Now that college football has become semi-pro…


Sep 7, 2001
Get rid of the BS games against the likes of Western Illinois or Mercer. Play tough non-conference opponents. Based on tonight the Big 10 looks like pretenders.

The irony is that even thought this was the best season in decades, Indiana was rewarded with 3,000 tickets and freezing weather near Lake Michigan. After all the hoopla has died down, this wasn’t even a bowl game. There is a lot that needs to be improved but I don’t have any faith the the NCAA.

Still the best IU season in decades.
I think most of us agree some things need improvement.
The first round of the playoffs seems like just another game rather than some of the “enjoy the event” we see with bowls. I always thought that a team getting to go to Vegas, Hawaii, Miami, etc was a nice reward for the team. Practice and focus on the game but also see the casinos, the beach, etc. Many of the players will have never been to the bowl site.
I am going to say it. I don’t like the playoffs and rather have the old bowl system when NYD was a ****ing blast.
Then again, imagine how much fun it would be today to watch the other playoff games had IU won last night? And if we had won we’d be playing Georgia on New Years Day.
Yeah, we need to be honest about what CFB has become. It's minor league football. Just do away with the pretense about degrees and scholarships and junk. Cut it down to the 4 conferences or do the Super-Conference thing. (CBB can do the same.) I don't see why teams need to be associated with universities any more. Or the NCAA. Title IX would no longer apply which does not make me sad. Maybe the Group of 5 and FCS can merge and we can keep actual college football and Bowls going that way. (We'd probably have to start new Bowls because of rights and contracts, I get it.) If some of the Power 4 schools don't make the cut they can join said merger. But yeah, the college part of college football is now a relic of the past.
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It is more "Pro" than the NFL. There is no salary cap, franchise player, contract holding players to a team, etc. The players have little to nothing to do with the university.