Julius Gizzi

This is the type of guy that you recruit to build a relationship with, but don't offer a scholarship. Right now he's not a B10 player, but neither were Cam Spencer or Dalton Knecht in high school. Certainly not saying he's an NBA lottery pick like those guys, but you can't ignore a guy that puts up numbers like that.
if you recruited every d3 player who might become a d1 player you would waste a tremendous amount of time.
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One of the things I love about basketball: you just never know who the good players are. Some guys, like Giannis look to be carved from stone, but then there are guys like Luka, who aren't and guys like Khalid El Amin, Antoine Joubert, or Skiles who don't look at all like players. We had a bad men's HS team back in the early 80s at Southport, but 2 of the best 80ballers in our school were burnouts. They'd have really helped our team had they played and probably would have both been starters. They were good in pickup games and intramurals.
In the early 80s, you would've had Jim Bushur on those teams. That would've been pretty good just with him.
In the early 80s, you would've had Jim Bushur on those teams. That would've been pretty good just with him.
I graduated in 83. Bushur was a few years after me. I think his brother was in my class though. We had a pretty solid team my freshman year and I think they won County, or gotten to the finals, which was a big deal for Southport, because Warren, North Central and Ben Davis dominated in those days. But after that we just didn't have a lot of talent. We did have Brian Helms, who I think went to Cincy, but not a lot to go with him and he was a year ahead of me, so by my senior year we had some role players but no stars/leaders.
This is the type of guy that you recruit to build a relationship with, but don't offer a scholarship. Right now he's not a B10 player, but neither were Cam Spencer or Dalton Knecht in high school. Certainly not saying he's an NBA lottery pick like those guys, but you can't ignore a guy that puts up numbers like that.
Cam Spencer? Unless he's been tearing it up in the combine (or whatever they call it) I would question if he'll even be drafted. Does the NBA think more highly of him? I'd have not thought of him as a first rounder, but a great college player and crucial pick up for UConn.
You'd have to see him to understand it...but I think its a pretty long shot that he ends up as an IU level player...or even really an effective D1 player anywhere.

But he's just so strong with the ball, and uses that and his body control to get pretty much anywhere he wants. And when he gets there, he is incredible at spins, pump fakes, step throughs, up and unders...its just very hard for a typical Indiana high school player to guard him.

If he was playing against a guy like Galloway though, I think he'd struggle to do all those things I mentioned effectively. He'd probably have to change his game a little bit, and become more of a distributor out of all those moves he has. I'm not sure he's fast enough to be an effective D1 guard though.

In the end, hes a really, really damn good basketball player. So the flip side to my argument is that. And that he might be the type of kid that would figure out how to thrive in any situation.
He'd have trouble with a guy like Galloway. A defender like Dane Fife would have stuffed him in a trash can.
He'd have trouble with a guy like Galloway. A defender like Dane Fife would have stuffed him in a trash can.
I have no way of knowing what Gizzi’s ceiling is. He may have reached it…..but he’s a gamer. Another year and we’ll know more.
I graduated in 83. Bushur was a few years after me. I think his brother was in my class though. We had a pretty solid team my freshman year and I think they won County, or gotten to the finals, which was a big deal for Southport, because Warren, North Central and Ben Davis dominated in those days. But after that we just didn't have a lot of talent. We did have Brian Helms, who I think went to Cincy, but not a lot to go with him and he was a year ahead of me, so by my senior year we had some role players but no stars/leaders.
Yeah, Jim was an '85 HS grad.
Cam Spencer? Unless he's been tearing it up in the combine (or whatever they call it) I would question if he'll even be drafted. Does the NBA think more highly of him? I'd have not thought of him as a first rounder, but a great college player and crucial pick up for UConn.

I was more referring to Knecht, who could end up a top 3 overall pick after starting at a Juco and then Northern Colorado before finally getting his shot for a power conference team.

Spencer however is likely going to be drafted by someone in the second round with the way the NBA values shooting these days. He put up over 14 ppg very efficiently on a championship team, so I'd be shocked if he wasn't drafted.
if you recruited every d3 player who might become a d1 player you would waste a tremendous amount of time.

Not every player, just those who go from playing mostly JV as a freshman to averaging 8 ppg as a soph. to almost 30 ppg as a jr.

He might never be a D1 player, but he's a good enough shooter that he's worth keeping an eye on.

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