Phising Scam? Has Anyone Else Received This One


Jan 8, 2019
I received an unusual piece of mail yesterday and wanted to know if anyone else has received one. The envelope has no return address, but my address appears on a piece of paper in the "window" position of the envelope. When You open it up, at the top are a listing of about a half dozen of the largest Credit Card Issuers in the Country. The text says that "They" have settled huge amounts of consumer debt with those issuers. If I want to see if I qualify for Settlement, I need to call Them within 10 days of the letter at a number with an 888 prefix - God knows where that number is located. I must give Them a "Code" to be put in touch with one of their "friendly representatives". I assume this is so They can transfer my initial information to one of their representatives who probably has a Jamaican or Nigerian Accent Who will get more information from Me. Did I mention that there is no identification of the Company or Organization sending this and this is nothing like a letterhead stationary?
So my take is that They have my address information to send Me a letter. They are trying to imply that the Credit Card debt needs to be settled and I urgently need to call Them (by the way of the half dozen Banks listed, I don't have a Credit card with any of them). Once they get Me on the phone, They will ask for more personal information on Me and probably Credit Card and Bank Account Information. They will then use information to access or use my accounts, or sell the information on the dark web to another scammer.
Just wondered if anyone on the Forum had seen this type of letter and had the same take that I do.
Seems legit. Let us know how it goes. Maybe include beginning and ending balances on your retirement accounts in your update.

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