New 2024 Uniforms

I thought the black unis with the red helmet and numbers looked sharp . I agree that you only use them 1 or 2 times a season . Also only wear them for nite games if early in the season , or later in the season when the temperature is cooler , as the black unis would absorb a lot of heat .
I thought the black unis with the red helmet and numbers looked sharp . I agree that you only use them 1 or 2 times a season . Also only wear them for nite games if early in the season , or later in the season when the temperature is cooler , as the black unis would absorb a lot of heat .
I think numbers and logos should be white just to make it legible and stand out better. or red/black if on a white jersey/helmet.
I'm a fan of simple, personally. I thought everyone liked the over designed Oregon/Maryland/chromed-out stuff?

Are simple unis coming back? Maybe may cargo shorts will be in too? One can dream.

On a serious note, I thought IU made a policy years back to go with official Crimson and to standardize it across all sports instead of having all of the different shades that were around in the 90s?
I love the simplicity of these uniforms. Some of the best unis we had were back in the Anthony Thompson era. Those unis were almost a burgandy rather than a red, but I really don't care as long as they are not gaudy. The worst were those under the last AD that looked like they had electric tape on them and lasted only a year or so. Just downright ugly. The best college unis are the simple ones (ND, Bama, USC, Mich) where they are not messing with them every year.

Maryland's problem is that they tried to integrate the state flag into football jerseys and helmets. The state flag is gaudy as hell and was not meant to be on any type of clothing. Oregon, I don't mind. Their flashy, gaudy (and what appears to be almost luminescent) unis are their trademark just like Michigan's helmets are. And they come up with something new and unusual almost every year.
I actually like the breast cancer awareness pink accessories. And if the Hoosiers went with that as the primary color it it wouldn’t hurt Hoosier quarterbacks find open receivers.
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I actually like the breast cancer awareness pink accessories. And if the Hoosiers went with that as the primary color it it wouldn’t hurt Hoosier quarterbacks find open receivers.
Surprisingly..., not only do those pink Breast Cancer Awareness accessories look good..., but (at least in my somewhat impaired recollection), we usually Win while wearing them...