Knight appears at Greenwood (link)

No, I am married to a healthcare administrator that deals with matters of privacy and legal issues about the release of information every day. Privacy is the same regardless of if it is an old person with no next of kin or RMK.

What are the clear signs of dementia? Memory issues are just one of many. There are many others that would prevent him from getting in front of a crowd to speak. After my mom's stroke and year long struggle to recover, she had many cognitive tests. One doctor accused her of dementia to cover their ass after she fell out of bed. They put her on a bad pan and forgot about her. She didn't have dementia and forget she was not able to walk. She was trying to remove the bed pan because it hurt.

Medications and other conditions can give patients confusion. Older people that have their normal schedule interrupted by illness or change of locations can have a temporary dementia. We learned that mom would become confused when her CO2 level got too high due to her airway issues following her stroke. A breathing treatment cleared everything up

Until RMK or a family spokesman say different, he was an older gentleman having a bad day. If he wants us to know anything else, he can call the Indy Star. Don't hold your breath on that.
No one that I have seen in this thread is demanding an explanation from Coach Knight as to the source of his obvious confusion. To expect folks not to speculate; however, is unrealistic. And no one is violating Coach Knight's rights under HIPAA by such speculation.

My mother is diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and we've been caring for her and dealing with the effects of her disease for years. I'm pretty in tune with that disease.
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No one that I have seen in this thread is demanding an explanation from Coach Knight as to the source of his obvious confusion. To expect folks not to speculate; however, is unrealistic. And no one is violating Coach Knight's rights under HIPAA by such speculation.

My mother is diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and we've been caring for her and dealing with the effects of her disease for years. I'm pretty in tune with that disease.
I didn't say anyone was asking for an explanation. My point is nobody should be speculating on his condition. If there is something going on with him, disclosing that that should only come from him and not a poster or a writer for the Star. There were some saying he had dementia and someone mentioned Alzheimer's.

I am sorry for your mom. It is a difficult disease for the family. My Grandma went through that.
I didn't say anyone was asking for an explanation. My point is nobody should be speculating on his condition. If there is something going on with him, disclosing that that should only come from him and not a poster or a writer for the Star. There were some saying he had dementia and someone mentioned Alzheimer's.

I am sorry for your mom. It is a difficult disease for the family. My Grandma went through that.
Speculation is going too occur, especially for people who actively put themselves in the public square like RMK. Not up to you or anyone else to tell anyone how they should address it. Sad, but that’s the reality whether you like it or not.
So, it is okay for uninformed people to play doctor and spread rumors about someone? If he does have what people are claiming, they must feel pretty big for picking on a sick person and disclosing something before he was ready.

People have a right to privacy. They most definitely don't need people making up what they don' know. People posting or writing he has dementia or Alzheimer's need to stop and let the man live. There are many temporary and permanent reasons for confusion.
For Bobby that's arguably true, but his appearing at events with him as the draw undercuts it.

However if you run for president, and especially if the electors make you president, the public has every reason to discuss your sanity or lack thereof. It would be great if that had not become the case.

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