Oh Billy Billy Billy Billy


Mar 6, 2004
please come save us. I watched your game tonight when do u think you will ever be able to overcome that? Russell is a head case he's not mentally tough enough to lead you to a title. The NBA would rather die than have Oklahoma City in the finals ever. Come to IU
Donovan could be the next Saban of college basketball. Guy can coach, respected at all levels, and players will come!!!!
100% Agree. If we get Donovan, I think we can contend for the big this year and make the final four within 3, maybe 4, years. The sleeping giant will wake up and be pissed
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Does anyone else believe that Tom Allen was hired to save money in the budget for a big name basketball coach? Glass is going to have to dig deep in his pockets for a guy like Donovan, who I believe would leave if the money was right. Can we start a GoFundMe to make this happen? Look at what he did at Florida, now add in his NBA experience and put him at a basketball school in a basketball state and it won't take long for IU to be back at the top of the rankings.
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I think Tom Allen will prove to be a great hire. However, two of our three last football coaches were hired with less due diligence than what would be conducted by a high school program. And coach Davis was hired with less due diligence than Gene Hackman in the movie Hoosiers. At least they had a town meeting.

Glass is over his head in hiring a basketball coach. The statement that he wants to get a a real Hoosier who will be a Hoosier for life is just dumb. Also Fred, Coach Norman Dale was not from Indiana.
I think Tom Allen will prove to be a great hire. However, two of our three last football coaches were hired with less due diligence than what would be conducted by a high school program. And coach Davis was hired with less due diligence than Gene Hackman in the movie Hoosiers. At least they had a town meeting.

Glass is over his head in hiring a basketball coach. The statement that he wants to get a a real Hoosier who will be a Hoosier for life is just dumb. Also Fred, Coach Norman Dale was not from Indiana.
It's not the coaching hiring process that's been the issue. The problem has been IU using the AD position as an alumni achievement award. Doninger, Clapacs and Glass are not ADs and shouldn't have even been considered. Hell even McNeely didn't have an AD background

Going back close to 30yrs IU has had one AD with any actual job experience.
Does anyone else believe that Tom Allen was hired to save money in the budget for a big name basketball coach? Glass is going to have to dig deep in his pockets for a guy like Donovan, who I believe would leave if the money was right. Can we start a GoFundMe to make this happen? Look at what he did at Florida, now add in his NBA experience and put him at a basketball school in a basketball state and it won't take long for IU to be back at the top of the rankings.

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