New Adidas Unis are out.

I'm truly surprised. Based on all the pics commits and recruits on visits have shown of their photo shoot while on campus, I fully expected black uniforms. I do believe we'll see black unis at least once this season.
In the spring game, the players all wore black shoes. It’s a retro look that was pretty cool.
I remember the days where everyone wore black shoes….and then came along Billy “White Shoes” Johnson. Anybody remember him with the Oilers?

That said, not a big fan of Adidas team uniforms. Maybe it’s just what they do with IU’s gear. Oddly enough, the 3 Big Ten schools with Adidas deals are all red and white: IU, Nebraska and Rutgers.
Add to that, those bozos at Adidas spelled “Indinia”on Holloman’s jersey is sloppy as hell and lazy on the part of the vendor.