If Alford is the new coach....


Oct 22, 2002
It seems likely that SA could be the next coach. I'm 50/50 on the idea. However, what if he hired Calbert Cheaney, Dane Fife, and Michael Lewis as his assistants? I could warm up to that idea. You could also substitute Greg Graham over Michael Lewis if you wanted. Calbert or Dane could be the associate head coach.

I think that staff would lock down the state, plus, it could win big. I could get on board with that staff. It's just a what if on this 8th day of waiting to hear who the new coach will be...........
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It seems likely that SA could be the next coach. I'm 50/50 on the idea. However, what if he hired Calbert Cheaney, Dane Fife, and Michael Lewis as his assistants? I could warm up to that idea. You could also substitute Greg Graham over Michael Lewis if you wanted. Calbert or Dane could be the associate head coach.

I think that staff would lock down the state, plus, it could win big. I could get on board with that staff. It's just a what if on this 8th day of waiting to hear who the new coach will be...........

Pretty sure Ed Schilling would come with him.
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It seems likely that SA could be the next coach. I'm 50/50 on the idea. However, what if he hired Calbert Cheaney, Dane Fife, and Michael Lewis as his assistants? I could warm up to that idea. You could also substitute Greg Graham over Michael Lewis if you wanted. Calbert or Dane could be the associate head coach.

I think that staff would lock down the state, plus, it could win big. I could get on board with that staff. It's just a what if on this 8th day of waiting to hear who the new coach will be...........

Alford is, by all evidence, not an elite coach. I can't get my head around the idea of hiring him. I will not "take to the boards" and complain if he is hired...I just won't be able to join in the celebration.
ESPN's noon radio report said that Alford's buyout was $ 7.8 million.

Is he worth that kind of investment???
It seems likely that SA could be the next coach. I'm 50/50 on the idea. However, what if he hired Calbert Cheaney, Dane Fife, and Michael Lewis as his assistants? I could warm up to that idea. You could also substitute Greg Graham over Michael Lewis if you wanted. Calbert or Dane could be the associate head coach.

I think that staff would lock down the state, plus, it could win big. I could get on board with that staff. It's just a what if on this 8th day of waiting to hear who the new coach will be...........
What is with this obsession with having every position filled with IU alums? That's such a stupid way of hiring people.
What is with this obsession with having every position filled with IU alums? That's such a stupid way of hiring people.

Thank you. I recoil every time people trot out a list of ex-IU players of questionable qualification for these positions. I don't get it.
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Thank you. I recoil every time people trot out a list of ex-IU players of questionable qualification for these positions. I don't get it.

I wouldn't say Fife and Lewis are questionable, as from what I've read they've done great jobs and are highly respected, but I do think it's stupid to put all IU guys on the staff.

Fans know we need players from other states, right?
Thank you. I recoil every time people trot out a list of ex-IU players of questionable qualification for these positions. I don't get it.

Questionable qualifications? Cheaney has already worked with IU and now St. Louis. Fife's been a D1 head coach, and a key assistant to Izzo. Lewis has been at Eastern Illinois, Butler, and Nebraska. They have experience, and they know the IU program well.
LOL Doug Gottlieb? Seriously?

Lon Kruger was a done deal in 08 too.
Was Doug also the one who liked Brad Brownell in 08? He could not even handle Clemson. Imagine what disaster that would be.
Alford is, by all evidence, not an elite coach. I can't get my head around the idea of hiring him. I will not "take to the boards" and complain if he is hired...I just won't be able to join in the celebration.
Crean wasn't an elite coach either and many here supported him for 8+ years. IF it is Alford, he deserves for us to give him a shot. Just like any coach we hire does.
LOL Doug Gottlieb? Seriously?

Lon Kruger was a done deal in 08 too.
That was Peegs and Rabjohns. Those clowns are still just as lost as they were back then. I can't believe people pay for their bogus info.
That was Peegs and Rabjohns. Those clowns are still just as lost as they were back then. I can't believe people pay for their bogus info.

It really is amazing how out of touch they are.

They had Crean about # 8 on their list and they took Sampson on their Hot Board list just hours before he was hired.

Rabs actually brags they are there for "news", not "speculation"......which I guess is fine....but why pay $10 a month for that.....especially when any "inside info" they DO put up is way off base?
Crean wasn't an elite coach either and many here supported him for 8+ years. IF it is Alford, he deserves for us to give him a shot. Just like any coach we hire does.
No 3+ yrs were a rebuild.
No such thing now..
No such luxury
Well, as long as we're playing this silly game:

HC: Joby Wright
Assistants: Steve Heiniger, Doug Allen, Steve Redenbaugh and Kim Pemberton.
What is with this obsession with having every position filled with IU alums? That's such a stupid way of hiring people.
I agree. Alford has no connection with that group except they all at one time played for RMK and IU. They might all be good assistants, but a coach is going to bring in assistants that will be loyal to him and not what would make the fans happy.

I would welcome Calbert back with any coach. I watched him before games and he walked around to each player during warm ups. He had the undivided attention of each player. He could really get the players to listen and you could see the respect for what he was saying.
It really is amazing how out of touch they are.

They had Crean about # 8 on their list and they took Sampson on their Hot Board list just hours before he was hired.

Rabs actually brags they are there for "news", not "speculation"......which I guess is fine....but why pay $10 a month for that.....especially when any "inside info" they DO put up is way off base?
If you think they're off base, read some of the science fiction at 24/7.
I agree. Alford has no connection with that group except they all at one time played for RMK and IU. They might all be good assistants, but a coach is going to bring in assistants that will be loyal to him and not what would make the fans happy.

I would welcome Calbert back with any coach. I watched him before games and he walked around to each player during warm ups. He had the undivided attention of each player. He could really get the players to listen and you could see the respect for what he was saying.

Calbert is easily my favorite player of all time. Best leader I ever saw.
That was Peegs and Rabjohns. Those clowns are still just as lost as they were back then. I can't believe people pay for their bogus info.
Was Rabjohn even there at the time in 08? I am pretty sure Peegs confirmed the old lesbian would be the IU coach an hour or so before Cream was hired. But he did know Davis was resigning over the weekend before it was announced on Tuesday in 06.
ESPN's noon radio report said that Alford's buyout was $ 7.8 million.

Is he worth that kind of investment???

The rumor originating from the internet was that Adidas would pay it as a way to stick it to UCLA for going to Under Armour. Although, from what I've read for a long time, I think many UCLA people would send Adidas a thank you note.
Crean wasn't an elite coach either and many here supported him for 8+ years. IF it is Alford, he deserves for us to give him a shot. Just like any coach we hire does.

We are in total agreement fpeaugh.

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