OK lefties . . .

You can prove harm with data breaches. There are MDLs across the nation litigating that very issue pretty much all the time for the last 10 years.

Musk and any DOGE employees should be held to the same accountability as any other government employee, whatever those standards are.

If no one is harmed by an accidental or unknowing violation where govt data is not disclosed outside the govt but only to other govt employees, I have a hard time believing anyone would go to jail. But that isn’t my area of expertise.

I will say I’ve seen lawyers accidentally disseminate social security numbers of large groups of people (either in a court filing or just to the other side in discovery) and both sides and the court act as quickly as possible to remedy the situation but after that, there is no prosecution, etc. just embarrassment and maybe an admonition from the judge to be more careful.

Have you read a piece by a legal expert in this area that argues Musk has already committed a crime w/r/t his work at DOGE? If you point me to it, I’ll read it.
NYT had a great article today on what Musk’s actions put him in line for

Last point I will make RE: Social Security.

The problem that we have right now is that program (along with Medicare) is the biggest driver of the deficit. Sure, take a haircut with some of the government services but nothing is a bigger anchor on the US then those two programs. They are set up so that the country's wealthiest generation is extracting even more wealth and driving inflation for their kids and grandkids.

My parents are Boomers. Love my parents. The collective generation they belong to was a major driver of where we are at right now. My point is that I feel I have already taken my haircut because of decisions made by prior generations and here we are again with the older generation saying to punish another subset of the younger generation because their benefits are sacrosanct, just like their right to low taxes was when they were working, and their access to the government programs they now want to cut was when they felt it benefited them.

If everybody else has to sacrifice, why should not THE largest drivers of the deficit and the greatest wealth holders in the country have to give a little too? And not just change rules for the next generation, right now. Boomers are economically crushing their kids and grandkids.
Your graph is ridiculous. Of course Boomers have more of the country's wealth now, at this moment.

What do you think it's going to look like 20 years from now? That wealth will be passed on.

Non-Boomers have no clue what interest rates in the teens are or inflation rates in double digits or unemployment rates 8%. They have no clue about stagflation.

Each generation has their own challenges. My first house I bought with a 15% VA loan was an 1100sq ft house with 3 tiny bedrooms and 1 bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a 1 car garage. How many in your generation would start out with a house like that?

You don't see a problem with cutting funds from a generation that literally CAN'T work to earn money? If you want to go to a means-based SS system, just say so.