Lavar Ball says Ball bros going to UCLA if no Alford

I'm sure Alford is losing sleep over not having LiAngelo. LOL

Go back last week when some of our elite brethren here actually said the Ball bros would follow Alford here. It was comical then, it is hilarity now. UCLA will replace Alford with a better coach the second Alford walks out the door, and the Ball bros were always going to UCLA, regardless of who was coaching there.

Point is, Alford's run this year is the outlier, and it is because of Mr. Ball. His 22 year record is actually worse than Crean's. But hey, he played for us, so that's all that matters. Then there's Pierre Pierce-----
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If you guys would read the article, the Ball bro's are going to UCLA no matter who is coach. It has nothing to do with Alford.

Correct, which is what I said over a week ago. Which puts a giant wet blanked on Alford's recruiting abilities, too. Alford didn't get Ball to go there, Alford is lucky to be the coach while Ball was a college freshmen. As much grief as Crean took for Wade, at least Crean actually recruited Wade and got him to attend that school. It wasn't predestined like Ball going to UCLA.
Go back last week when some of our elite brethren here actually said the Ball bros would follow Alford here. It was comical then, it is hilarity now. UCLA will replace Alford with a better coach the second Alford walks out the door, and the Ball bros were always going to UCLA, regardless of who was coaching there.

Point is, Alford's run this year is the outlier, and it is because of Mr. Ball. His 22 year record is actually worse than Crean's. But hey, he played for us, so that's all that matters. Then there's Pierre Pierce-----
What about all the other 5 stars he has there or has coming in?
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Go back last week when some of our elite brethren here actually said the Ball bros would follow Alford here. It was comical then, it is hilarity now. UCLA will replace Alford with a better coach the second Alford walks out the door, and the Ball bros were always going to UCLA, regardless of who was coaching there.

Point is, Alford's run this year is the outlier, and it is because of Mr. Ball. His 22 year record is actually worse than Crean's. But hey, he played for us, so that's all that matters. Then there's Pierre Pierce-----
What was really comical and hilarious was when you advocated keeping Crean before he got fired and predicted he would keep his job, and then you came back and continued to act like the smuggest, smartest guy in the room. Talk about delusional and somebody IU could do without!
Correct, which is what I said over a week ago. Which puts a giant wet blanked on Alford's recruiting abilities, too. Alford didn't get Ball to go there, Alford is lucky to be the coach while Ball was a college freshmen. As much grief as Crean took for Wade, at least Crean actually recruited Wade and got him to attend that school. It wasn't predestined like Ball going to UCLA.
We need to take Knight's '87 championship away b/c Alford was going to IU regardless,...

I agree that Crean should not get knocked down b/c Wade did well. Crean was indeed the one that recruited him and coached him. That's always been a bad argument for anti-Creaners.
Go back last week when some of our elite brethren here actually said the Ball bros would follow Alford here. It was comical then, it is hilarity now. UCLA will replace Alford with a better coach the second Alford walks out the door, and the Ball bros were always going to UCLA, regardless of who was coaching there.

Point is, Alford's run this year is the outlier, and it is because of Mr. Ball. His 22 year record is actually worse than Crean's. But hey, he played for us, so that's all that matters. Then there's Pierre Pierce-----

Yeh Right. They are all Lonzo.

There are 3 Seniors on the team so it could maybe be said they were recruited by the prior coach. Oh wait. One of them is his son and 2nd leading scorer. The other one Hamilton who I'm sure could have left for another school had he wanted but he chose to play for Alford and stay. The 3rd has played a whopping 25 minutes this year and is not a factor.

Then there is Welsh and Holiday. Holiday recently racked double digit assists. Welsh never misses those wide open 12-15 jump shots.

Should I mention TJ Leaf? That guy really good too and not far behind Ball as a pro prospect, IMO. Once he adds strength, he may be the next coming of the Big Fundamental in the fundamental department.

If none of those guy went to UCLA, yes it might be hard for him to win.

Tha Balls going to UCLA is not new news just like dad wants Lonzo playing for the Lakers.

Once again, I'm sure alford is losing sleep over the possibility about not having LiAngelo follow him to IU. LOL LOL
Yeh Right. They are all Lonzo.

There are 3 Seniors on the team so it could maybe be said they were recruited by the prior coach. Oh wait. One of them is his son and 2nd leading scorer. The other one Hamilton who I'm sure could have left for another school had he wanted but he chose to play for Alford and stay. The 3rd has played a whopping 25 minutes this year and is not a factor.

Then there is Welsh and Holiday. Holiday recently racked double digit assists. Welsh never misses those wide open 12-15 jump shots.

Should I mention TJ Leaf? That guy really good too and not far behind Ball as a pro prospect, IMO. Once he adds strength, he may be the next coming of the Big Fundamental in the fundamental department.

If none of those guy went to UCLA, yes it might be hard for him to win.

Tha Balls going to UCLA is not new news just like dad wants Lonzo playing for the Lakers.

Once again, I'm sure alford is losing sleep over the possibility about not having LiAngelo follow him to IU. LOL LOL
Kris Wilkes?
What about all the other 5 stars he has there or has coming in?

You mean the ones that committed AFTER Ball committed? In fact, several saying they went to UCLA because of the Ball brothers? Those guys? One domino can lead to others. Look at the reverse happening in Washington right now. Porter is granted release, and immediately others demand release because they wanted to play with Porter.
What was really comical and hilarious was when you advocated keeping Crean before he got fired and predicted he would keep his job, and then you came back and continued to act like the smuggest, smartest guy in the room. Talk about delusional and somebody IU could do without!

I didn't predict he would keep his job. I said if we can't find someone better, there is no point in doing so. Not with the buyout, and it is bad form when you have a guy that just won 2 of the previous 4 conference titles. I said some here are not going to like the outcome, which I contend will still be the case. Though Glass has painted himself in such a corner, we'll probably have to pay ridiculous amounts to cover the bet he can't pay. Sad. Or, we get Alford to satiate the locals despite the fact he is a worse coach and person than Crean is. Terrible.
i can't believe the Ball bros score 50+ pts every other game without ever crossing half court. They some real ballers ;)
If you guys would read the article, the Ball bro's are going to UCLA no matter who is coach. It has nothing to do with Alford.
It has EVERYTHING to do with La La Land. Daddy wants his kids to be in Hollywood land, especially when the Lakers suck.
You mean the ones that committed AFTER Ball committed? In fact, several saying they went to UCLA because of the Ball brothers? Those guys? One domino can lead to others. Look at the reverse happening in Washington right now. Porter is granted release, and immediately others demand release because they wanted to play with Porter.
Well that and the coach was fired lol geesh you kill me
I didn't predict he would keep his job. I said if we can't find someone better, there is no point in doing so. Not with the buyout, and it is bad form when you have a guy that just won 2 of the previous 4 conference titles. I said some here are not going to like the outcome, which I contend will still be the case. Though Glass has painted himself in such a corner, we'll probably have to pay ridiculous amounts to cover the bet he can't pay. Sad. Or, we get Alford to satiate the locals despite the fact he is a worse coach and person than Crean is. Terrible.
He is a better coach than Crean.
You mean the ones that committed AFTER Ball committed? In fact, several saying they went to UCLA because of the Ball brothers? Those guys? One domino can lead to others. Look at the reverse happening in Washington right now. Porter is granted release, and immediately others demand release because they wanted to play with Porter.

There is another big time recruiting class going there after Lonzo leaves and they all know he is leaving. I doubt any of them them care whether LiAngelo is there or not. He is going to be sitting on the bench waiving a towel cheering them on. Next you will probably claim he is better than all those 4 and 5 star guys they have coming in.
I didn't predict he would keep his job. I said if we can't find someone better, there is no point in doing so. Not with the buyout, and it is bad form when you have a guy that just won 2 of the previous 4 conference titles. I said some here are not going to like the outcome, which I contend will still be the case. Though Glass has painted himself in such a corner, we'll probably have to pay ridiculous amounts to cover the bet he can't pay. Sad. Or, we get Alford to satiate the locals despite the fact he is a worse coach and person than Crean is. Terrible.
Yeah, you did.

It shouldn't be too hard to find a better coach than Crean: I could find multiple high school coaches in my home Indiana county that are better. Plus, Crean has a duty to mitigate the buyout: if he doesn't try hard enough, it is a contract breach. I think you were shooting for 2 of the previous 5: 2013 was 5 years ago. More like 2 out of 9 years, and if you are going to emphasize the Big Ten, Crean had a losing Big Ten record and never won the BTT. He was like 2-16 against Wisky. Not to mention NCAA disappointment and .551 winning percentage. Not to mention, his product lacked fundamentals, defense, rebounding, etc. Totally justified firing, should have happened a few years ago, probably sooner.

In life, you get up off the dead horse and get on another: you try. You are saying that IU can't do any better than a dead horse and that people will be sorry for looking for a live horse? So, anybody that gets up off of a dead horse and searches for a new horse has "painted themselves into a corner", is "doomed to fail," and is "delusional, terrible, and classless?" Interesting. Sounds like you know you have been wrong and are doubling down on stupid. Also a real sorry ass way to go through life. You certainly stand alone: sad, terrible.
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Yeah, you did.

It shouldn't be too hard to find a better coach than Crean: I could find multiple high school coaches in my home Indiana county that are better. Plus, Crean has a duty to mitigate the buyout: if he doesn't try hard enough, it is a contract breach. I think you were shooting for 2 of the previous 5: 2013 was 5 years ago. More like 2 out of 9 years, and if you are going to emphasize the Big Ten, Crean had a losing Big Ten record and never won the BTT. He was like 2-16 against Wisky. Not to mention NCAA disappointment and .551 winning percentage. Not to mention, his product lacked fundamentals, defense, rebounding, etc. Totally justified firing, should have happened a few years ago, probably sooner.

No, 2 of 4 going into this season. Bob Knight never won the BTT either. In fact, IU has never won the BTT. We're the only Blue Blood supposed elite program in the country to never have won their conference tournament. If his product lacked fundamentals, then guys wouldn't have progressed and done from 3 stars to NBA players. His problem was that he didn't always get the kids he needed to run his system, and he was poor in adapting to the players he got. With the right players, his system was very successful. When he didn't have the right players, he still forced. That was poor on his part.
No, 2 of 4 going into this season. Bob Knight never won the BTT either. In fact, IU has never won the BTT. We're the only Blue Blood supposed elite program in the country to never have won their conference tournament. If his product lacked fundamentals, then guys wouldn't have progressed and done from 3 stars to NBA players. His problem was that he didn't always get the kids he needed to run his system, and he was poor in adapting to the players he got. With the right players, his system was very successful. When he didn't have the right players, he still forced. That was poor on his part.
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017: 2 out of 5, actually 2 out of 9, and I wouldn't hold my breath that he would have won one next year. Plus, the mediocrity I just stated. Totally justified firing: you stand alone.

Please don't tell me that I need to differentiate Bob Knight from Tom Crean: it goes beyond the BTT. RMK lost one game in a two year period. 3 National Championships. 3rd most wins all time. 11 Big Ten Titles in 22 years. IU can do better than Crean: look no further than RMK (or Branch). These are the time period you need to be focusing on like a laser, not the previous 20 years or so.

Obviously, you've never played bball a day in your life. You don't know what defense, rebounding, valuing the ball, etc. is supposed to look like. This was a pervasive problem since day one. For every Oladipo, there were 10+ whiffs. I am guessing it was more Oladipo and less Crean that he was good. Crean's system was, at best, good. Overall, it was very inconsistent and a failure due to the resources he had at his disposal. You just described poor roster management.

Doubling down on stupid, my friend: doubling down on stupid.
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I'm surprised anyone actually needs to be told this. Hasn't it been common knowledge since, like, forever?

He's doing this with almost every coach mentioned in an attempt to validate Crean's coaching ability, and because he's severely butthurt about Crean getting fired. Though in this instance he may be correct, I highly doubt his sincerity, intent and reasoning.

Also, he was all over the board days before our emancipation from orange mediocrity claiming Crean would be back and pretty much being a pompous jerk about it. He's not on "our" side, he's one of the last CBLs and clearly an obsessed one.
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He's doing this with almost every coach mentioned in an attempt to validate Crean's coaching ability, and because he's severely butthurt about Crean getting fired. Though in this instance he may be correct, I highly doubt his sincerity, intent and reasoning.

Also, he was all over the board days before our emancipation from orange mediocrity claiming Crean would be back and pretty much being a pompous jerk about it. He's not on "our" side, he's one of the last CBLs and clearly an obsessed one.
As a rule, I forget everything about every freeboard poster four seconds after I read/respond to them.
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He's doing this with almost every coach mentioned in an attempt to validate Crean's coaching ability, and because he's severely butthurt about Crean getting fired. Though in this instance he may be correct, I highly doubt his sincerity, intent and reasoning.

Also, he was all over the board days before our emancipation from orange mediocrity claiming Crean would be back and pretty much being a pompous jerk about it. He's not on "our" side, he's one of the last CBLs and clearly an obsessed one.

Agree. Alford is no higher than 10th on my list (if he even makes 10th) of the coaching prospects but I think most of the reasons you read about on this board for not bringing him in are crap. If he is disliked in Indiana by the HS coaches and what I see on defense are the 2 main reasons. I really like watching UCLA play but the defense can be pretty low on effort and Alford doesn't seem to hold them as accountable compared to some of these other coaches.
I'm surprised anyone actually needs to be told this. Hasn't it been common knowledge since, like, forever?

Did you not read some of the posts here last week from fans saying to hire Steve so he can bring the Ball kids here? Or other posters saying that Steve is the reason the Balls went to UCLA? It was comical then, hilarious now.
Last year, Crean one of three finalists for national coach of the year. Alford giving back a year of his contract after 15-17 record. We can do this all day if you wish.

Year to year, things change. I've given you three articles from highly respected sports publications all saying Alford is no better and even worse than Crean.
I'm sure ALford will be mentioned this year for coach the year also. I am not endorsing Alford but I think he would have more success than Crean. Personally I want...Marshall, Mack or A. Miller
Did you not read some of the posts here last week from fans saying to hire Steve so he can bring the Ball kids here? Or other posters saying that Steve is the reason the Balls went to UCLA? It was comical then, hilarious now.

Since there were so many of them and it was just last week, it ought to be really easy for you to link them then......just like I did this one.

vbg ..

Crean. Still. Sucks.
I'm sure ALford will be mentioned this year for coach the year also. I am not endorsing Alford but I think he would have more success than Crean. Personally I want...Marshall, Mack or A. Miller

LOL. The guy didn't even win his conference. He didn't even finish second in his conference. You think he is going to be mentioned for Coach of the Year? OMG
LOL. The guy didn't even win his conference. He didn't even finish second in his conference. You think he is going to be mentioned for Coach of the Year? OMG
After a bad year and then turning in a big season like this, yes he will get mentioned. Not many people care about conference titles. Heck who even won the PAC-12??
After a bad year and then turning in a big season like this, yes he will get mentioned. Not many people care about conference titles. Heck who even won the PAC-12??

LOL. My God. Seriously, my God. He was PICKED TO WIN THE PAC 12 by some, and he finished third in his own conference.

Here are the 10 finalists this year. NO STEVE ALFORD on the list.


Chris Collins, Northwestern
Scott Drew, Baylor
Mark Few. Gonzaga
Bob Huggins, West Virginia
Tim Jankovich, SMU
Sean Miller, Arizona
Rick Pitino, Louisville
Bill Self, Kansas
Mike White, Florida
Jay Wright, Villanova

That list was cut to 4 last week. Collins, Wright, Self and Few

Here were the 3 finalists last year, from which Crean was one of the final 3.

Just stop, you are exposing yourself beyond ridicule. NO STEVE ALFORD. NADA
Go back last week when some of our elite brethren here actually said the Ball bros would follow Alford here. It was comical then, it is hilarity now. UCLA will replace Alford with a better coach the second Alford walks out the door, and the Ball bros were always going to UCLA, regardless of who was coaching there.

Point is, Alford's run this year is the outlier, and it is because of Mr. Ball. His 22 year record is actually worse than Crean's. But hey, he played for us, so that's all that matters. Then there's Pierre Pierce-----
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