Northern Illinois only beat Western Illinois by 39

Couple years ago with Marshall and now this! Irish Defense has some NFL players but give way too much space on wrs! Leonard is an overrated QB! Looked like Bazelek at the end of the PSU game. Im starting to think Freemans seat may be getting a little hot!
Down goes Michigan ND Iowa Minnesota and Maryland. IU wins by 74. It's been a beautiful weekend.
Many people ask me why I don’t root for the Big Ten in other games?


Because the conference is not a “brotherhood” like many people pretend it is. Ohio State fans would just as soon run over you and light your carcass on fire. It’s merely a collection of teams that happen to be joined under the same symbol. And when we reach the point of revenue sharing, you can be sure that they would just as much cut your throat as you get a piece of the pie..

Nope. It’s us against the world. The rest can rot. In all sports. Wear the conference logo because it gets you the money but don’t pretend others are rooting for your school to do well.
Many people ask me why I don’t root for the Big Ten in other games?


Because the conference is not a “brotherhood” like many people pretend it is. Ohio State fans would just as soon run over you and light your carcass on fire. It’s merely a collection of teams that happen to be joined under the same symbol. And when we reach the point of revenue sharing, you can be sure that they would just as much cut your throat as you get a piece of the pie..

Nope. It’s us against the world. The rest can rot. In all sports. Wear the conference logo because it gets you the money but don’t pretend others are rooting for your school to do well.
Your last paragraph is absolutely the posture as an IU fan I hold.
Couple years ago with Marshall and now this! Irish Defense has some NFL players but give way too much space on wrs! Leonard is an overrated QB! Looked like Bazelek at the end of the PSU game. Im starting to think Freemans seat may be getting a little hot!
If you think his seat’s hot now, wait until PU beats them on Saturday.
Just saying
Northern IL is one of those programs who just seems to pull it together and be good for their level. I lived not too far from them years ago and always was impressed with how they ran things. I do get what you are saying as far as us looking good in comparison. But wow they beat ND today. I didn't see that coming.
Many people ask me why I don’t root for the Big Ten in other games?


Because the conference is not a “brotherhood” like many people pretend it is. Ohio State fans would just as soon run over you and light your carcass on fire. It’s merely a collection of teams that happen to be joined under the same symbol. And when we reach the point of revenue sharing, you can be sure that they would just as much cut your throat as you get a piece of the pie..

Nope. It’s us against the world. The rest can rot. In all sports. Wear the conference logo because it gets you the money but don’t pretend others are rooting for your school to do well.
I have friends who give me hell when I root against conference teams.
I want them all to lose every game unless they are playing Purdue haha
Northern IL is one of those programs who just seems to pull it together and be good for their level. I lived not too far from them years ago and always was impressed with how they ran things. I do get what you are saying as far as us looking good in comparison. But wow they beat ND today. I didn't see that coming.
Northen became powerful under new HC & Mallory LB coach, Joe Novak in the 90"s.
Dittos. Conference pride is silly. When UM won the title last year, no one was congratulating IU fans because IU was in the conference that won the national title.
It isn't so much that, perception can sometimes help with recruiting and there are times where we financially benefit when those other schools do well. We are cashing some big TV checks because of our conference mates.
I pull for the B1G. Otherwise I have less of an answer for "The B1G Ten SUCKS compared to the SEC. And you guys can't even win in the Big Ten" . Plus already mentioned, it brings more cash.

I want our conference strong in all sports. So someday when we're relevant in basketball again, to go with our strong football team, I can brag even more.
Dittos. Conference pride is silly. When UM won the title last year, no one was congratulating IU fans because IU was in the conference that won the national title.
I used it against fans of the SEC, where I work. Although most were Michigan fans, we have a quite a few from other states. My boss was PAC-10, so since he's my boss I kept it low key. And they're B1G now anyway.
It isn't so much that, perception can sometimes help with recruiting and there are times where we financially benefit when those other schools do well. We are cashing some big TV checks because of our conference mates.
Fair point. I suppose I don't see it as a material benefit to the TV deal. The B1G hasn't won much in FB and BBall yet the media rights have been great. Just my opinion. I was a little flippant to call conference pride "silly", I can see how some people prefer the conference to be strong and I get it.
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Why, why, why do you bring up pu so much? You are so obsessed with them. Maybe you don’t realize it? 🤷‍♂️
Why #1 - It’s because I’m in a texting group with 9 other guys…nearly lifelong friends. Three of us are IU grads, 7 are PU. The two factions give each other unbelievable grief so I am constantly on the lookout for verbal ammunition for the sake of oneupmanship. Annually, for the last 25 years they have come down to my Brown Co home the Thursday before 500 Race Weekend for an overnight stay of debauchery/depravity so it gladdens my heart when I have the right to be a boisterous asshole in their presence. They do the same to me (us), given the opportunity. Thus, I pay particularly close attention to their record and recruiting, more so than any other BT school.

Why #2 - My folks were both staunch IU fans. I picked up on their distain for Purdue when I was in third grade, watching games on TV or listening on radio. All my relatives were IU fans-it’s in my blood.

Why #3 - I’m old, still believing in old school rivalries. Rivalries heighten the passion. It’s the extra rush of Adrenaline stemming from this passion that makes rivalries so fun.

Thanks for asking. Oh, and my obsession is self-recognized, unashamedly. Please accept my apology for any gnashing of teeth my obsession causes you. Perhaps your dentist has a nighttime splint to offer.
I pull for the B1G. Otherwise I have less of an answer for "The B1G Ten SUCKS compared to the SEC. And you guys can't even win in the Big Ten" . Plus already mentioned, it brings more cash.

I want our conference strong in all sports. So someday when we're relevant in basketball again, to go with our strong football team, I can brag even more.
I do too (except for Purdue). Non conference and bowl games I want us to win (especially the bowls). Basketball is a different story...there are conference teams I'll always root against in March madness.
Why #1 - It’s because I’m in a texting group with 9 other guys…nearly lifelong friends. Three of us are IU grads, 7 are PU. The two factions give each other unbelievable grief so I am constantly on the lookout for verbal ammunition for the sake of oneupmanship. Annually, for the last 25 years they have come down to my Brown Co home the Thursday before 500 Race Weekend for an overnight stay of debauchery/depravity so it gladdens my heart when I have the right to be a boisterous asshole in their presence. They do the same to me (us), given the opportunity. Thus, I pay particularly close attention to their record and recruiting, more so than any other BT school.

Why #2 - My folks were both staunch IU fans. I picked up on their distain for Purdue when I was in third grade, watching games on TV or listening on radio. All my relatives were IU fans-it’s in my blood.

Why #3 - I’m old, still believing in old school rivalries. Rivalries heighten the passion. It’s the extra rush of Adrenaline stemming from this passion that makes rivalries so fun.

Thanks for asking. Oh, and my obsession is self-recognized, unashamedly. Please accept my apology for any gnashing of teeth my obsession causes you. Perhaps your dentist has a nighttime splint to offer.
Invite me next time...born and bred (and still here) in BC. I'd gladly bolster your numbers 🤣.
I pull for the B1G. Otherwise I have less of an answer for "The B1G Ten SUCKS compared to the SEC. And you guys can't even win in the Big Ten" . Plus already mentioned, it brings more cash.

I want our conference strong in all sports. So someday when we're relevant in basketball again, to go with our strong football team, I can brag even more.

i've always liked the north v. south aspect of the BT v. the SEC, and regionalism in college sports generally.
Couple years ago with Marshall and now this! Irish Defense has some NFL players but give way too much space on wrs! Leonard is an overrated QB! Looked like Bazelek at the end of the PSU game. Im starting to think Freemans seat may be getting a little hot!

Seems like his teams play up against the really good teams and down v. the underdogs.......kind of the opposite of BK, whose teams seemed to take care of business v. the riff raff but falter against the big boys.

They said N. Illinois' win was the first ever against a 5th ranked (or better) team by a MAC team.

In general, ND has had a ton of really bad losses in the last 30 years or so, going all the way back to Faust, considering how many games they've won overall. I'm not just talking about upsets, but also no shows against higher ranked teams.
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The ND loss shows you never know how teams will play. A couple years ago Ohi State lost to Purdue in a bad way, don't doubt coach Cignetti staff and this team ahead of time.
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Many people ask me why I don’t root for the Big Ten in other games?


Because the conference is not a “brotherhood” like many people pretend it is. Ohio State fans would just as soon run over you and light your carcass on fire. It’s merely a collection of teams that happen to be joined under the same symbol. And when we reach the point of revenue sharing, you can be sure that they would just as much cut your throat as you get a piece of the pie..

Nope. It’s us against the world. The rest can rot. In all sports. Wear the conference logo because it gets you the money but don’t pretend others are rooting for your school to do well.

I’m sure you’re not the only person that feels that way.
Based on the transitive property of college football common opponents, we are clearly the best team in IN by a lot. When we beat purdue to finish the season that will stamp our authority just like I do yearly on NCAA 25 in my dynasty. Open with a beatdown of ND and close with a beatdown of purdue. Coach Goz owns the Hoosier state just like coach Cig is about to do irl.
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