One. Great music video. Those are not easy to produce.
Two. Yes, the officiating was horrible as it is often and it's very difficult to win a game where one team is allowed to use assault & battery on their opponent while the visiting team isn't allowed to violate the opponents' space. Most games I've been in like that we've lost, but we were able to win a few. Now that my memory is coming back, I'm pretty sure those games earned my harder-than-usual fouls for compensation.
Two. Yes, the officiating was horrible as it is often and it's very difficult to win a game where one team is allowed to use assault & battery on their opponent while the visiting team isn't allowed to violate the opponents' space. Most games I've been in like that we've lost, but we were able to win a few. Now that my memory is coming back, I'm pretty sure those games earned my harder-than-usual fouls for compensation.