Job must be put on the line

Mar 17, 2017
for Fred Glass. This has been a comedy show of epic proportions the last several years, that has lasted way too long. The time has come, where the new hire must be top notch and not a leftover or a wannabe. The immediate hire of Allen in football after Wilson's departure was extremely quick and risky. IU cannot afford another quick irrational fix in basketball or it should be the end of Glass.
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His comment about racking up national championships was a bit over the top. At this point most of us will be happy to see players who can execute a pick and roll, centers who don't wander beyond the arc, defenders who can fight through screens and point guards that don't turn the ball over and can execute a pass to the low post.
The way I look at it, Glass needs to approach this like it were a draft so to speak. Get the best available that is willing to come. Alford needs to be left as last resort. I'm hoping it is one of the two NBA guys we all want.
His comment about racking up national championships was a bit over the top. At this point most of us will be happy to see players who can execute a pick and roll, centers who don't wander beyond the arc, defenders who can fight through screens and point guards that don't turn the ball over and can execute a pass to the low post.
Why is it "over the top"?

If we are truly a blue-blood ala Duke, UK, UNC, etc. we SHOULD have the mentality that we will have a coach that should have us in the conversation of a Natty ie.. top 5-10 most years. We have been down in the valley too long, with occasional rises here and there (Cody, Vic years).

There will be a changing of the guard in the top college coaches in the next few years and it's time for IU to rise again. I say bring on the high expectations. Glass knows he has to hit a grand salami- after that presser, he HAS to walk the walk. I'm cautiously optimistic on Billy D-think there is too much smoke to not have some merit. If not, I would be happy with Marshall and maybe take a flyer (pun intended) on Archie. Why someone like Archie or Marshall?

The Coach K's, Pitino, Calimari, Few were one time assistants or started at smaller programs and worked their way up. Marshall, Archie, Mack might be the next generation of "program coaches" that will take over the blue-bloods. Whose to say if we land one of those guys, they can't take us to the promised land? Maybe not as quick as a Billy D, but as long on the trajectory is going up; I"d be ok with it.
His comment about racking up national championships was a bit over the top. At this point most of us will be happy to see players who can execute a pick and roll, centers who don't wander beyond the arc, defenders who can fight through screens and point guards that don't turn the ball over and can execute a pass to the low post.

Hoeppner (RIP) came into his first press conference with a rose and our football program is no where near the stature of our basketball program. I expect us to shoot for the top. It has been done here 5 times which is more than 99% of the other schools in D1. You will fall short of that goal more often than not but it should always be the goal.

"What can I do today to help Indiana University win another banner?" That is how I think we should approach this from the top down w.r.t. our program.
for Fred Glass. This has been a comedy show of epic proportions the last several years, that has lasted way too long. The time has come, where the new hire must be top notch and not a leftover or a wannabe. The immediate hire of Allen in football after Wilson's departure was extremely quick and risky. IU cannot afford another quick irrational fix in basketball or it should be the end of Glass.
Yes, because the football program is exactly the same as the basketball program. DWS

And Allen is a good coach, so...
His comment about racking up national championships was a bit over the top.

I disagree. He didn't say he expected it in 2018. He's merely articulating what he wants the program to be, which is of course what we all want it to be. I have no problem with Glass suggesting big goals. Now doing what it takes is part 2. Let's see if if has the goods.

I admit that when I watched him he came off like a guy who was confident that he was in a good position.
Hoeppner (RIP) came into his first press conference with a rose and our football program is no where near the stature of our basketball program. I expect us to shoot for the top. It has been done here 5 times which is more than 99% of the other schools in D1. You will fall short of that goal more often than not but it should always be the goal.

"What can I do today to help Indiana University win another banner?" That is how I think we should approach this from the top down w.r.t. our program.

"Coach Glass" calling for national championships is kind of like Coach Hoeppner calling for the Rose Bowl... except Coach Glass isn't a coach.
for Fred Glass. This has been a comedy show of epic proportions the last several years, that has lasted way too long. The time has come, where the new hire must be top notch and not a leftover or a wannabe. The immediate hire of Allen in football after Wilson's departure was extremely quick and risky. IU cannot afford another quick irrational fix in basketball or it should be the end of Glass.

Is there anything that's been said which indicates to you that Glass isn't aware of the magnitude of this decision? What you've stated is Capt. Obvious stuff.
Yes, because the football program is exactly the same as the basketball program. DWS

And Allen is a good coach, so...

Did I say the two sports were comparable? I'll tell you what is comparable. Fans are not happy in either sport right now. Allen a good coach? Are you serious? He's been a DC most of his college career. He is unproven AS a head coach. Get a clue next time before such nonsense is posted.
Is there anything that's been said which indicates to you that Glass isn't aware of the magnitude of this decision? What you've stated is Capt. Obvious stuff.

Really? I don't see anyone else demanding Glass put himself on the line for this. It sure seems to me he can't ever make the right decision until after it is correcting a blunder already made. Perhaps he needs to step down if hiring and firing aren't his strong suit.
Doubtful that Allen gets close to Wilson's level.. Glass handled the football situation poorly. Hopefully he has plenty of help on the basketball hire.
Allen was exactly the right hire, and it really isn't a significant hurdle to match Wilson's record. Had Allen not been here last year the Hoosiers would have likely won 2 or 3 games - in year 6 of KW's tenure.
Glass had to make a choice between Wilson and Allen. Allen was gone otherwise. Glass was smart enough to see that Allen was the better long-term choice to lead this program. Wilson will do well as OC at OSU where he doesn't have to be a program leader and where his character won't be a detriment to the overall product. Tom Allen is not only a heck of a football coach, he is a motivator, a man of impeccable character, and a true leader with a much higher ceiling than Kevin Wilson. He will continue to add to what KW began.
Allen was exactly the right hire, and it really isn't a significant hurdle to match Wilson's record. Had Allen not been here last year the Hoosiers would have likely won 2 or 3 games - in year 6 of KW's tenure.
Glass had to make a choice between Wilson and Allen. Allen was gone otherwise. Glass was smart enough to see that Allen was the better long-term choice to lead this program. Wilson will do well as OC at OSU where he doesn't have to be a program leader and where his character won't be a detriment to the overall product. Tom Allen is not only a heck of a football coach, he is a motivator, a man of impeccable character, and a true leader with a much higher ceiling than Kevin Wilson. He will continue to add to what KW began.
Allen was the right hire if you're happy with .500 records as your best seasons and an occasional bowl which for Indiana is a great season. He's the all defense answer to an all offense guy he replaced. Glass knows basketball is the bell cow so hopefully he gets this one right.
Really? I don't see anyone else demanding Glass put himself on the line for this. It sure seems to me he can't ever make the right decision until after it is correcting a blunder already made. Perhaps he needs to step down if hiring and firing aren't his strong suit.

Yeah, really. You're dumb.
Tom Izzo, out
Coach Pitino, out
Coach Wright, out
Coach Marshall, out
Coach Roy Williams, hanging by a thread

Anything can happen in the NCAA tournament.
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I actually meant Pitino and put Cal. For whatever reason I still have Pitino at Kentucky at times. Thank you for the correction
Hey man, it's understandable. When you're averaging a post every 12.3 seconds, you're bound to make a mistake or two.
Coach K, out
Coach Izzo, out
Coach Pitino, out
Coach Wright, out
Coach Marshall, out
Coach Roy Williams, hanging by a thread
Coach Cal, hanging by a thread

All in the second round

Anything can happen in the NCAA tournament.
Coach K, out
Coach Izzo, out
Coach Pitino, out
Coach Wright, out
Coach Marshall, out
Coach Roy Williams, hanging by a thread
Coach Cal, hanging by a thread

All in the second round

Anything can happen in the NCAA tournament.
When was the last time any of those guys actually failed to make the field ? Anything can happen, but it's nice if you can actually get there more than half of the time.

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