Pretty obvious Trump wants to be a POTUS who makes the USA bigger (i.e. Polk, Jefferson, etc).

Was in the Dominican Republic a number of years ago at a resort named Casa de Campo
The featured golf course was called Teeth of the Dog, with seven holes running along the rocky Caribbean, redesigned and crafted by Pete and Alice. For their fee, they had a lovely villa overlooking the course, with an incredible view.
If ever given the opportunity to Visit Casa de Campo, jump on it...fascinating place, founded by Cuban cigar magnates who fled Trudeau's daddy in the '50s...
Do you mean Castro, instead of Trudeau?
Maybe. The best part is watching the fools whiz down their leg as the Master Troll works them like a poor boy should....pure fcking entertainment...
Did Trump say it or not? (Yes he did.)

Why did he say it? Doesn't he have enough real things to plan for his next four years?

Greenland is part of the EU by the way.
Are our allies in on the messaging? If not, it can be problematic. If so, then China also knows it is just a bluster.

During the Boer War, the Kaiser sent a telegram to Kruger congratulating him on their first successful defense against the British Army. The idea of the letter was to make it clear to Britain that she was isolated and needed to cozy up to Germany. What Britain took from it was that she was isolated and needed to cozy up to France. The Kaiser single-handedly ended a thousand years of Britain and France hating each other in a single letter. That would lose WW1.

The law of unintended consequence is a powerful force.
Well, whew, we're probably safe then. That was a close one.

Trump can't have any unintended consequences when he doesn't know what he intends to do in the first place.
I doubt it. Trump doesn't want to be encumbered by our pussilanimous allies, who can't even fund their NATO obligations properly. They can't keep a secret, anyway.

WWI wasn't caused by Britain cozying up to France, because France already had their issues with Germany. They didn't need Britain to have issues with Germany.

WWI was a war among cousins. The world is a much different place today.
Thank you, DANC, for supporting us.

As long as you persuade people that there is no aggression anymore, we'll do just fine.
Got to spend a little time with Pete Dye up there 10-12 years ago or so. 16 from the blacks came up & he wasn’t a big fan of that tee location & length.

That's a good par 3 from the normal tees, like 180 or so. The 300 yard tee makes no sense. Not with water so close to the green and very little bail out area.

Last time I was there I eagled #5... The shortish uphill par 4. Laid back off the tee. Had like 100 yards caddy said to play it 110. Hit it solid and right at it, but you can't see the surface of the green. Caddy said that should be good.

Get up there ball is nowhere to be seen... I'm looking around behind the green, my buddy yells did you look in the cup?... He walks up to the flag and points down at it ..... Kind of anticlimactic.
Did Trump say it or not? (Yes he did.)

Why did he say it? Doesn't he have enough real things to plan for his next four years?

Greenland is part of the EU by the way.
Mas was right. Trump is trolling. Mas doesn't seem to know why though.

It's because he can't get grocery prices down, he can't get gas prices down, he can't get 2 trillion cut from gov spending(musk conceded this), and he can't get a myriad of his other campaign promises done. He lied to get elected (shocker they all do!) and now he is throwing red meat to the base to distract. The ol' bait and switch. Classic grifter move...
That's a good par 3 from the normal tees, like 180 or so. The 300 yard tee makes no sense. Not with water so close to the green and very little bail out area.

Last time I was there I eagled #5... The shortish uphill par 4. Laid back off the tee. Had like 100 yards caddy said to play it 110. Hit it solid and right at it, but you can't see the surface of the green. Caddy said that should be good.

Get up there ball is nowhere to be seen... I'm looking around behind the green, my buddy yells did you look in the cup?... He walks up to the flag and points down at it ..... Kind of anticlimactic.
I’ve rolled my eyes at some of the courses that have made us have caddies, but between wind & elevation changes the first few times you play there it helps to have a good one to help with yardages…
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