Letter from FIRED teacher at Episcopal School of Baton Rouge.

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Radio Zero

All-Big Ten
Dec 9, 2019
Yoknapatawpha County
Why has Sara Fenske been the bottleneck to Episcopal’s Academic Competitiveness?

Author: Xiaoyue Jiang, Upper School Teacher of Physics and Engineering
Submitted to:
1. Upper School Faculty Representatives: Clara Howell, Katie Sutcliffe, James Moroney
2. Head of School: Dr. Carrie Steakley

Purpose: Request a thorough investigation on Sara Fenske’s DEI violation, abuse of power, and academic incompetence leading to bottlenecking Episcopal’s academic competitiveness, and non-renewal of Xiaoyue Jiang’s 2024-2025 employment contract.

Section 1. Why this document and why now?
Why? Ever since Episcopal posted the upper school physics position online in early February I received numerous inquiries and kind words from students, parents, and fellow staff and faculty members. While differing in the awareness of the actual situation, most of them assumed that I chose to leave as soon as Ivy graduates; without exception, they all feel upset about my leaving, wishing I may at least stay for X more year(s) and wishing me all the best for my retirement or whatever post-Episcopal plan I may have in mind. For a few that actually knew what was going on, they complained that the school was not doing the right thing. I have to correct them. It is not the school but a specific individual that does not represent the school. Instead, she severely damages the spirit of the Episcopal community and has become the bottleneck of Episcopal academic excellence—this document is to prove this point with evidence and reasoning.
Of course, everyone on this campus knows whom I am talking about—Dr. Sara Fenske.
Why Now? FEAR has held me back from being “honest and open” to my beloved Episcopal community until now. The feeling of abandonment from students (in particular, after Ivy’s Caltech admissions became publicized) broke my heart each time, and I do not blame my students if they think of me as a selfish hypocrite. I wish I could be braver than this. Now I am ready to speak up, not for myself for my own sake, but for me as a member of this community--teacher, parent, a person of foreign accent, and a nice person who never wants to fight or even compete, unless he has to, for a cause larger than himself.

Section 2. “Who Am I?”
As most of the Episcopal community knows, Joy and I arrived here from CA to begin fall term 2016. Joy took her position at Baton Rouge High School, and then-Head of School Laundrie welcomed me to the Episcopal faculty. At this time, Ivy would enter the lower school, and Kenneth was not yet quite old enough to begin school.
I only mention this as background in order to emphasize the length of time which we have spent in the area. In fact, while we settled near the small Chinese community in the city, Ivy and Kenneth have really known only this place as home, and are truthfully LOUISIANANS. I have joked that their Southern accents are so thick that I am sometimes unable to understand what they’re saying. Dr. Fenske, head of DEI initiatives at Episcopal, should take note of this, yet to this day she has refused to do so.

Regardless, all of this occurred under a different administration at Episcopal, and I would soon find myself in a completely new set of circumstances, as the “regime” would undergo a great deal of change in the near future. I would also note the stark contrast at the time between Episcopal and BRHS, which has flourished under a stable and long term leadership, something to which Joy can attest. This is no doubt a strongly contributing factor to the strange situation in which Episcopal finds itself.

Section 3. New members of the Episcopal “family”
The first of these changes would come in after the conclusion of Spring Term 2017. I had hardly completed a full school year before I must adapt to radically changed conditions, both on a personal level relative to the administration, AS WELL AS professionally-academically.
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