Well, if he insisted on a window he didn’t get his wish because it wasn’t one of his NCAA violations. If true, it seems video surveillance with hidden camera would be less obvious of an infraction. Then again, cell phone technology was new back then and Sampson thought those non-landline calls wouldn’t be monitored.
Okay, his Native American “range of brownish and wheatish skin shades with neutral undertone” according to Siri. I guess they don’t say it’s red anymore, ever since “Redskins” was banned by the loser’s Cancel Culture as too insensitive.
This is OT, but something about the Trail of Tears has always made me wonder. It was a horrible thing to force them off their land to godforsaken country no one else wants because crops don’t grow well there for the rocks too hot, , the dust too thick, etc, okay, I get that. Well, the Trail of Tears is now a two-way street so why haven’t they come back to better conditions? Why do they continue to confine themselves to the awful land of Indian reservations out West? Has our government granted them special privileges for remaining there and if so, why? It doesn’t make sense in today’s more forgiving climate change of morality. Fire away! (figuratively speaking)