a thought about international war mongers.

It has long been my naive dream that big international businesses will be instrumental in finally bringing world peace.

How is that for being what most might say is a crazed capitalist. To this I'll add, a closet pacifist to boot ?

P.S. Never been to a London bank or owned stock in one :).
John Lennon's classic 'Imagine'...

I read lately, don't recall where, that 40% of US manufacturing is by the Military-Industrial complex. This does not include surveillance technology systems.

There are reasons why the Pentagon cannot pass, or even complete an audit. There are reasons why congress refuses to complete a budget.
John Lennon's classic 'Imagine'...

I read lately, don't recall where, that 40% of US manufacturing is by the Military-Industrial complex. This does not include surveillance technology systems.

There are reasons why the Pentagon cannot pass, or even complete an audit. There are reasons why congress refuses to complete a budget.
Actually..., The USMC passed theirs (but no one else has:

John Lennon's classic 'Imagine'...

I read lately, don't recall where, that 40% of US manufacturing is by the Military-Industrial complex. This does not include surveillance technology systems.

There are reasons why the Pentagon cannot pass, or even complete an audit. There are reasons why congress refuses to complete a budget.

Mass, you bring up what will be an interesting debate when you bring up the subject of Congress and the military (national defense budget).

Assuming Congress actually does something about budget deficits, how will it deal with the largest discretionary spending program outside of interest on the debt which is military defense ?

Defense like all spending programs have strong advocates. They see a need to compete militarily and be prepared to defend ourselves against all kinds of threats both globally and in space.
Mass, you bring up what will be an interesting debate when you bring up the subject of Congress and the military (national defense budget).

Assuming Congress actually does something about budget deficits, how will it deal with the largest discretionary spending program outside of interest on the debt which is military defense ?

Defense like all spending programs have strong advocates. They see a need to compete militarily and be prepared to defend ourselves against all kinds of threats both globally and in space.
And 500 billion in private contracts here. That’s a lot of jobs and manufacturing. What would we replace it with - tvs?
Mass, you bring up what will be an interesting debate when you bring up the subject of Congress and the military (national defense budget).

Assuming Congress actually does something about budget deficits, how will it deal with the largest discretionary spending program outside of interest on the debt which is military defense ?

Defense like all spending programs have strong advocates. They see a need to compete militarily and be prepared to defend ourselves against all kinds of threats both globally and in space.
And 500 billion in private contracts here. That’s a lot of jobs and manufacturing. What would we replace it with - tvs?

MM66, here is how.

Convince the NATO countries to spend way more on defense with the caveat that they buy the weapons from us :).

If they don't we will put high tariffs on their exports to us.
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