BM is a helluva coach who I'm confident will succeed at the P4 level sooner rather than later. But the more I ponder the importance of this hire--and the more I cringe at the memory of eating Arch/MW turd sandwiches for eight years--the more I think Dolson is (was?) targeting guys who would excite the fan base on Day 1. (I think it was Sterling who said something like, "Dolson nailed it with Cig, but this basketball hire is his legacy.") Yes, the coach's tenure is more important than our initial reactions, but let's face it--the fan base needs a jolt ... and McCollom's style of play is, tbh, boring. (I know, I know ... but winning isn't boring). You know who else would initially be "meh": TJ, Buzz, McDermott, Collins, Brownell, Shaka, Lloyd, Cronin...
Imo, there aren't many "jolters" out there. In no particular order, here are coaches who've been batted around the last month or so who fit that bill...
-not happening
-I trust h94 on this one ... not happening
-??? No clue what SD et al. think
-Ah, the proverbial white whale. See Yogi Berra's famous quote
-no idea where Jay's head is at, but he would be a Game 7 Grand Slam
-like JW, no idea. For all you anti-Bennetts out there, I'd like to present my "joltiness" case for TB...
1. UVA was often undermanned because Duke/UNC are top "brands" (with more resources) that gobbled up a ton of Southeast (and national) talent. Yet TB's ACC record during his tenure at UVA is comparable to (better than?) Coach K's and UNC's.
2. Consistent winner in the toughest conference (at the time).
3. 💍
4. What one thing--more than any other--helped Knight build his legacy? Defense.
5. And finally, the offense. Again, TB didn't have Duke/UNC-level resources, so he relied mostly on tough, smart kids who could defend ... hence the 56-49 slugfests. With IU's resources, Bennett could have one of the best rosters in the B1G--every year--so he might adapt his coaching style to maximize players' talents.
[Sorry about this novel. I have too much time of my hands these days ... and I'm semi-obsessed with this coaching search.]
Imo, there aren't many "jolters" out there. In no particular order, here are coaches who've been batted around the last month or so who fit that bill...
-not happening
-I trust h94 on this one ... not happening
-??? No clue what SD et al. think
-Ah, the proverbial white whale. See Yogi Berra's famous quote
-no idea where Jay's head is at, but he would be a Game 7 Grand Slam
-like JW, no idea. For all you anti-Bennetts out there, I'd like to present my "joltiness" case for TB...
1. UVA was often undermanned because Duke/UNC are top "brands" (with more resources) that gobbled up a ton of Southeast (and national) talent. Yet TB's ACC record during his tenure at UVA is comparable to (better than?) Coach K's and UNC's.
2. Consistent winner in the toughest conference (at the time).
3. 💍
4. What one thing--more than any other--helped Knight build his legacy? Defense.
5. And finally, the offense. Again, TB didn't have Duke/UNC-level resources, so he relied mostly on tough, smart kids who could defend ... hence the 56-49 slugfests. With IU's resources, Bennett could have one of the best rosters in the B1G--every year--so he might adapt his coaching style to maximize players' talents.
[Sorry about this novel. I have too much time of my hands these days ... and I'm semi-obsessed with this coaching search.]