Ivermectin: wonder drug.

My mistake for not linking the video. Fixed now. Watch it and read the studies linked therein.

I get emotional about this topic. The people who made the decisions regarding covid policy, which turned the world upside down, were the least-affected by those policies. Eschewing Ivermectin use as a possible tool against the pandemic is nothing short of scandalous and probably criminal.
I got COVID and drank bleach. Cured.
It's amazing to me how the acceptance of a DRUG is driven by political leanings.

So what if someone wants to take it? Isn't that a personal decision? But no, if you don't toe the political line, you're mocked and ridiculed.

I'll bet a lot of people here take over-the-counter 'health' supplements that are totally unproven in a scientific study. Yet, that's not an issue with them.

This nation is turning into a nanny state. I can see now why the colonists wanted to break free of the 'benevolent' king.
Who Trump? Oh no he wasn’t benevolent just narcissistic.
I never mentioned Trump. Why are you obsessed with him?
Not obsessed just was taught as a child not to lie, call people fat or make fun of the handicapped. We’ve taught r kids and grandkids the same. U brought up the political so freed me to do the same.
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It's amazing to me how the acceptance of a DRUG is driven by political leanings.

So what if someone wants to take it? Isn't that a personal decision? But no, if you don't toe the political line, you're mocked and ridiculed.

I'll bet a lot of people here take over-the-counter 'health' supplements that are totally unproven in a scientific study. Yet, that's not an issue with them.

This nation is turning into a nanny state. I can see now why the colonists wanted to break free of the 'benevolent' king.
FDA hadn’t and won’t approve for Covid. I’m married to an RN who personally vaccinated thousands here in Florida. We believe in science. Guys who test this stuff r way smarter the we in the public. But if someone want to take a veterinary drug go for it. Just don’t blame the doctors, nurses and scientists if it doesn’t work or make u sick.
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Not obsessed just was taught as a child not to lie, call people fat or make fun of the handicapped. We’ve taught r kids and grandkids the same. U brought up the political so freed me to do the same.
He was talking about King George and the American colonists from the 1700's.

Ivermectin has been studied and re-studied all over the world now. The goal and results and conclusions vary. Most folks just pre-pick a desired result and then go find a study (or wait for one) that supports their conclusion.

Studies include whether it helps stop the spread, whether it helps minimize symptomatic Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten "hospitalization" from Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten ICU admission from Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten "venting" from Covid (pick a strain), and whether it helps prevent death (can't shorten) from Covid (pick a strain).

On this board, the discussion usually starts and stops with "Trump bad" and/or "Trump good" because, well, Trump, and because, well, partisan politics, and because, well, Cooler.
On this board, the discussion usually starts and stops with "Trump bad" and/or "Trump good" because, well, Trump, and because, well, partisan politics, and because, well, Cooler.
No. It's because his traveling shitshow continues (next stop - - Michigan), he continues to propagate the Big Lie, and he remains the most powerful figure in what used to be a great political party.
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He was talking about King George and the American colonists from the 1700's.

Ivermectin has been studied and re-studied all over the world now. The goal and results and conclusions vary. Most folks just pre-pick a desired result and then go find a study (or wait for one) that supports their conclusion.

Studies include whether it helps stop the spread, whether it helps minimize symptomatic Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten "hospitalization" from Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten ICU admission from Covid (pick a strain), whether it helps prevent or shorten "venting" from Covid (pick a strain), and whether it helps prevent death (can't shorten) from Covid (pick a strain).

On this board, the discussion usually starts and stops with "Trump bad" and/or "Trump good" because, well, Trump, and because, well, partisan politics, and because, well, Cooler.
Sure glad u pointed out the King George thing. With my third grade education I never would have picked up on that.
Not obsessed just was taught as a child not to lie, call people fat or make fun of the handicapped. We’ve taught r kids and grandkids the same. U brought up the political so freed me to do the same.
Don't blame me for your obsession. I didn't name any politician.

You're a typical immature Democrat who is obsessed with Trump.
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FDA hadn’t and won’t approve for Covid. I’m married to an RN who personally vaccinated thousands here in Florida. We believe in science. Guys who test this stuff r way smarter the we in the public. But if someone want to take a veterinary drug go for it. Just don’t blame the doctors, nurses and scientists if it doesn’t work or make u sick.
Do you have a link to anyone blaming doctors and scientists if something they took of their own free will didn't work?

I highly doubt you do - it's just another straw man you Dims like to throw out there to justify your I-know-what's-best-for-you attitude.
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Do you have a link to anyone blaming doctors and scientists if something they took of their own free will didn't work?

I highly doubt you do - it's just another straw man you Dims like to throw out there to justify your I-know-what's-best-for-you attitude.
There has to be standards and even though it's not perfect the medical field needs to rely on a method of testing that's approved by a governing body. Would you rather have a system that has no standards?
There has to be standards and even though it's not perfect the medical field needs to rely on a method of testing that's approved by a governing body. Would you rather have a system that has no standards?
Are you even reading what I'm writing?

I'm not against standards and I don't give a FF if ivermectrin is approved by the FDA or not. I'm saying it's up to the individual to decide whether to take something that they think may help them.

Just like many people take non-FDA approved dietary supplements. Do you go out of your way to mock and ridicule them?
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Do you have a link to anyone blaming doctors and scientists if something they took of their own free will didn't work?

I highly doubt you do - it's just another straw man you Dims like to throw out there to justify your I-know-what's-best-for-you attitude.
No I don’t have articles linking that. I just have my RN wife who had things thrown at her, sworn at and she and the doctors were specifically blamed for Covid. As I said she personally thousands of vaccinations all over western Florida from Naples to Tampa. Naples was the worst. Police were always there for the nurses protection.
All she was trying to do was to save lives. I made her quit because of all the harassment and she would get terribly upset because of it. And for the first two and a half months she was not allowed to get vaccinated herself by the company that hired her. So she was exposed every day to hundreds of people. But no I don’t have written articles u asked about.
oh yeah and they sent her to little Haiti in Miami and the national guard had to escort her and the other nurses out before they gave a single vaccination. Took them 4 miles from there for their own safety.
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Are you even reading what I'm writing?

I'm not against standards and I don't give a FF if ivermectrin is approved by the FDA or not. I'm saying it's up to the individual to decide whether to take something that they think may help them.

Just like many people take non-FDA approved dietary supplements. Do you go out of your way to mock and ridicule them?
U obviously didn’t read my post. Said folks could do what they want. Just don’t come crying when it goes sideways. And how many times do I have to repeat. Not a Democrat. Registered Republican. But changing my affiliation for midterms to independent. And u r an idiot. I know I’m not the first nor last to make that observation here.
U obviously didn’t read my post. Said folks could do what they want. Just don’t come crying when it goes sideways. And how many times do I have to repeat. Not a Democrat. Registered Republican. But changing my affiliation for midterms to independent. And u r an idiot. I know I’m not the first nor last to make that observation here.
How about we just talk bb instead of politics. I hate getting dragged down that rabbit hole. I’d hope we all do.
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Are you even reading what I'm writing?

I'm not against standards and I don't give a FF if ivermectrin is approved by the FDA or not. I'm saying it's up to the individual to decide whether to take something that they think may help them.

Just like many people take non-FDA approved dietary supplements. Do you go out of your way to mock and ridicule them?
Like you, I don't give a FF if people take ivermectin, or if they take supplements. Many of those supplements come with dangers. So my complaint in both cases is for people who proselytize either. Once people move from snake oil drinker into snake oil salesman there becomes a problem.
Ivermectin has been studied and re-studied all over the world now. The goal and results and conclusions vary.
On the contrary, the results are extraordinarily consistent. All double blinded controlled clinical studies show that it is as effective as throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder, placing a glass pyrimid in your window, or saying some magic incantations. As in... it does nothing, zip, NADA. The plus is maybe that it won't hurt you unless you take cattle doses.

All unblinded uncontrolled "let me try this" and "make it up as a go" non-studies show that... if I want to think it works, I will say that it does, and that's that. I may even publish it in the Gnaw Bone Medical Gazette or make a youtube video with my nurse buddy.
Are you even reading what I'm writing?

I'm not against standards and I don't give a FF if ivermectrin is approved by the FDA or not. I'm saying it's up to the individual to decide whether to take something that they think may help them.

Just like many people take non-FDA approved dietary supplements. Do you go out of your way to mock and ridicule them?
That's okay, but it could kill them, too. How many people were dying from COVID and regretted not getting the vaccine on their death bed? Steve Jobs took an experimental treatment for his very curable cancer. He changed his mind at one point and started to receive the proven chemotherapy, but it was too late.
On the contrary, the results are extraordinarily consistent. All double blinded controlled clinical studies show that it is as effective as throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder, placing a glass pyrimid in your window, or saying some magic incantations. As in... it does nothing, zip, NADA. The plus is maybe that it won't hurt you unless you take cattle doses.

All unblinded uncontrolled "let me try this" and "make it up as a go" non-studies show that... if I want to think it works, I will say that it does, and that's that. I may even publish it in the Gnaw Bone Medical Gazette or make a youtube video with my nurse buddy.

As effective AT WHAT?

I mentioned studies of multiple medical outcomes, around the globe, regarding multiple strains of Covid.

You did not.

You said "it" was "effective" as salt over the shoulder. But at what? Killing snails?
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**** you. We’re done. Take your hate about Trump and die from it.

I voted against him 4 times.

Assholes like you don’t care.

You are a fool and a hateful person.

Good bye.
Wow, first time I returned to this thread since my post. Weird that you point out you voted against Trump and attacked me for "not caring" (and being an asshole), when my response was to DANC. And I basically pointed out that DANC criticized my post, while trying to claim I said things I NEVER SAID. I'd be interested in you pointing out what I said that you found so offensive. Or more importantly WAS NOT TRUE?

I don't think of you as some non-partisan, although that's apparently your schtick. But I didn't necessarily think of you at the same level of phoney as mcphoney (who couldn't wait to jump in with the likes of Lucy and DANC). One confirmed troll and two who more or less fit the definition of saying things so absurd they almost have to be trolling...

I won't say you've never criticized Mas as "hateful" (which he is) since I can't really recall. I know mcphoney has called me stupid and an idiot, which would bother me if any of the respectable posters on the board expressed similar sentiment. But I also know mcphoney has never called Mas hateful or stupid, and unlike you never even expressed solidarity when one of his fellow right wingers criticizes Mas as too much of a wing nut.I believe you've given a like or two to posts calling Mas out, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt over whether you've expressed the same vitriol towards him as you have to me...

I do think it's interesting that people who have never described Mas's pro-Fascist anti-Semitic garbage as "hateful" chose to "like" a post which refers to me as "hateful". And it's pretty bizarre that my response to a a post from DANC claiming I said what I never said and attacking me for same, elicited your characterization of me as "hateful". I mean this is the post (not directed towards you, btw) that earned me the label as "hateful". On the surface I don't see anything particularly objectionable, but maybe I'm missing it?

"So do you ever respond to posts without employing Trumpian tricks like criticizing someone for things they did not say? Or in this case completely shifting the subject to one you apparently just made up?...

"Here is what cray said and what I responded to. Keep in mind his use of for(sic) should actually be four as in 4 years... The bolded is the question I was responding to...

How many has Biden killed by fooling you and your ilk he is even remotely capable of anything? Or even alive for that matter? 13 soldiers in Afghanistan in one day. How many military lives were lost due to any direct action of Trumps in for years?
Now I actually took it pretty easy on cray. He asked about all 4 of the Trump years, and I restricted my answer to the FIRST year (2017) of the Trump Presidency, since we were discussing the 13 military deaths in Biden's first year (2021). Obviously, if Trump's first year total of 33 is close to 3x Biden's total of 13 in 2021, then Trump's 4 yr total is going to be even higher...

Now can you explain what in the world this response from you...

"There were no US military deaths in Afghanistan for 18 months before the 13"

has any relevance to what I posted? For refresher my post in full...

"Did you even research this? There were 33 servicemembers killed in 2017, which represented the first INCREASE in casualties in a war zone in 6 yrs... In additioin to Afghanistan, US troops were killed in Yemen, Niger and Somalia..."

I then linked to the proof of what I posted, since I don't expect people to just take my word for it...

And you came back with your totally irrelevant and lacking context facebook meme as if I had somehow argued that there were casualties in Afghanistan after Feb 2020, when the peace accords were signed. Were you so intent on getting that facebook zinger in, that you didn't see "2017" right smack there in my post?

In actuality there were 11 additional deaths in 2020 mainly in aircraft crashes or other accidents, but again the totality of my point was that the 13 deaths in Biden's first year were barely a third of the deaths in Trump's first year. Now if you can find any mention of 2020 in my response to cray, then you and the two other reading comprehension challenged folks who liked your post can enjoy a mutual satisfaction moment pointing it out."

Hey it was a smartass post, in response to DANC claiming I said things I didn't. But "hateful" as in one of Mas's numerous posts including repetition of thinly veiled anti-Semitic tropes? I'm not seeing it...
U obviously didn’t read my post. Said folks could do what they want. Just don’t come crying when it goes sideways. And how many times do I have to repeat. Not a Democrat. Registered Republican. But changing my affiliation for midterms to independent. And u r an idiot. I know I’m not the first nor last to make that observation here.
No one is 'crying when it goes sideways'.

Another strawman you Democrats like to throw up when you're losing an argument.

What ID did you used to post under? I'm guessing with Bowelmania or Cosmic.
That's okay, but it could kill them, too. How many people were dying from COVID and regretted not getting the vaccine on their death bed? Steve Jobs took an experimental treatment for his very curable cancer. He changed his mind at one point and started to receive the proven chemotherapy, but it was too late.
What about "it's their choice" do you not understand?
How about we just talk bb instead of politics. I hate getting dragged down that rabbit hole. I’d hope we all do.
Responding to your own post! Did you forget which ID you're posting under?

What a clown you are!
Chris Cuomo is taking ivermectin for Covid. Yes, THAT Chris Cuomo.

Chris Cuomo’s stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic drug for COVID-19 has done a complete 180, as the news anchor who once said on CNN that anyone promoting it should be “shamed” now says he’s “taking a regular dose” to deal with his own struggles with long-term effects of an infection.

Cuomo shared in January that he’s suffering from “long COVID,” or the long-term lingering effects of a previous infection. This week on the PBD Podcast, a current-events show hosted by Patrick Bet-David, the NewsNation personality said he’s using the antiviral to help with an ongoing inflammatory response and “brain fog.”

“I’ll tell you something else that’s gonna get you a lot of hits,” Cuomo said. “I am taking … a regular dose of Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why?”

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Chris Cuomo is taking ivermectin for Covid. Yes, THAT Chris Cuomo.

He's an idiot, which is why he got fired by CNN. This has been studied multiple times. I can't believe this is still even being discussed.

If people want to take it, have at it. It has no effect on COVID.

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He's an idiot, which is why he got fired by CNN. This has been studied multiple times. I can't believe this is still even being discussed.

If people want to take it, have at it. It has no effect on COVID.

Science has literally brought us miracles. Unfortunately there’s nothing science can do for stupid.

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