Iran could be in danger of having some warships sunk.

Aloha Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Aug 30, 2001
USS McFAUL had a busy night chasing Iranian warships away from trying to seize two tankers, one the Iranians fired upon. What Iranians are doing is piracy and acts of war since they’re reportedly Iranian Navy ships.

USS McFAUL had a busy night chasing Iranian warships away from trying to seize two tankers, one the Iranians fired upon. What Iranians are doing is piracy and acts of war since they’re reportedly Iranian Navy ships.

How tough, exactly, is the Iranian navy? Seems like it might be something like Knight’s comment about a “flea trying to fvck an elephant.” That is, in relationship to the U.S. Navy.
Probably a last resort. The risk of escalation is more dangerous than their fleet. Can't see us being eager to engage in another war in the middle east
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Let's do it. I'm not a warmonger, but this is a country that needs embarrassed once in a while to keep it honest.
Considering all the American deaths Iran is responsible for I can’t say I wouldn’t be OK with sinking a few of their ships in self defense, or preemptive self defense under the right circumstances.
Considering all the American deaths Iran is responsible for I can’t say I wouldn’t be OK with sinking a few of their ships in self defense, or preemptive self defense under the right circumstances.
I hate to see innocent lives die, and I understand that in many (most?) cases, even soldiers are really innocent in the grand scheme, but this is a bad faith government and has been for a long time, and it shows no signs of changing. F*ck 'em.
Seems to me they're testing our capacity and resolve. I'd be surprised if there's another episode in the near term.
Nice. A proportional response. @Marvin the Martian

There are times I think Bartlett was right on that. If the enemy has factored in the retaliation and still done it, the retaliation isn't strong enough. I think this can be the equivalent of the Bull Durham."Throw it at the Bull" moment. Once adversaries know anything is possible, they will weigh decisions differently.
There are times I think Bartlett was right on that. If the enemy has factored in the retaliation and still done it, the retaliation isn't strong enough. I think this can be the equivalent of the Bull Durham."Throw it at the Bull" moment. Once adversaries know anything is possible, they will weigh decisions differently.
Agreed. Anything the adversary chalks up as the cost of doing business isn't enough. We need to do that, for sure, but then we also need to do plus something.
Age limit for officer commission is currently about 32, I believe. See an officer recruiter and see about it.
I can't believe that he is that old. how friggin long did he go to school? I'm starting to envision Rodney Dangerfield. jeez
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I can't believe that he is that old. how friggin long did he go to school? I'm starting to envision Rodney Dangerfield. jeez
I don’t know. I was just posting the age limit. There are also waivers, but I’m not an Officer recruiter so I don’t know all of them.
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USS McFAUL had a busy night chasing Iranian warships away from trying to seize two tankers, one the Iranians fired upon. What Iranians are doing is piracy and acts of war since they’re reportedly Iranian Navy ships.


iran has a "warship"?

Is it a pontoon or a tritoon?
Lets not over look Frank Burns as a possibility .
Col Flagg seems more fitting of a moderator

USS McFAUL had a busy night chasing Iranian warships away from trying to seize two tankers, one the Iranians fired upon. What Iranians are doing is piracy and acts of war since they’re reportedly Iranian Navy ships.

Perhaps it’s time to tattoo some Iranian hulls with the automated three inch deck guns.
Witnessed acts of piracy would seem, by common sense,
to be within the rules of engagement to maintain freedom of navigation.
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Take out one, in port, as a demonstration. Hell, give them a heads up that it's coming if they don't cut out the shit.
Nice. A proportional response. @Marvin the Martian
Seems to me they're testing our capacity and resolve. I'd be surprised if there's another episode in the near term.
There are times I think Bartlett was right on that. If the enemy has factored in the retaliation and still done it, the retaliation isn't strong enough. I think this can be the equivalent of the Bull Durham."Throw it at the Bull" moment. Once adversaries know anything is possible, they will weigh decisions differently.
Agreed. Anything the adversary chalks up as the cost of doing business isn't enough. We need to do that, for sure, but then we also need to do plus something.

Ronald Reagan’s approach was to make sure the response was more than the anticipated retaliation.
Those still seeking a deal with Iran would never accept that ‘cuz they won’t get their deal.
Maybe they can get a better deal by imposing more than the anticipated retaliation.
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Ronald Reagan’s approach was to make sure the response was more than the anticipated retaliation.
Those still seeking a deal with Iran would never accept that ‘cuz they won’t get their deal.
Maybe they can get a better deal by imposing more than the anticipated retaliation.
How much is more than anticipated? And how would you know that?