
It has been long enough since X’s and Syd’s injuries that the extent is known to staff on the inside. This is IU’s policy of not revealing injuries, and certainly their right.
I am a little surprised that some student has not taken a photo, observed something, etc. That might be a nice thing about the student body.
It has been long enough since X’s and Syd’s injuries that the extent is known to staff on the inside. This is IU’s policy of not revealing injuries, and certainly their right.
I am a little surprised that some student has not taken a photo, observed something, etc. That might be a nice thing about the student body.
The iu staff won't say anything til Saturday morning at 9am.
I don’t think any player should ever jump. Just look at the danger. Look at all of those opponent feet (there are 10 of them out there) that a player could land on. Look at Malik. What the hell was he thinking - jumping up in the air like that?
There are 18 feet out there if you count your teammates. 19 if you count the foot you are most likely to trip on (your own). So much of the dangers!

That's why I stick to doing porn. Very low chance of a sprained ankle or broken arm.
Just read "Bozich confirmed this morning both injuries are considered minor and won’t cause an extended absence for either guy. One of my sources said MR probably could have come back in the game but didn’t want to further the injury so sat out for precaution..."
Just read "Bozich confirmed this morning both injuries are considered minor and won’t cause an extended absence for either guy. One of my sources said MR probably could have come back in the game but didn’t want to further the injury so sat out for precaution..."
That looked severe when X landed. So grateful both of them will be able to play again this season.
That's why I stick to doing porn. Very low chance of a sprained ankle or broken arm.
You discovered the internet?

He's 6'2 and tried to tear the rim off of the backboard at full speed right after coming back from an injury, all over an Iowa big. He has gotten injured before by going too hard and landing awkwardly. Out of control normally doesn't end well.
This is possibly an early front runner for worst post of the calendar year.
I honestly don't know what the facts surrounding May's arm injury were. But, if I had to pick between those circumstances or going undefeated national champion, I'm picking the latter.

Sure, injuries happen, and you can't control others. Risk management and playing the next down are also ok.
I recall May's injury during the Purdue game being so insidious that he wasn't even aware it was broken until after the game was over and he had played through it. There was no defining mishap as to when the hairline fracture actually happened.

Knight later admitted one of his greatest mistakes, besides not recognizing Larry Bird's emotional needs, was playing May in the Kentucky game, arm in cast. If he had started Abernethy or Laskowski instead, banner #6 might be suspended from the ceiling in Assembly Hall, at this very moment, aka, right now.
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I thought he looked out of control. It's too bad if that play ends up being the last one in his IU career.
That was not out of control. Are you kidding? He drove hard to the hole with the intent on dunking the ball hard. You guys are nuts.
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He's 6'2 and tried to tear the rim off of the backboard at full speed right after coming back from an injury, all over an Iowa big. He has gotten injured before by going too hard and landing awkwardly. Out of control normally doesn't end well.
I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread. You guys can't believe the things you're typing. X drove strong to the hole and tried to dunk it, as he should have. He got unlucky. That's it. You'd rather he drives softly to the rim and throw up a shot that gets blocked and leads to a fast break the other way. This is ridiculous.
Those kinds of plays in traffic are always dangerous. Can X even dunk? He laid in a breakaway earlier, so I’m not sure. Clearly, he was trying to be uber aggressive and it would have been spectacular, but the risk/reward probably wasn’t worth it.
I couldn't disagree more. X can dunk. He has dunked multiple times in games while at IU. Couldn't disagree more.
Name a high level athlete that considers injury possibilities when trying to make a play.
This thread is astonishing to me. How can anyone think differently than what you are saying. Bunch of non-athletes, imo.