New Orleans

Democrats doing their best. Channeling their best sponge bob, who they think is a strong leader but needs to be less mean in his/ her/ it's cartoons, but needs to put out more male tampon placement tutorials.
Fun place to visit, wouldn’t want to live there. It’s one of those “where did you go to high school” towns.
Got married in NOLA. Love it...for a weekend.

I'm under the belief that all "river towns" are cool, yet kinda old school weird at that same time...lots of skeletons and old school family shit.

I assume the power echelon of every old school River town on the Mississippi and Ohio Is involved in witchcraft, weird masonic shenanigans, or some other secret society, AT BEST. Further South you get...add voodoo to the mix. 😃
Got married in NOLA. Love it...for a weekend.

I'm under the belief that all "river towns" are cool, yet kinda old school weird at that same time...lots of skeletons and old school family shit.

I assume the power echelon of every old school River town on the Mississippi and Ohio Is involved in witchcraft, weird masonic shenanigans, or some other secret society, AT BEST. Further South you get...add voodoo to the mix. 😃

The voodoo vibe is awesome.
Got married in NOLA. Love it...for a weekend.

I'm under the belief that all "river towns" are cool, yet kinda old school weird at that same time...lots of skeletons and old school family shit.

I assume the power echelon of every old school River town on the Mississippi and Ohio Is involved in witchcraft, weird masonic shenanigans, or some other secret society, AT BEST. Further South you get...add voodoo to the mix. 😃
Great under the radar movie called Mississippi Grind. Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn play two degenerate gamblers who work their way down the Mississippi to New Orleans. Captures exactly this vibe you're speaking of.

Plus, any place where they still ask you "What's you parish?" is good in my book.
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Fun place to visit, wouldn’t want to live there. It’s one of those “where did you go to high school” towns.
McMurtry can clean me up on this, but after graduation my college roommate took a job in St Louis as a CPA/attorney with Bryan Cave. He always said when going out to bars as a young adult when locals asked about what school you went to they meant high school.

Not a big deal, but always stuck with me all these years as funny.
McMurtry can clean me up on this, but after graduation my college roommate took a job in St Louis as a CPA/attorney with Bryan Cave. He always said when going out to bars as a young adult when locals asked about what school you went to they meant high school.

Not a big deal, but always stuck with me lol these years as funny.

Very true. St. Louis is more so that way than New Orleans from what I understand.
McMurtry can clean me up on this, but after graduation my college roommate took a job in St Louis as a CPA/attorney with Bryan Cave. He always said when going out to bars as a young adult when locals asked about what school you went to they meant high school.

Not a big deal, but always stuck with me all these years as funny.
Oh yeah it’s awful. It’s a way to prejudge someone.
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Great under the radar movie called Mississippi Grind. Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn play two degenerate gamblers who work their way down the Mississippi to New Orleans. Captures exactly this vibe you're speaking of.

Plus, any place where they still ask you "What's you parish?" is good in my book.
It really is a good movie. Mississippi stud is a fun game, as well.
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Great under the radar movie called Mississippi Grind. Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn play two degenerate gamblers who work their way down the Mississippi to New Orleans. Captures exactly this vibe you're speaking of.

Plus, any place where they still ask you "What's you parish?" is good in my book.
Definitely a good flick. Captures the vibe.

Never got Louisville til I spent time down there. Now, I dig it.

The Palace Theater is the coolest, most ornate place I've ever seen a concert. Place puts the Beacon and even Radio City in NYC to shame.
Definitely a good flick. Captures the vibe.

Never got Louisville til I spent time down there. Now, I dig it.

The Palace Theater is the coolest, most ornate place I've ever seen a concert. Place puts the Beacon and even Radio City in NYC to shame.
because BLM downtown Louisville is dead, brilliant movement to kill an economic stream that provided them jobs.
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Democrats doing their best. Channeling their best sponge bob, who they think is a strong leader but needs to be less mean in his/ her/ it's cartoons, but needs to put out more male tampon placement tutorials.
and you claim to stick with facts?

New Orleans was built by the French ;) Well before the US purchased the area in 1803....but yea,dems are responsible for its location LMAO.

Try using actual facts.
St. Louis is what Atlanta would be if it didn’t have the power to fight the ass backward state government.
Uh no. Stl City is a product of 75 years of horrific Dem leadership. Soros DAs and progressive mayors. White flight leaving corrupt shitty schools and black crime. Stl city represents poor dem leadership

It’s also uniquely challenged bc it doesn’t have a county. Stl and Baltimore share similar pasts
Uh no. Stl City is a product of 75 years of horrific Dem leadership. Soros DAs and progressive mayors. White flight leaving corrupt shitty schools and black crime

It’s also uniquely challenged bc it doesn’t have a county

Nope. City is a result of no companies because talent won’t come there, no public transit because state government doesn’t believe in it and just horrible suburban layout.

Atlanta would be same if ompanies didn’t have money to tell governor that they’ll leave if you have too many redneck policies that intelligent workers won’t come here.
Nope. City is a result of no companies because talent won’t come there, no public transit because state government doesn’t believe in it and just horrible suburban layout.

Atlanta would be same if ompanies didn’t have money to tell governor that they’ll leave if you have too many redneck policies that intelligent workers won’t come here.
Lmao talent won’t come bc of crime. Read centene expansion. We have public transit. People don’t like it bc of shootings. Corps leave the city bc of crime and the earnings tax. The suburban layout is a product of the charter. There’s no county

You have no clue. Dems killed the city over 75 years of bullshit. 2/3 of the pop fled. All that’s left are blacks Bosnians and poor people. And most of those three groups ironically want out too. Cori bush. Jones. Gardner. Good grief.
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Cities in backwards states can only thrive if the metro area(s) can wield political power. They can’t in Missouri.
Stop. You have no idea what you’re talking about. 75 years of poor city policies. Cori bush. Jones. DA Soros prosecutors. These aren’t competent people. Crime and shitty schools. They piss away money
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I went to college in the NE. Fraternity brother was from NOLA. Actually grew up in the Quarter and went to high school with Peyton Manning at Neuman.

Well, we had our first semi formal event and he pulls out a white suit. We are all floored. He was equally confused about none of owning a white suit. Great guy. His family is in the restaurant business there. I have eaten some incredible free food.
Check out the all-star game we lost. Kemp is actually smart enough to keep the rednecks in check. He knows a thriving Atlanta is money in his pocket.
Thank Stacey Abrams and her nonsense for that. Plus it looks like the game will be back there in 2025, yet the voting law hasn't changed. That was at the height of BLM insanity, luckily that's cooled down.
lol. He’s fighting the election board right now. And I’m no Kemp fan buts he’s not an idiot. Atlanta and Birmigham were basically the same size in 1980.
Kemp does what all the Republican governors in Georgia have done. (Perdue, Deal, Kemp). They make campaign commervials with guns and talk about hunting down deer and illegals to keep the rednecks happy and then spend the rest of their time catering to F500 companies to keep the money flowing through Atlanta.
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This is only because he is afraid of Cova-Cola, Home Depot, UPS, MS, Google, etc telling him to not cut off talent. . Parsons doesn’t do this. Parsons wouldn’t have had to stand up to Trump like Kemp was forced to do.
You're making a massive logical leap from how election law reforms will impact talent pool. I don't believe you have any basis for it.
Just sample dude. You don’t think bathroom laws were pushed by the rednecks? And quit talking to me. You and yours are disgusting people.
If I'm UPS, Home Depot and Delta my priorities from state Gov are.

1. Hospitable corporate tax and regulatory environment
2. Quality state and local universities in area
3. Safety and public transport (when I travel to ATL for work they tell us DON'T USE MARTA please expense an Uber)

596. Bathroom laws
597. Election certification procedure

To the extent corporations opine on such nonsensical things it's only because they've been intimidated by local politicians with an anti-growth mindset (ie Stacey Abrams)
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Stop. You have no idea what you’re talking about. 75 years of poor city policies. Cori bush. Jones. DA Soros prosecutors. These aren’t competent people. Crime and shitty schools. They piss away money
Crime and shitty schools also describe Indy, but Indy is thriving far more than it seems STL is.
What are some of the backwards, anti-business policies pursued by Kemp and the State government?
If I'm UPS, Home Depot and Delta my priorities from state Gov are.

1. Hospitable corporate tax environment and regulatory environment
2. Quality state and local universities in area
3. Safety and public transport (when I travel to ATL for work they tell us DON'T USE MARTA please expense an Uber)

596. Bathroom laws
597. Election certification procedure

To the extent corporations opine on such nonsensical things it's only because they've been intimidated by local politicians with an anti-growth mindset (ie Stacey Abrams)

A thousand incidents a year and the train here hardly goes anywhere. Outside of games where it is safe with fans forget it. Way too dangerous of a city
If I'm UPS, Home Depot and Delta my priorities from state Gov are.

1. Hospitable corporate tax environment and regulatory environment
2. Quality state and local universities in area
3. Safety and public transport (when I travel to ATL for work they tell us DON'T USE MARTA please expense an Uber)

Well you’re not. It is well settled and proven that talent doesn’t want to be in cities with backward politics. Yes, taxes are the other big thing. You don’t have to worry about crime because progressive talent begets thriving businesses begets safe streets.
"Progressive talent"

Wtf? How did little theory play out in San Francisco?

Hence we come to Sobester's real issue. He wants more "progressive talent" in the ATL Metro. Whatever that means. As soon as you have to use a qualifier before the word talent, it kind of gives up the game that what you're interested in is not really "talent" at all.
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"Progressive talent"

Wtf? How did little theory play out in San Francisco?

Hence we come to Sobester's real issue. He wants more "progressive talent" in the ATL Metro. Whatever that means. As soon as you have to use a qualifier before the word talent, it kind of gives up the game that what you're interested in is not really "talent" at all.
Progressives are a cancer on a city
"Progressive talent"

Wtf? How did little theory play out in San Francisco?

Hence we come to Sobester's real issue. He wants more "progressive talent" in the ATL Metro. Whatever that means. As soon as you have to use a qualifier before the word talent, it kind of gives up the game that what you're interested in is not really "talent" at all.

SF was because of Covid (Trump). It’s no coincidence that that all the best mass transit is in progressive/educated cities. Also, if you think educated workers are choosing cities with a bunch of rednevmcks you’re even dumber than I thought.
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