Lat week Angelo Pizzo joined top talk about Gene Hackman and 'Hoosiers.'

Always fun speaking with Angelo, but after the recent loss of Gene Hackman we were able to learn that Burt Reynolds, Jack Nicholson, & Robert Duvall could have been 'Norman Dale'
I saw this video yesterday and learned some interesting things. Milan had beaten Crispus Attucks in the semi final which was lead by Oscar Robertson. In the movie the coaches of South Bend Central was the Crispus Attucks coach and Oscar Robertson's brother.
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And I believe they defeated the Muncie Central Bearcats in the finals.
I have a book on it that goes through their 2 year run (forget who beat them the year before... Terre Haute Gerstmeyer?), and profiles every player and Coach Marvin Wood. It's an easy and fun read and gives lots of extra details (they drove around Monument Circle backwards with a police escort after they won). I'll have to see if I can dig it up, but if anyones really interested in Milan, or IN high school bball history, it's worth reading. Bobby Plump was the guest speaker at our sports banquet my senior year (1983 Southport Cardinal!), and was entertaining.
  • George: I don't know why Cletus drug your tired old bones in here, he musta owed you somethin' fierce. Fact is, mister, you start screwin' up this team, I'll personally hide-strap your ass to a pine rail and send you up the Monon Line!
  • George: Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with.
The words …
Opal: “The sun don’t shine on the same dog’s ass every day, but mister, you ain’t seen a ray of light since you got here. I believe it’s time we had a talk. Sunday. Supper.”
  • George: I don't know why Cletus drug your tired old bones in here, he musta owed you somethin' fierce. Fact is, mister, you start screwin' up this team, I'll personally hide-strap your ass to a pine rail and send you up the Monon Line!
  • George: Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with.
I guess IU would never have hired Norman Dale unless Cletus was the AD.
Several years ago I got the 25th anniversary DVD of Hoosiers . It had some parts that were cut out because of time restraints. If you can get that DVD it is good because it helped clear up some question, like how the one player who quit got back on the team . Hoosiers is the greatest movie ever made about the greatest sport ever played , basketball .
Several years ago I got the 25th anniversary DVD of Hoosiers . It had some parts that were cut out because of time restraints. If you can get that DVD it is good because it helped clear up some question, like how the one player who quit got back on the team . Hoosiers is the greatest movie ever made about the greatest sport ever played , basketball .
How did Buddy get back on the team?
Cletus’ daughter brought him to meet with coach Dale , and the short version was he apologized, and asked for a second chance . There is more to it , but thanks to him being back on the team we found out that the gum the guy he was guarding was Juicy Fruit .
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Cletus’ daughter brought him to meet with coach Dale , and the short version was he apologized, and asked for a second chance . There is more to it , but thanks to him being back on the team we found out that the gum the guy he was guarding was Juicy Fruit .
  • [Shooter is coaching the team at a critical moment after Coach Dale was ejected] You think #22's gonna take their last shot, Dad?
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: Yeah, probably... they been pickin' low all night. Rade, let yourself get taken out! Uh, Buddy, drop down and take his place! Close that lane!
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: [after Buddy Walker steals the ball] Time! Time!
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: Alright, boys, this is the last shot we got! We're gonna run the picket fence at 'em! Merle, you're the swingman... Jimmy, you're solo right! Everett, Merle should be open on the other side of that fence! Now, boys, don't get caught watchin' the paint dry!
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  • [Shooter is coaching the team at a critical moment after Coach Dale was ejected] You think #22's gonna take their last shot, Dad?
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: Yeah, probably... they been pickin' low all night. Rade, let yourself get taken out! Uh, Buddy, drop down and take his place! Close that lane!
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: [after Buddy Walker steals the ball] Time! Time!
  • Wilbur 'Shooter' Flatch: Alright, boys, this is the last shot we got! We're gonna run the picket fence at 'em! Merle, you're the swingman... Jimmy, you're solo right! Everett, Merle should be open on the other side of that fence! Now, boys, don't get caught watchin' the paint dry!
Absolutely beautiful movie. If you're a born and bred Hoosier (like me) it's special.
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