No one from IU has told Pat Forde that Crean is staying


All-Big Ten
Feb 10, 2016
And sources from Washington and Georgia just told him that they are keeping their guys

no news is probably good news at this point, gregggg doyel be damned
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And sources from Washington and Georgia just told him that they are keeping their guys

no news is probably good news at this point, gregggg doyel be damned
Greg Doyel is creans biggest groupie out there. I would not pay attention to one word he says.
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Greg Doyel is creans biggest groupie out there. I would not pay attention to one word he says.

ya, what happened to him? he goes from calling IU with Crean the little engine that could (not in a good way) two years ago to supporting him after an even crappier season.

something tells me creaner turned on the charm
ya, what happened to him? he goes from calling IU with Crean the little engine that could (not in a good way) two years ago to supporting him after an even crappier season.

something tells me creaner turned on the charm

I think after that initial article crean told him if he did not shape up his access to the program would be cut off. Ever since then he has been apologizing to crean nonstop in almost a creepy sort of way. I do not think crean can handle any criticism because I have noticed most all writers around here handle him with kid gloves
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I think after that initial article crean told him if he did not shape up his access to the program would be cut off. Ever since then he has been apologizing to crean nonstop in almost a creepy sort of way. I do not think crean can handle any criticism because I have noticed most all writers around here handle him with kid gloves
I also think he is trying to squeeze a little more money for Crean from Missouri with that article
Please be true i will help pack...

I think after that initial article crean told him if he did not shape up his access to the program would be cut off. Ever since then he has been apologizing to crean nonstop in almost a creepy sort of way. I do not think crean can handle any criticism because I have noticed most all writers around here handle him with kid gloves

maybe but probably not even that complicated. not sure doyel needs a lot of access to do what he does. i must admit he has amused me over the years. as a few have stated above, i think doyel and dd are tongue-in-cheek when talking a about crean.

grown men being paid to provoke grown men about a kid's game.

call it kali yuga or whatever :)
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I think after that initial article crean told him if he did not shape up his access to the program would be cut off. Ever since then he has been apologizing to crean nonstop in almost a creepy sort of way. I do not think crean can handle any criticism because I have noticed most all writers around here handle him with kid gloves

Peegs said that Crean reads the message boards......even though he claims he doesn't....and when he doesn't have time, he has someone on staff do it and report what was said about him.
Peegs said that Crean reads the message boards......even though he claims he doesn't....and when he doesn't have time, he has someone on staff do it and report what was said about him.

I've read Peegs deny that, too. And I've read recently both Peegs and Rabjohns deny that IU/Crean/the program has ever tried to censor the message. I don't know about the first sentence, but after the Alabama thing, the tone of the old board changed.
I've read Peegs deny that, too. And I've read recently both Peegs and Rabjohns deny that IU/Crean/the program has ever tried to censor the message. I don't know about the first sentence, but after the Alabama thing, the tone of the old board changed.

It was either Rabs or Brian Snow, their national recruiting guru, who flat-out said they are 100% positive Crean and his staff read the board every day.
Second hand but I've spoken about this with someone very close to Peegs and he was getting a lot of heat from TC/IU. He was very concerned about losing his access

That was widely speculated going back to here as I recall, that's what made those recent denials kind of raise an eyebrow. But I don't know anyone or anything.
Why does his supposed reading of the forums not surprise me? What do you all think about giving coaching tips to help him?:D


1. When a player is hot, you need to leave him in the game. Avoid temptation to play Priller to demonstrate your player development skills.

2. Use the football program's signs instead of the ones that your staff has used. They have pictures, more fun for fans.

3. This could go on forever....
Second hand but I've spoken about this with someone very close to Peegs and he was getting a lot of heat from TC/IU. He was very concerned about losing his access
I would say simply this....any site administrator or owner deserves to lose their access if they disclose names of readers. I don't care who the reader is. That disclosure is a violation of basic privacy. We could argue all day long that there's a difference between a "guest" and a subscriber. But trusting that site's overseers
is no longer an option as I see it. TC/IU are on the right side of that one.
I would say simply this....any site administrator or owner deserves to lose their access if they disclose names of readers. I don't care who the reader is. That disclosure is a violation of basic privacy. We could argue all day long that there's a difference between a "guest" and a subscriber. But trusting that site's overseers
is no longer an option as I see it. TC/IU are on the right side of that one.

I have no idea what you read -- or think you read -- that would have remotely required your response as worded. That was from waaayyyyyyyy out of beyond left field.
I have no idea what you read -- or think you read -- that would have remotely required your response as worded. That was from waaayyyyyyyy out of beyond left field.
I am saying that if a Mod or board owner says publically that someone, anyone by name, reads their board and does it without permission, its wrong. That is how I interpreted what was posted. If I interpreted that incorrectly than I stand corrected. Thats all I am saying.
I am saying that if a Mod or board owner says publically that someone, anyone by name, reads their board and does it without permission, its wrong. That is how I interpreted what was posted. If I interpreted that incorrectly than I stand corrected. Thats all I am saying.

A mod or board owner would not be able to ascertain that information solely from data available to them from the site.
That was widely speculated going back to here as I recall, that's what made those recent denials kind of raise an eyebrow. But I don't know anyone or anything.
Maybe that is why it seems that Peegs, Rabby & Snow are not nearly connected anymore as they used to be. The info they have this year has been way off and just not very good. BS said that IU has not made one single phone call. Come on!! They all have said that IU has not made a decision on Crean yet. We all have sources that say that is not true. They have an agenda just not sure what it is this year.
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Maybe that is why it seems that Peegs, Rabby & Snow are not nearly connected anymore as they used to be. The info they have this year has been way off and just not very good. BS said that IU has not made one single phone call. Come on!! They all have said that IU has not made a decision on Crean yet. We all have sources that say that is not true. They have an agenda just not sure what it is this year.

I read that, too, Chris. I've no idea why people put so much weight on the word of Brian Snow. I doubt IU was even on his radar before the Peegs move to Scout, by now he's viewed as the guru of all things IU. He uses a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.
e all have sources that say that is not true
Actually the only sources I have are here and a couple blogs, and I at leasst have enough sense to not believe any of those, The weight of evidence on the floor and the weight of response here says Crean should go, but time is what will tell.
I read that, too, Chris. I've no idea why people put so much weight on the word of Brian Snow. I doubt IU was even on his radar before the Peegs move to Scout, by now he's viewed as the guru of all things IU. He uses a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

He couldn't have been more wrong on Wilkes if he tried.....and not just where he went to. What made it more pathetic is he and Rabs bragged and bragged and bragged, "Nobody is closer to this situation than we are and you should ignore everyone else."
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He couldn't have been more wrong on Wilkes if he tried.....and not just where he went to. What made it more pathetic is he and Rabs bragged and bragged and bragged, "Nobody is closer to this situation than we are and you should ignore everyone else."

Yes, I have noted their passive-aggressive shots. I don't know if Pegram pays a fee to have Snow post as much as he does, but Snow enjoys thinking he's the smartest guy in the room. Some just eat it up, though. Both Rabjohns and Snow have been snarky with some people lately. I wonder if the business side isn't so rosey, I don't mean Scout network's reorganization.
Yes, I have noted their passive-aggressive shots. I don't know if Pegram pays a fee to have Snow post as much as he does, but Snow enjoys thinking he's the smartest guy in the room. Some just eat it up, though. Both Rabjohns and Snow have been snarky with some people lately. I wonder if the business side isn't so rosey, I don't mean Scout network's reorganization.

Isn't Scout going thru bankruptcy now or got bought by another company?

Pretty sure I read about it on Peegs a couple of months ago.

Posters were BEGGING for the feature this board has where it takes you to the last post read and Peegs always said, "We don't have the money for that and it's coming soon." He's been saying that since the switch.

I think they also have an app that only works for one type of phone and they are "working on" an app for the other one.
Isn't Scout going thru bankruptcy now or got bought by another company?

Pretty sure I read about it on Peegs a couple of months ago.

Posters were BEGGING for the feature this board has where it takes you to the last post read and Peegs always said, "We don't have the money for that and it's coming soon." He's been saying that since the switch.

I think they also have an app that only works for one type of phone and they are "working on" an app for the other one.

Yes, Pegram claimed in wouldn't effect their site specifically. I have no idea how Scout's business model operates, though.

I've read threads with requests for features as well. It'll be interesting to see how the CBS/Scout thing shakes-out. It would seem to run counter-productive for one company to operate two competing networks, but maybe their intent to operate them with two different models and see which one is more profitable. Just a guess.

I have the Scout app for iPhone, it's not bad. On a laptop, though, I much prefer the functionality of Rivals by a wide margin. And CBS's platform just sucks; it's at least a decade behind.

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