If you didn’t live in the USA where would you want to live?

Surprised no one has mentioned Texas.
There's no place like the Texas Hill Country. Love it. Beautiful scenery (and sunsets), wonderful people, and very cool critters. Only downside: "hot as a biscuit" in July and August. The rest of you just stay where you are.
How does it compare in terms of affordability? Random fact my buddy played soccer for Hajduk Split's youth academy with Toni Kukoc. Said Kukoc was a great player as s kid
It's cheap, half the price of Prague.

But much like Prague there are two different prices, the tourist price and the locals price. downtown Prague is expensive, out where live is not bad at all.

You get away from the coast and prices really drop.

It's really hard to compare European cost of living to the US. All these evil social programs make a huge difference to your daily life and costs/disposable income. But trying to discuss it with Americans, especially right leaning ones is a waste of time. too much propaganda for too long.
Oh for sure. Will be interesting to see if tourism is down . Heard from many Europeans they are afraid to visit the US now.
A few weeks ago I went to a meeting in Charleston SC that was, by design, 50% European and 50% American. I spent most of my time socializing with the Europeans. They were generally appalled at US politics and the right-wing tilt (they view even Biden as right-wing), though many of them had been educated in the USA.

One woman with young kids back in France had zoomed with her kids and they were asking if all Americans carry guns, and did she feel safe or instead out of place, carrying no guns at all.
A few weeks ago I went to a meeting in Charleston SC that was, by design, 50% European and 50% American. I spent most of my time socializing with the Europeans. They were generally appalled at US politics and the right-wing tilt (they view even Biden as right-wing), though many of them had been educated in the USA.

One woman with young kids back in France had zoomed with her kids and they were asking if all Americans carry guns, and did she feel safe or instead out of place, carrying no guns at all.
Gotta love that international media!
Gotta love that international media!
Blame the math programs. I think that they learn to read bar graphs at a young age. And this is old data, much worse since 2010.
@PhyloeBedoe - sorry guys. You’re wrong. It’s woke nonsense. I say it with Peace and love.

@INRnager27 not arguing with you here, and Im just adding more context. I believe the article you linked accurately identified whats going on in the US with the pivot towards using that word. And while the Sydney Herald published that article, its clearly been written by someone in the states.

I’ve spent quite a few years in Australia, starting in 2008, and ‘partner’ was one of the very first words that caught my ear that i had to adjust to. My wife at the time was only introduced as my partner. They have a rich lingo, to put it mildly, and it took a while for me to get up to speed. Words like ‘root’ being used in place for sex. A scone here is not a scone there. Anyone want to stop at ‘Maccas’ to use the dunny? ‘Arvo’ means afternoon. What’s a seppo?? Heard that word a few times, before someone informed me it was a derogatory term for an American. The word ‘suss’ was constantly being used way back then, and its funny to see it here now a few years later. The list of different terms and usage was long and took a minute to get used to. I enjoyed the challenge of learning all the lingo in order to not be left out of the convos.
Late to the party, but I just got back from Ireland about a month ago and if I had to leave the US, I'd go there.

I spent a lot of time in a relatively remote area on the west coast in County Mayo. One thing I discovered there that doesn't exist here. Relatively affordable homes on or close to the ocean/bay. Seriously, there were homes with pretty great views for what equals $200,000 - $300,000.
I've read that quite a few Americans are moving to Thailand.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica for sure... The only drawback is a US citizen can work FROM there but it's hard to find a job there (unless you can prove a native Costa Rican cannot perform the task). There are nuances to my last sentence based upon investment in real estate or a business there but nonetheless, it makes it harder for people (like us) who would consider moving but don't quite yet have the resources to make that large of an investment (at our present ages). We've discussed it with our 11 year old several times but not sure this will be an option until she's finished with high school. Canada is too cold and Australia is too far away but are also on the radar presently.
@INRnager27 not arguing with you here, and Im just adding more context. I believe the article you linked accurately identified whats going on in the US with the pivot towards using that word. And while the Sydney Herald published that article, its clearly been written by someone in the states.

I’ve spent quite a few years in Australia, starting in 2008, and ‘partner’ was one of the very first words that caught my ear that i had to adjust to. My wife at the time was only introduced as my partner. They have a rich lingo, to put it mildly, and it took a while for me to get up to speed. Words like ‘root’ being used in place for sex. A scone here is not a scone there. Anyone want to stop at ‘Maccas’ to use the dunny? ‘Arvo’ means afternoon. What’s a seppo?? Heard that word a few times, before someone informed me it was a derogatory term for an American. The word ‘suss’ was constantly being used way back then, and its funny to see it here now a few years later. The list of different terms and usage was long and took a minute to get used to. I enjoyed the challenge of learning all the lingo in order to not be left out of the convos.
Where you guys been?

The term "domestic partner" was getting used in the 60's and 70's - when everybody was free-lovin' and before gay marriage was legal.

I guess The Millennials dropped the "domestic" so they could culturally-appropriate the term without admitting cultural appropriation, which woulda required them to cancel themselves. Very complicated bullshit.

Jeebus I don't know why "live and let live" is so hard for the modern world. Language is bullshit. Living is the thing. Toss the stereotypes and just live. If that guy over there lives different, wave and go about your business. (Not you Phyloe - lamenting the world in general.)
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"Partner" has been common everywhere in the world ever since couples living together, whether married or not, has become common and the prior stigma largely dropped if there is no piece of paper.

"Boyfriend" and "girlfriend" are stupid terms for a live-in life partner and have been for decades.
Gotta love that international media!
Blame the math programs. I think that they learn to read bar graphs at a young age. And this is old data, much worse since 2010.

You're both right. International media isn't going out of their way to report negatively about the US, but they only report the big stories. I know you all think you are really important, but those outside the US don't really care what's happening there most days. The only stories that they see are the big ones and in most cases those are stories of disaster.

They also see the studies like OS posted and understand that reasonable gun regulations lead to less gun crime and death.

The polarization of the US means you have to be on one side or another. Too many in the US tie their identity to their political beliefs and it makes being wrong a strike against who they are.

There is no perfect policy, there is no perfect system, finding a fault in a policy or program only proves you know how to use google and can read, it's a pretty low bar. Comparing two systems is time consuming, somewhat boring at times and requires one to be ready to admit they might be wrong.
Dude, seriously, is it possible for you to engage in a civil conversation without taking shots at specific people? You come off as a sociopath.
I thought it was civil to offer to buy someone's ticket.

You come off as easily triggered.
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You're both right. International media isn't going out of their way to report negatively about the US, but they only report the big stories. I know you all think you are really important, but those outside the US don't really care what's happening there most days. The only stories that they see are the big ones and in most cases those are stories of disaster.

They also see the studies like OS posted and understand that reasonable gun regulations lead to less gun crime and death.

The polarization of the US means you have to be on one side or another. Too many in the US tie their identity to their political beliefs and it makes being wrong a strike against who they are.

There is no perfect policy, there is no perfect system, finding a fault in a policy or program only proves you know how to use google and can read, it's a pretty low bar. Comparing two systems is time consuming, somewhat boring at times and requires one to be ready to admit they might be wrong.
Get outta here with that reasonable thinking. There’s no place for that here.
He just hates the fact he is now “woke” instead of mysterious and aloof.


Irony is so ironical.

He is wokest of the woke!
I've posted this before, but I guess this is apt again:****ing-tell-me-what

Please Just ****ing Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand​

you don't get to insist that no one talks about your political project and it's weak and pathetic that you think you do​

Freddie deBoer
Nov 8, 2021

You know personally I’ve been achingly specific about my critiques of social justice politics, but fine - no woke, it’s a “dogwhistle” for racism. (The term “dogwhistle” is a way for people to simply impute attitudes you don’t hold onto you, to make it easier to dismiss criticism, for the record.) But the same people say there’s no such thing as political correctness, and they also say identity politics is a bigoted term. So I’m kind of at a loss. Also, they propose sweeping changes to K-12 curricula, but you can’t call it CRT, even though the curricular documents specifically reference CRT, and if you do you’re an idiot and also you’re a racist cryptofascist. Also nobody (nobody!) ever advocated for defunding the police, and if they did it didn’t actually mean defunding the police. Seems to be a real resistance to simple, comprehensible terms around here. Serwer is a guy who constantly demands that he and his allies be allowed to do politics on easy mode, but he’s just part of a broader communal rejection of basic self-definition and comprehensible terms for this political tendency. Also if you say things they don’t like they might try to beat you up. Emphasis on try.
If you ask these people, are you part of a social revolution?, they’ll loudly tell you yes! Yes they are! They’re going to shake society at its very foundations. Well, OK then -what do I call your movement? You reject every name that organically develops! I’ll use the name you pick, but you have to actually pick one. You can’t just bitch on Twitter every time someone tries to describe your political cohort, which again you yourself say intends to change the world. Name yourself or you will be named.
The basic stance of the social justice set, for a long time now, has been that they are 100% exempt from ordinary politics. BlackLivesMatter proponents have spent a year and a half acting as though their demand for justice is so transcendently, obviously correct that they don’t have to care about politics. When someone like David Shor gently says that they in fact do have to care about politics, and points out that they’ve accomplished nothing, they attack him rather than do the work of making their positions popular. Well, sooner or later, guys, you have to actually give a shit about what people who aren’t a part of your movement think. Sorry. That’s life. The universe is indifferent to your demand for justice, and will remain so until you bother to try to change minds. Nobody gives you what you want. That’s not how it works. Do politics. Think and speak strategically. Be disciplined. Work harder. And for ****’s sake, give me a simple term to use to address you. Please? Because right now it sure looks like you don’t want to be named because you don’t want to be criticized.
Edit: I might not have underlined this point enough - I sincerely am asking for a better term and would happily use one if offered. If woke, political correctness, identity politics, etc, are inflammatory terms, I'd be happy to substitute something that's not. But surely something is happening in our politics, and we have to be able to talk about it. So I'm asking for a name.
Not gonna read big huge blocks of text that go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare, until you feel like you're trapped in a dark desolate place, like maybe DANC's cerebrum
Was a discussion my kids had with their displeasure over the current rulings. They voted Canada because of the proximity to our family. But seriously what country would you move to and why?
Too cold.
Not gonna read big huge blocks of text that go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare, until you feel like you're trapped in a dark desolate place, like maybe DANC's cerebrum
So obsessed with someone you have on ignore!
Not gonna read big huge blocks of text that go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare and go on and on with no paragraphs like some never-ending nightmare, until you feel like you're trapped in a dark desolate place, like maybe DANC's cerebrum
You boy CosmicDebris specializes in those kind of posts.

I doubt if you're smart enough to understand his either.
Biden wants Texas to be part of Mexico so let's accomodate him. The oil in Texas could really help make Mexico such a great country. Would be such a better place to live. I'll put Mexico with Tejas as part of number 1 but since that is unlikely to happen,

1. Peru
2. spain
3. Uruguay
4. Costa Rica
5. Ukraine