More of this.

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Good to see at least one Dem waking up.

@UTFO this is what the beginnings of a great thread looks like. Now pull your head out of your a#% and do better. Put down the gay flag and pick up Old Glory. You don’t always have to be in the shit lib cult. I escaped it, you can as well. Praying for you my lost friend.
Good to see at least one Dem waking up.

HOLY CRAPONZOLA, A progressive dem said draw the line! Stop the presses. Draw a line! WTF. Someones conscious got to them? In California?

Ohhhh boy some on this board will not be happy about this she wants to protect little girls. No way, the world has gone backwards we are asking to protect children and put the bad men in jail? What happened?
BTW see how this has slid way down on the importance of topics here on this board today? This is serious sh!t. This puts all this Trump garbage to shame. This has shark teeth! Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room, child abuse and rape. NOT IMPORTANT in todays society. Tell me again how far have we sunk.

Let's talk about a guy who paid hush money for a sexcapade and used the wrong GL code. Meanwhile, kids are being SOLD and the criminals are back on the streets in a couple days and do it again OVER and OVER as she described in the video above, and these kids will never mentally recover.
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BTW see how this has slid way down on the importance of topics here on this board today? This is serious sh!t. This puts all this Trump garbage to shame. This has shark teeth! Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room, child abuse and rape. NOT IMPORTANT in todays society. Tell me again how far have we sunk.

Let's talk about a guy who paid hush money for a sexcapade and used the wrong GL code. Meanwhile, kids are being SOLD and the criminals are back on the streets in a couple days and do it again OVER and OVER as she described in the video above, and these kids will never mentally recover.
God's Children are not for sale. For those who are doing this they will face the Wrath of God unless they repent.
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BTW see how this has slid way down on the importance of topics here on this board today? This is serious sh!t. This puts all this Trump garbage to shame. This has shark teeth! Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room, child abuse and rape. NOT IMPORTANT in todays society. Tell me again how far have we sunk.

Let's talk about a guy who paid hush money for a sexcapade and used the wrong GL code. Meanwhile, kids are being SOLD and the criminals are back on the streets in a couple days and do it again OVER and OVER as she described in the video above, and these kids will never mentally recover.
Who here supports child abuse and rape?
Who here supports child abuse and rape?
Terrible, terrible stuff. I am voting Trump because he brought about a 30 year low in child trafficking. It has shot back up since he's left office. Largest four year increase ever.

You will vote Biden. Not necessarily because of the increased child trafficking, but clearly it doesn't bother you enough to rethink your decision.
What’s to discuss in this thread? I think everyone here opposes child abuse and rape so this thread isn’t going to get much action.
Did you watch the video? Kinda shocking that
1. An admitted progressive said something.
2. She admitted these people get caught ALL THE TIME, get let out and REPEAT the same crime against children.
3. The children are mentally whacked from this and wounded to their core.
4. She says she doesn't want to send more black and brown men to prison BUT I'm tired of people buying little girls???
5. How can she be a mental health professional and social worker and allow it. How long under her watch has it gone on before she decided enough??? Time to draw a line?

She's a senator?

Jeezuz what did I miss. Go watch its disturbing as hell that this is a trend and they protect the CRIMINALS WTF.

How in the HELL did we get to this point in the United States?
Terrible, terrible stuff. I am voting Trump because he brought about a 30 year low in child trafficking. It has shot back up since he's left office. Largest four year increase ever.

You will vote Biden. Not necessarily because of the increased child trafficking, but clearly it doesn't bother you enough to rethink your decision.
What did Trump do to lower the trafficking? Honest I vaguely remember he/congress did do something maybe?

Was it lowering before the world got shut down by Covid?
What did Trump do to lower the trafficking? Honest I vaguely remember he/congress did do something maybe?

Was it lowering before the world got shut down by Covid?
President Trump has signed eight bills expressly targeting human trafficking since 2017.

I'll link it but I hope this doesn't get turned into another Trump thread.

The bottom line is how are we here and this is just one part of the country.
What’s to discuss in this thread? I think everyone here opposes child abuse and rape so this thread isn’t going to get much action.
Of course everyone who posts here regularly opposes child abuse, rape and trafficking.

This is all part of the far right playbook to characterize anyone who leans left as someone who supports this abhorrent and evil behavior. It's all a part of what started as a QANON conspiracy theory. That's why they love to suppose that Jeffrey Epstein's plane was regularly full of Democrats, that were was a child trafficking ring in the basement of a DC pizzeria that has no basement, and they end up bringing up that bullshit QANON-based movie Van posted about above (I'm not going to get into an argument about that. Anyone who's interested should google Jim Caviezel, the guy the movie is based on and QANON quotes).

Again, no one outside of psychopaths and truly evil people want child trafficking to continue - or even be a thing. Was there anyone in the clip in the OP that refuted that pushed back one what that senator was saying? No, there wasn't.

Child trafficking is truly evil and defending it isn't a part of any liberal agenda, despite what's been implied in this thread.
Of course everyone who posts here regularly opposes child abuse, rape and trafficking.

This is all part of the far right playbook to characterize anyone who leans left as someone who supports this abhorrent and evil behavior. It's all a part of what started as a QANON conspiracy theory. That's why they love to suppose that Jeffrey Epstein's plane was regularly full of Democrats, that were was a child trafficking ring in the basement of a DC pizzeria that has no basement, and they end up bringing up that bullshit QANON-based movie Van posted about above (I'm not going to get into an argument about that. Anyone who's interested should google Jim Caviezel, the guy the movie is based on and QANON quotes).

Again, no one outside of psychopaths and truly evil people want child trafficking to continue - or even be a thing. Was there anyone in the clip in the OP that refuted that pushed back one what that senator was saying? No, there wasn't.

Child trafficking is truly evil and defending it isn't a part of any liberal agenda, despite what's been implied in this thread.
G*d Damn what f*cking short bus did you fall off? WTF was the 2nd paragraph?

If it's not part of a liberal agenda great, who and what passed the laws in California to defend the criminals, llet them out and repeat their crimes as the senator said over and over again. So who is responsible for that? Was it a pub or conservative? If so hang em? Who was it and why is it allowed? Shall we delve?
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G*d Damn what f*cking short bus did you fall off? WTF was the 2nd paragraph?

If it's not part of a liberal agenda great, who and what passed the laws in California to defend the criminals, llet them out and repeat their crimes as the senator said over and over again. So who is responsible for that? Was it a pub or conservative? If so hang em? Who was it and why is it allowed? Shall we delve?
I couldn't imagine parroting all those crazy child trafficking conspiracy theories and being too stupid to realize you're regurgitating all that BS.
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