The Obama administration has proposed extending/expanding the H-1B visa and immigration program. This is yet another payoff to his high tech campaign contribution cronies at the expense of Americans who struggle to make ends meet.
As usual Obama has no clue about this. Or if he has a clue, he is disingenuous. Even money on which it is.
Meanwhile, we are forcing Americans from their well-paying jobs and into selling potato chips at a convenience store while foreign workers take their IT jobs. We have millions of kids not graduating from high school let alone going to college. We have stripped these youngsters of hope while giving jobs to foreigners. One of the most important drivers of educational excellence is the demands of employers for skilled labor. With H-1B we are meeting that demand with foreigners, not Americans. There are glimmers of hope in education of Americans. But education is only part of the problem, the other part is taking that education to the job market. Competing with H-1B workers just isn't fair. H-1B visas are nothing but a payoff to higher ed, business, political supporters, and cronies.
There are a lot of reasons to not support Trump for POTUS. But one reason to support him is that he is on record as being firmly against the H-1B program. I suppose the reason is that he doesn't need the support of the beneficiaries of H-1B while all the others need that support.
As usual Obama has no clue about this. Or if he has a clue, he is disingenuous. Even money on which it is.
"Are we a nation that educates the world's best and brightest in our universities, only to send them home to create businesses in countries that compete against us?" he asked last November. "Or are we a nation that encourages them to stay and create jobs here, create businesses here, create industries right here in America?"
It doesn't take a genius to understand that the H-1B program is nothing but a benefit to employers while giving the shaft to employees. Foreign workers would much rather work here for lower wages than to work at home for miserable wages. This isn't about creating jobs here, it is about depressing all wages and displacing Americans with foreign workers.
Meanwhile, we are forcing Americans from their well-paying jobs and into selling potato chips at a convenience store while foreign workers take their IT jobs. We have millions of kids not graduating from high school let alone going to college. We have stripped these youngsters of hope while giving jobs to foreigners. One of the most important drivers of educational excellence is the demands of employers for skilled labor. With H-1B we are meeting that demand with foreigners, not Americans. There are glimmers of hope in education of Americans. But education is only part of the problem, the other part is taking that education to the job market. Competing with H-1B workers just isn't fair. H-1B visas are nothing but a payoff to higher ed, business, political supporters, and cronies.
There are a lot of reasons to not support Trump for POTUS. But one reason to support him is that he is on record as being firmly against the H-1B program. I suppose the reason is that he doesn't need the support of the beneficiaries of H-1B while all the others need that support.