Is that why you never had any hazardous duty? I thought you spent your service time in Monterey (I did two years of my service there and it's great) and in German beer halls. Didn't know you also did time in the PI. I bet you did more than drink with the lady boys, right?I doubt the swabby has run into a burning building.
And I don't think drinking with the lady boys in the Philppines counts as hazardous duty.
As for me, I spent quite a bit of time in hazardous duty zones including very short stints in Iraq and Afghanistan in my last year of service. There was even a missile attack on the FOB in Iraq which I stayed in. You get any time at all in hazardous duty zones?
I've never run into a burning building, but I have fought a shipboard fire along with my shipmates while in my second ship in the Persian Gulf. One of my Sailors was injured and medevac'd from the Bahrain to Germany with severe lung injuries. You probably were long gone from your arduous tour of the German beer halls. My Sailor ended up medically discharged from the Navy. You'd probably make fun of his service without knowing a thing about it because that's what you do.
Stop being an ankle biting POS. We had an agreement that I wouldn't respond to you unless you mentioned me or responded to me. You're not fooling anyone smarter than you with the "swabby" nonsense, and I'm far smarter than you.
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