I think this is political


Feb 6, 2002
Does anyone know where to find out how much Dr King and the various leaders who participated in the NFL charade made tonight? I would love to be wrong but my assumption is the NFL paid them off to be apart of the festivities so we'd all ignore the Kaeparnick thing. From my experience leaders are easily paid off to turn their backs on their own causes.
You're probably the last one in America who cares about "the Kaepernick Thing". Is there anything that isn't a conspiracy theory in Trump World? #MAGA!!!!!!!

Does anyone know where to find out how much Dr King and the various leaders who participated in the NFL charade made tonight? I would love to be wrong but my assumption is the NFL paid them off to be apart of the festivities so we'd all ignore the Kaeparnick thing. From my experience leaders are easily paid off to turn their backs on their own causes.
Does anyone know where to find out how much Dr King and the various leaders who participated in the NFL charade made tonight? I would love to be wrong but my assumption is the NFL paid them off to be apart of the festivities so we'd all ignore the Kaeparnick thing. From my experience leaders are easily paid off to turn their backs on their own causes.


And why would you assume that’s the case? It may be true, but why post this without any type of direction/evidence?

I’d assume that they were paid for travel costs, hotel expenses, etc. That’s standard for any type of guest at large events.

And, I have seen that type of behavior as well. Essentially profiting from your profile, and neglecting your cause. But, here’s not a shred of evidence that’s the case here.

And, I disagree with your assessment about t being a “charade”. It’s a timeless message, in an area (Atlanta, Deep South) that tends to feel the ramifications (slavery) of long ago more deeply than other parts of the country.

I’d argue that this type of celebration is more important now than ever. The last blatantly racist president we’ve before Trump was Truman- and that was a totally different era (pre civil rights laws, see the Korematsu decision, etc).

But I’d guess you’d probably disagree with me on that as well. And that’s ok.

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