Know Your Opponent


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

For purely entertainment purposes the guy to keep an eye on on Offense is #1 Flores Jr. and the fellow to watch on their D is #7 Wallace... Both are dangerous playmakers... Hopefully, they'll be little or nothing to see there...

There's a ultra-slim possibility that we might catch them looking ahead a bit (towards LSU) but given that this game has historic significance to their program in that it's their first as a Big Ten Conference member that's probably unlikely... I expect we'll see their best shot...

Had forgotten that I'd started a similar thread below... 😖 🙄🙉🙈 I'll just leave this up though since it has at least one more article to consider...😎

New Student Standing Area directly behind our bench is supposed to "intimidate" our players... :

Somehow I can't imagine the scrawny, unbathed, let's go protest the latest faux cause, types who would appear to make up their student fan base as being able to "intimidate" anyone..., much less a Team of Big Ten Football players...,but I suppose they can always hope... The best UCLA can expect from this move is to possibly slightly distract rather than actually intimidate... (in my opinion).

* Milton posted a fine pure football synopsis down in the "overview" thread that's worth reading...*
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For purely entertainment purposes the guy to keep an eye on on Offense is #1 Flores Jr. and the fellow to watch on their D is #7 Wallace... Both are dangerous playmakers... Hopefully, they'll be little or nothing to see there...

There's a ultra-slim possibility that we might catch them looking ahead a bit (towards LSU) but given that this game has historic significance to their program in that it's their first as a Big Ten Conference member that's probably unlikely... I expect we'll see their best shot...

Had forgotten that I'd started a similar thread below... 😖 🙄🙉🙈 I'll just leave this up though since it has at least one more article to consider...😎

New Student Standing Area directly behind our bench is supposed to "intimidate" our players... :

Somehow I can't imagine the scrawny, unbathed, let's go protest the latest faux cause, types who would appear to make up their student fan base as being able to "intimidate" anyone..., much less a Team of Big Ten Football players...,but I suppose they can always hope... The best UCLA can expect from this move is to possibly slightly distract rather than actually intimidate... (in my opinion).
* Milton posted a fine pure football synopsis down in the "overview" thread that's worth reading...*

76, did it occur to you they'll fill the student section behind our bench withSoCal coeds?